A plead for Mallus and DK



I'm not entirely pleased with how the dragon lottoing today went about. Hardly unexpected someone would be is it? :) I'm actually suprised I'm first here posting about it, and of course have to add the obligatory "it has nothing to do with the fact that I got nothing", though I'm fully confident that will be discredited.

This was the first draw of a kind, and as such the policy on how to work this out is a bit rough, but between small mistakes we have some large ones. My main concerns would be:

The rules were pretty unclear when it started, even after reading the thread on the issue as well as being in the CG to work out the lotto rules, I still stood guessing once it begun. All guilds gave 1 number, and 3 items of interest, 1 number was drawn and in order of closest to that number each guild was assigned the top item on their list based on avaliability. Would that be a correct guess?

Secondly, information on what numbers and drops who listed should have been posted here directly prior to lotto starting. I wasn't on site but I'm off the impression only actually Mallus knew who picked which number and as such there were no security or double-checks whatsoever? You have to forgive me, but to my paranoid mind it just doesn't come across very well when a biased party is involved and no security applied, especially not with the results that followed. I'm for gods sake hoping everything went clean, but it is disturbing that numbers, especially that of DK, weren't priorly posted to clear all shadow of a doubt. What I can ask of now is atleast hindsight to clear my morbid curiosity, care to list who picked what?

Thirdly, there was one rule we all agreed on in the CG without opposers, that that no guild would be egliable for more than 1 drop at all. This rule was in effect broken as DK through admittedly a unusual event and technicality recieved 2 drops. For those that didn't know, VV existed during the dragon raid but before the lotto merged with DK. Simple hashed out lotto rules didn't cover an usual event like that, I would hope Mallus had seen the weird situation arising here but alas not. VV and DK ended up with a drop each, as VV is DK now, DK ended up with 2 drops. This wasn't as agreed on I believe and I'd like to see anyone come through and justify it as fair. I know this is because of a weird event, one of those things that happen, but as the lotto was held by a member of DK I'm sure he realises it must be done fairly and the absurdity in 1 guild ending up with 2 drops when this was expressedly ruled against. Because of this I'd like to ask DK, out of the kindness of their hearts and not because some rule can force them to, to return one of their recieved drops. In my eyes, you have a chance to make or break the fairness and good spirit in which this lotto was intended.


Bah, no point in discussing this after the event.

Finally we've distributed the items, and a few lucky people will be happy to receive them Im sure.

#1: Your guess is as good as mine ;)

#2: You were invited to attend but didnt - therefore you trusted those that did attend to ensure it was fair.

#3: Thats the luck of the draw. Someone was always going to get very lucky, and given the great job Mallus did on organising this raid its perhaps appropriate that the luck favoured his guild.

After all the hassle with the drops (10 days have passed now) its nice to see this is finally over. Hopefully this wont have put anyone off of leading any future attempts ;)


A lot of posts about dragon drops... i was thinking about it and i remember that sometimes is hard to have an agreement in an 8 persons group...then with some more guys Mallus has a hard job.

Good luck !


There were only 5 good drops the rest was just plain crap drops from Dartmoor. I don't see any use btw to kill the dragon again and get shitty drops (not to mention to split it with over 100 people).

Hence I wasn't there because my cable is broken so I don't know shit wat happened :(

- Pathfinder -

Maybe we should let Golestandt live awhile longer to avoid these discussions ;) Then again, killing the dragon would double the Pryd/Alb forum post count in no time ^^


Dunno what the drops were or who got what but bet the Virulent Soul Sapper went to Mallus? Yes no? Hope so


Originally posted by Khalen
There were only 5 good drops the rest was just plain crap drops from Dartmoor. I don't see any use btw to kill the dragon again and get shitty drops (not to mention to split it with over 100 people).

Hence I wasn't there because my cable is broken so I don't know shit wat happened :(

We should save our energy and the first day df is online we go and kill legion :) he drops good stuff, that's one to do more than 1 time :)


Give Mallus a break plz, he took a lot of crap over the past days.
Dragon dead, loot gone, let it rest.

As for the part about VV, I asked several times in the cg in which we decided the rules to split loot if anyone would mind VV participating and noone was against it.


Originally posted by -Light-
Dunno what the drops were or who got what but bet the Virulent Soul Sapper went to Mallus? Yes no? Hope so

Nope it went 2 DK and I'm using in on my lvl5 inf :p

Well not true but it went to DK and Mall will use it mainly. Don't think he was that impressed with it trying it last night though.

Tigerius it does look a bit dodgy with the item most suited to Mallus going to DK but as soon as Mallus checked the coppers after the kill he (and DK) expected this sort of thing to happen.

I think Mallus was the only person that knew all of the numbers drawn but the Guilds that submitted the numbers should all be able to remember their own. A screenie was taken after Mallus did the kill. Of course people can accuse him of repeatedly killing mobs until he got the right number and the drop he/we wanted but there were repeated requests for people to meet him and observe but no one did :(

About VV, they were on the raid and were not part of DK at the time so I think they are entitled to their chance to get an item. The fact that they joined DK after the raid again makes the draw look a bit suspicious but I can assure you it wasn't. The cloth cap that went to VV is being worn by Kantz atm (who was in VV and not DK at the time) but he passed his old cap on to someone else and they passed theirs on ...... so it's not the easiest thing to give it to another guild even if the former VV guys wanted to.

Oh and btw there wasn't anything any use for a Cleric so I don't think u posted because u didn't get anything :)


only actually Mallus knew who picked which number and as such there were no security or double-checks whatsoever?

Mallus wrote in alliance chat " In 15 min at Logery man for the VSS lotto"
Only 1 guy showed up... means how much you(all guilds) were interrested in the weapon.

Zag Barr

Lotto over, items distributed, no more alliance chanel spam, I am so happy ... end of story ... thread should be closed and discussions should be stopped.

Btw. GoL did get nothing - but that's fine. I personally can wait till Odysseus, Kiarra and Yvresse are at 1100+ cafting skill and we can buy superior quality items from them - in addition we will get the level 50 epics soon and thus very nice 100% qual, 100 AF armour items. Soon after that, crafters will be able to charge items with all kinds of magic and drops will be frowned upon.

Way too much fuss about these few items IMO.


Of course Zag is right :)

Way 2 much fuss about nothing really.


Correct Zag.

The whole point was to kill the Dragon, and in the end we did it with ease. Lets not forget that :)


Originally posted by c0ngo

Don't think he was that impressed with it trying it last night though.

Yep, the proc totally sucks - 11 damage ticks for 20 secs, woopie. Looks cool tho, blue guarded rapier with electricity effects.


Next time items will be given out on site so this kind of shit won't ever have to happen again. Btw GoL got did get something.....a lovely cabbie robe :clap: :clap: :clap:


I'd still like a list of who got what. Least we can expect I think..


Originally posted by aussie-

Mallus wrote in alliance chat " In 15 min at Logery man for the VSS lotto"
Only 1 guy showed up... means how much you(all guilds) were interrested in the weapon.

i asked mallus several times, told him i was interested too and told him explicitly that i can ONLY be online during weekends....

i asked him again previous weekend but he didnt lotto it then becuz he came back from some fatboy slim concert or something........

now ur telling me only one person showed up and the SVV is gone ????


Odysseus: I know you asked if VV could be in the draw, at the time you did it to me seemed entirely based on the small size of your guild, something we included no policy for and definately no reason to not give you a chance. However once the guild VV stops existing it does change a bit.

Congo: Sorry to hear few were there to observe it, I was on my way but alas with between ports and a very bad sense of in-game time I turned up too late. Yes every guild knows their number, but noone else knows each others? We had 23, fairly close to 3 I'd think but as I have no idea what anyone else had I can obviously not pass any judgement. That's the problem I see here really, the great lack of observation into the procedures. Noone else knew the numbers, not even the two of the biased DK, ever after it we're not seeing lists of who had what number and thus got what. It's not really how I like to see it handled, keeping it neutral and fair should be a primary issue and not all be up to 1 person who in all honesty can't claim to be 100% unbiased. I know what lead to VV getting a drop, I just don't agree with that technicality leading to these results. As I originally said, I can't claim it's against the rules but it is against the spirit of the draw, I hoped a technicality wouldn't be used to their advantage by the guild of the lotto keeper but it seems to be the case.

I have to agree with the main part that killing the thing was the main issue, no drop is worth all this hassle, but once things are decided to be done a certain way they should still be carried out fairly. For me it is a matter of principle and upholding the spirit in which this raid and lotto was done.


If this was politics, the way this "election" was carried out would have been slaughtered in the media. This is a community. And all communities have politics. Even though this might be a small issue, it's the few grains of sand that eventually destroys a machine.. can't come up with the english saying atm. You know what I mean.

This is just what I want the people carrying out "important" tasks here in albion to think about. Try to please as many as you can. Your decision will be judged by alot of people.

Be clear with what you mean, and don't do stuff that lies in the grayzone.

If a company enters an auction, it signs up, wait's for the auction to start, but then during that time the company is closed down. Should they still be able to join in on that auction representing a closed down company? No.

I am sure you guys can see what's being pointed at. And it's not the way to do it. Even if the items got to the right person or not. It's how they got there that needs to be looked at and corrected untill next time.


Winners of the lotto and numbers they chose are as follows:

Facimil - Templar Knights (13)
Virulent Soul Sapper - Dragon Knights (36)
Magma Imbued Gloves - HB (not lottoed)
Helm of Opposition - De Gothia (not lottoed)
Polished Granite Staff of Wind - Order of Azure Bonds (75)
Belt of Protector - Celestrial Fury (28)
Cloth cap - Vae Victus (04)
Granite Seer's Sleeves o fthe Spirit Stone - Crusaders of Albion (53)
Robe of the Spirit Stone - GoL (not lottoed)
Drak Crystalline Arms - DVE (not lottoed)
Granite Seer's Cap of the Spirit - Brethren (not lottoed)
Sturdy Crushed Breastplate - Knights of Pendragon (17)

Number drawn at lotto was (03). The reason why I didn't tell people other guilds lotto numbers was I didn't want people choosing numbers based on what other guilds have chosen....eg one guild chooses 50 so the other 2 guilds choose 49 and 51. Anyway I don't really care anymore, everyone thinks I somehow fixed this stupid lotto and if it will make you any happier have the damn VSS. Sick of getting shit in game from such petty things, I got better things to get on with. Have fun...


stfu tigerius and next time maybe you organise the event..

Mallus did well and even though VV merged with Dk and got a drop, they DID exist during the raid..

nuf said


Problem is these 'petty things' are your actions and your decisions, it's always easy playing the 'sick of it' card instead of taking any responsibility whatsoever for your actions. We saw Smythe do it in another long thread, when noone else was sick of it. As Tranquil says, this lotto has very little credibility and I can point to a large amount of flaws in how it was carried out but as usual noone is very interested in facts or responsibility. Always easier flaming me, or waivering any responsibility because you're tired, sadly it's not very creative or mature.

I'd never consider leading a raid of this size, too many strangers I'd have to deal with. I dislike strangers, working with them isn't (as proven yet again) a worthwhile experience. Arguments like these tire me, with leadership comes responsibility and if you're not interested in one you should be interested in the other. Taking responsibility for something like this isn't easy, as I said not something I'd like to do, but it changes nothing. Mistakes have been done, some can be remedied but aren't.

Just forget the whole thing though, I'd close the whole thread if I could. Who was I thinking there was a good spirit of fairness here. Nothing will be improved, more likely this thread will turn into more flames.


Ah I can't say it I am too mad!
Why do people always have to get so mean on these forums aren't we all from the same realm :(


lol @ the flames directed at mallus....

think of a better way to do the lotto, turn the clock back, and get him to change the way he did it

otherwise, live with it


Tigerius next time u will organize a dragon hunt u will c how it s hard to be able to kill him.
The only thing u showing us is that u upset because u didnt get drop but I think mallus made a great job (gathering item was a pain...),so now if u want to to ignore every1 in DK it doesnt matter
Next time I will do a dragon hunt and I will destroy all the item like that no 1 will argue like u doing.
And last thing it s only a GAME
Have fun all :)

Echekiel Merc 50 (item hunter)

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