A perspective on things.



Well. Before this whole "hack and slash" incident began, i almost renewed my subscription. Just to get back in game and play around for a bit again. Yei, woot, fun fun. So when i get to the subpages(yes i'm a lazy bastard and leave things at the last possible moment) their down. You all know the rest of the story. Now, this should've made me a tad "pissed off" since i get "pissed on" but no. I'm cool with it.

Then come the compensations. I get no free game days ofcourse because my account wasn't registered when this thing started. It ofcourse makes no difference that i couldn't resubscribe in the past two-three weeks(lost count honestly). It wasn't open, i get squat. So, this should irk me a bit more. Yeah, should but it doesn't. All i really want is to get ingame and play.

Now, halleluja! The Subapges are back up. But hmm, seem to be missing something. Ah yeah! My password. Would be fun to have the new sub password to -get- to the account. But, i can wait still. I'm in no rush, after a 4 month break from DAoC i really don't know why i can't wait for another 3 days, a week...anyhow.

Just wanted everyone to know. It's all in how you take things. I bet my situation is one of the worse out there but i don't mind. Chill people. Chill. You ain't dying in a week.


/clap well said seel.

I totally agree and I havent got my subs pass yet either. But do i care... Nope.


Pitspawn i think you didn't get the idea of the post. What i suggested is not that you wait for the opportunity to login, but that you let it go for a while. Think it like this:

"Oh damn. Subpages arn't even up for another two days. Hmm. Well i guess i'll just wait for a bit longer."

I don't even care if the subpages are up or not, why should i sice i don't have the new subpass either? :p


Originally posted by pitspawn
Pages are down again now. Do i need to stop sleeping to find that obscure moment in the day when they come up now? BTW you probably just got upto the login bit, i had that lots of times. After you enter your un/pw it takes you to an error page. Every time.


lmao :D


Originally posted by pitspawn
Sub passes are easy to obtain. Hit this link...


Enter your login name and you should get your pw in 2-3 minutes.

I got mine that way, however that doesnt fix the problem that i need to renew my account. Which can only be done with the sub pages which are down.

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Pitspawn i think you didn't get the idea of the post.

lmao :D


Urgh...pitspawn sometimes you are hardheaded :p

I'm not gonna try and explain it again. Ok, be pissed off :D


Tohtori the subscription pages are down, there was a login/password box there, indeed! But if you typed something in and pressend the ">" button, it would always say unavailable. Though that was the situation about an hour ago, now it says unavaliable right when you click "account" so seems they took down the login screen...


I know.
Still not what this is about :p


I think its about how he thinks everyone who thinks they have a right to activate should stfu and chill?

I'm in no rush, after a 4 month break from DAoC i really don't know why i can't wait for another 3 days, a week...anyhow.

Im a patient guy, but seriously. I bought the game 3 weeks ago. I am STILL unable to get online. Sure I can wait, i havent got a choice. But why should customers get this sort of treatment? Answer, we shouldn't. Were taking it up the arse and letting GOA do it.


A very frustrated pitspawn...


Originally posted by Nivellen
Tohtori the subscription pages are down, there was a login/password box there, indeed! But if you typed something in and pressend the ">" button, it would always say unavailable. Though that was the situation about an hour ago, now it says unavaliable right when you click "account" so seems they took down the login screen...


I know.
Still not what this is about

lmao :D


Originally posted by pitspawn
I think its about how he thinks everyone who thinks they have a right to activate should stfu and chill?

Yes. That's it. You got it. I'm telling people to STFU and FOAD. And all other lovely phrases like that.

What i meant with the original post, and it's really not that hard to understand, is that before people go and do a "FU GOA" thread, they might take a moment to just cool down, notice that it's not a personal attack on themselves and think of something else for a change. Things are still around two days later.

Sure, customers should be treated with a velvet glove and patted on the head everytime something gives them a poopoo but shit does happen. It always has and i bet this isn't the only time.

I'm not flaming anyone, i'm not telling anyone to go get a life, i'm just telling them how i deal with this all and perhaps, just perhaps give, as the topic sayes, another perspective on things.


Hmm maybe you are chilled because you haven't played for four months and didn't want to play for four months so a few more weeks, days, months unable to play isn't going to bother you at all.

Some of these guys however have played continually and wanted to play continually until they were prevented from playing for a period of anything up to almost four weeks now for some of them....

I think that's the difference between being able to take a laid back attitude and feeling crapped on...


Originally posted by Axuk

I think that's the difference between being able to take a laid back attitude and feeling crapped on...

True, true. Some are deadcore addicts but some of the people who are taking out the guns and shooting at everything and/or anything that moves(and then shoot again) have just bought the game. I personally know how much fun i would've had on these few weeks and i am less satisfied then i would've been if i had the possibility to play. Ofcourse, these people have bought a game and can't still play it, understood.

I can take into consideration the feelings of new players and the "addicted" ones but i'm just here to give a POV on things.

Actually i don't give a crap about other players problems, i can admit it(most of the players don't. Admit it!), but maybe this will atleast simmer down a few heated feelings. Don't know honestly but it's worth a shot.


While you wait.

Buy several thousand 9B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 8B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 7B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 6B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 5B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 4B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 3B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 2B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand B pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand HB pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand F pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 2H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 3H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 4H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 5H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 6H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 7H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 8H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.

Now buy several thousand 9H pencils.

Sharpen them all in turn.

After about 4000 you will notice that your skill in sharpening them is markedly better. No flakes at all and certainly no broken points.



after spending that much on pencils you realise you cant afford to play camelot anymore :D


After that many pencils you just don't care :p


4000 Ekyps Gunstings or Acanium Cleavers is much better right ?


Then you start to sharpen a ballpoint pen and it explodes into your face, right? :D


Well if you will try a 5 point over-sharpen then you expect these things :)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Pitspawn i think you didn't get the idea of the post. What i suggested is not that you wait for the opportunity to login, but that you let it go for a while. Think it like this:

"Oh damn. Subpages arn't even up for another two days. Hmm. Well i guess i'll just wait for a bit longer."

I don't even care if the subpages are up or not, why should i sice i don't have the new subpass either? :p

noooo.... I added the 2nd line as an after thought.

I was basically applauding what u were saying.

AND I couldn't give a monkeys if the subs are up or not.

I also think it comes down to how ppl read posts. ;) not that u read it incorrectly, just what u read into it.

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