A proposed merger of likes



Hi everyone,

I have a proposition that I would like to put forward to guilds of similar mind, level range and size of the Crusaders.

Myself and Belial took over the GMing role of Crusaders a month or two ago with a view to having our members enjoy the gaming experience more. Taking in the views of our members we now have a pretty good feel of what has to be done to give our members what they want. The idea was to create events both RvR and PvE (including epic).

Unfortunatly over the last 2-3 months we lost alought of our members who left the game, joined other servers or moved on to other guilds. What remians are the loyal few who want to stick together but also to activly participate in the end part of the game with fellow guildies.

We looked at merging with other guilds but the same thing always seems to happen when a merge is considered....too many conditions which invariably lead to a merger talk falling apart.

I have put forward the following proposal to the Crusaders members and this seems to be the way they want things to go.

We are looking for guilds, similar to ourselves who would like to look at the prospect of forming a new guild with a view to more guild participation in the end game of DAoC.

To give you an idea of what the people are like in Crusaders, the majority of our members have level 50 characters, but we have members ranging from 30+. Most of our level 50's have started on alt characters. Our attitude is simple, we like to have fun and we stick together as a guild as much as we can. We're all pretty much experienced players and most of us are of a mature nature. We are a very helpful bunch who really look out for both the guild and the realm. I'd also like to think that as a guild we have had a pretty good reputation throughout the realm.

If any guild (or individual) is interested in such an endevour then please get in touch with me either in game (preffered) or send me a PM. I don't really want to use this thread for discussions though. Should enough be interested then a meeting will be set-up that is mutually conveniant to all to discuss things further.

Regards, Shivian


Just want to say to any guild who do think it may be a good idea to merge with the crusaders should go ahead and ask shivian. In my opinion they are a great guild with lots of good players who have a lot of fun my guild would have done but my european tour resulted in them self destructing hehehehe. Anyway crusaders are great `nuff said :)


Para and Kat are no more, and so is Breeze whom joined ranks with Crusaders together with me, when we merged our guild The Chosen with Crusaders.
Basicly Crusaders is more or less the core of the old guild The Chosen now, I've decided to stick along with the core which I joined the game with, since I'm 100% loyal to what I join, and stick to the bitter end.

The problem is, as I see it, that Crusaders have members, but not enough, since most people work etc. - so we basicly dosen't have enough people online at the same time. And had a alot of defects (most joined Hibernia, traitors! :p - or continued their adventures on Excalibur).



I would just like to say be very wary of a Guild Merger, it is the reason Lords Of Justice went from being a potentially strong guild to now none existant.

You will have a core team that have been with the Crusaders for along time and probably gone 40+ lvls together over many months and developed a strong bond with each other.

Bring in the merger with a stack of not new but people from a similar situation, add to this a new Guild Master or 2 and a few new officers, this it not the Crusaders anymore and the loyalty factor goes right out of window.

There is always the possibilty of past hostilities between 1 0r 2 people from the merging guilds

All the above is what happened when loj merged I like Crusaders and wouldnt want them to go the same way

Ozwaldo lvl 50 Polearmsman


Never tried merging guilds in DAOC, but have in Ultima, and the advice is take it VERY slowly, group with the potential 'mergees' as often as you can for a few weeks and see how it looks - after all, time isn't really a constraint on this, if you find folks you get along well with then great, rush into a teamup and both guilds may end up regretting it.

Plus, of course, it would be a very good sign from your potential guildmates that they are patient enough to work a merger out properly rather than rush at it ;)

As Ozwaldo mentioned, one of the greatest problems in a merger is personal likes and dislikes of guild members - if you do go down the merge route, be prepared for a few good friends to leave the new guild, hopefully on good terms but it can go painfully wrong......


This is not a "merger" as such but the formation of a new guild. The identity of the old guilds will be left behind to create the new.

Yes, I've gone down the merger route before and it can be a troublesome road sometimes, but if everyone goes into it with their eyes wide open then there can be no misconceptions.

As Marc said aboe pretty much the only people left in Crusaders are the old "hard core" few from the Chosen, when we started way back on day one. I think I can safely say that where one goes...the rest will go.

edit: Pretty much as a guild Crusaders is finished...not that we've lost the loyalty that we have for the guild and each other, but we no longer have the number of players in the guild to play the game the way we want to play it. This is a way for us to start afresh and in some way still keep our identity.

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