A penny for your thoughts



DAOC 2.0 (based on 1.65h)

- All insta cast spells, where no damage has been dealt, have had their interupt components removed. This includes insta roots. These changes do not affect Ichor or insta Amnesia, as Ichor has a DD component and insta Amnesia doesn't interupt.
- When a target is immune to a certain type of effect repeated casting of that effect on said target won't trigger an interupt.
- 1 minute immunity timer has been added to disease.
- Purge now costs 4 points for every class and the timer has been reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
- Determination has been removed from the game.
- At 50 shield spec you get Engage II which increases block/guard rate from melee attacks to 90%.
- Protect works in RVR by giving the protected target a decreased interupt rate from melee.


- Added new spell in Stormcalling which debuffs a targets Armor Factor:

5 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -32 AF (Sprt) 4 power
9 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -51 AF (Sprt) 6 power
14 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -75 AF (Sprt) 9 power
22 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -114 AF (Sprt) 13 power
30 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -153 AF (Sprt) 19 power
40 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -201 AF (Sprt) 25 power
49 Enemy 2.5s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -250 AF (Sprt) 33 power

- Added new spell in Stormcalling which reduces the duration of mesmerisation spells cast upon the group.

29 Group 3.0s/10m/0s Rng: 2000 5% mez reduct 18 power
39 Group 3.0s/10m/0s Rng: 2000 10% mez reduct 25 power
47 Group 3.0s/10m/0s Rng: 2000 15% mez reduct 32 power


- Changed the Attack Speed debuff from the valor line to an Armor Factor debuff:

3 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -18 AF (Body) 3 power
7 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -22 AF (Body) 5 power
11 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -27 AF (Body) 7 power
15 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -33 AF (Body) 9 power
20 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -39 AF (Body) 12 power
28 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -51 AF (Body) 17 power
37 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -75 AF (Body) 23 power
47 Enemy 0s/30s/20s Rng: 1000 -114 AF (Body) 30 power

These changes IMO should lead to an increased diversity of group setups at the expense of the neverending assist gank trains in RVR. It's a real shame that the current interupt rates allow for only these tank heavy setups:

Alb: Minstrel, Sorc, Cleric, Cleric, Paladin, Merc, Merc, Pure Tank
Mid: Shaman, Skald, Pac Healer, Mend Healer, Mend Healer, Savage, Savage, Savage
Hib: Bard, Bard, Druid, Druid, BM, BM, BM, Pure Tank

<edit 1: Changed the AF debuff for the Champion to replace the Attack speed debuff instead of the Dex/Qui debuff>

<edit 2: Removed the debuff reduction based on Danya's figures>


PBT with new times would make it overpowered for less, in PvE.

Apart from that, i think these changes are pretty much spot on

(especially the interupt changes, should make being a caster a little easier)


E-mail it to Sanya at Mythic ur probably get a response shes good like that


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
E-mail it to Sanya at Mythic ur probably get a response shes good like that
What like "f*** off" :p ?


Are u Sanya in disguise Falcon!!!!!




Them Thane changes would be awesome, i would reactivate to play again if they did that and removed determination from game.

Shame its never gonna happen, and if it does we will all have moved on by then

incidently is this ur handy work or a copy paste from IGN niko?

Elric IA

Champ changes have pros and cons. Current dex/qui debuff does reduce AF to some extent (not visible though) and it helps a lot against reducing target block/evade/parry ability. Also best to cast it (along with attack speed reduction) after 1st hit on 2 handers in a 1v1 situation. An AF debuff replacing it would help us cause more damage but would not increase our chance to reduce our opponent's evade, parry and block rate (might reduce miss rate though). Personally, I would probably prefer our current dex/qui debuff as you need to be able to hit them to cause damage. Even if I AFed debuffed a stealther, if I could not dex/qui debuff them the AF buff would be wasted a lot as I might not be able to hit them :).

However, good to think about changes and worthwhile sending them in. Certainly, diversity in groups like the old days, would make things more fun. Whilst I can get pick up RvR groups I have seen many posts here from dissolusioned non-FOTM classes which is not good to see.


Originally posted by Solid

Them Thane changes would be awesome, i would reactivate to play again if they did that and removed determination from game.

Shame its never gonna happen, and if it does we will all have moved on by then

incidently is this ur handy work or a copy paste from IGN niko?

It's all my dirty work. Everyone can see determination is in fact detrimentel to all the hybrids out there.


- All insta cast spells, where no damage has been dealt, have had their interupt components removed. This includes insta roots. These changes do not affect Ichor or insta Amnesia, as Ichor has a DD component and insta Amnesia doesn't interupt.

ok but give pally taunt some dmg then otherwise we lose yet another of our few usefull rvr tricks


Originally posted by Sibanac
ok but give pally taunt some dmg then otherwise we lose yet another of our few usefull rvr tricks

that's exactly what it's about ;)


looks oke to me, interrupts are insane as is atm.

a reasonable change would be to increase the cost of determination substantially, and have all classes have access to it for a even higher cost than pure tanks since it is a good RA, its just way too cheap at this time imo.

I mean something like this and with a cap at det4

Pure tanks buy it for 6/12/18/24

Hybrids buy it for 8/16/24/32

Casters and supportclasses buy it for 10/20/30/40

or similar..

I would imagine det3 would be reasonable for tanks to buy, and it doesnt really make them ignore mez/roots etc like they do now.


The Thane Command Mjollnir should be made GTAOE, for assistance in keep take/defence.


nice especially about the interupts.. as for purge 4 pts yes ! will have an extra 6 for RAs :D making purge from 30 min to 15 mins is a great idea imo


Detirmination is fine as it is, maybe a bit to cheap but still fine.

As for your pbt proposal, terrible, what you basically suggesting is making people immune to 2 handed/pole weapons, there is no way a slow weapon will be able to get through 5 second pbt at all.

neverending assist gank trains in RVR

5 second pbt will only encourage those, not discourage, if theres no way I can get through 5 second pbt what is the point in me doing anything BUT assisting someone else.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Detirmination is fine as it is, maybe a bit to cheap but still fine.

As for your pbt proposal, terrible, what you basically suggesting is making people immune to 2 handed/pole weapons, there is no way a slow weapon will be able to get through 5 second pbt at all.

5 second pbt will only encourage those, not discourage, if theres no way I can get through 5 second pbt what is the point in me doing anything BUT assisting someone else.

Maybe the pbt change is a bit too much but I still think earth theurgs, wardens and supp rms need some kind of a boost.

As far as the determination change is concerned my proposal is on the drastic end of the scales, yours on the other hand doesn't really fix anything for the hybrids.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Maybe the pbt change is a bit too much but I still think earth theurgs, wardens and supp rms need some kind of a boost.
Amen !

The Real Redi

- Purge now costs 4 points for every class and the timer has been reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes

Ray!! :clap:

- Determination has been removed from the game.

boo! :(

- Protect works in RVR by giving the protected target a decreased interupt rate from melee.

Ray! :great:

- PBT interval has changed from the values 10/8/6 to 8/6/5 respectively.

Boo! :m00:

i was going to leave my thoughts and demand a penny, but when i realised my thoughts included who would win a fight between "Short Circuit"s Johnny 5, Sir Killalot & Stephen Hawking, i decided to not bother on the grounds of decency...

Ray! :clap:


Great ideas, except that as a champ id rather remove the attackspeed debuff in favour for the af debuff... that dex/qui kills stealthers and friars :)


why dont you just remove ae mezz and purge from RvR

all sorted :)


I think Hib PBAOE group with Void Eld is indestructible with these changes xD


Originally posted by Xeanor
I think Hib PBAOE group with Void Eld is indestructible with these changes xD

You would though. You do know that with a theurgist or two spamming a couple of pets on each enchanter who will be locked into place whilst pbaeing could cause quite a lot of trouble. Or how about a nice reaver thrown in for the mix. Though that would mean deviating from the current pure light tank group setups and actually *shock horror* coming up with a group that doesn't consist of that neverending assist train of pure tanks as is the norm nowadays.

So how about you post some constructive criticism instead?


Do not remove determination or you will make some classes not wanted again, tone it down and give to hybrids making it similar lv, like lv3.I think resists buffs should be removed altogether too.Some nice ideas though.


I like the thane changes but I would make the champion af debuff spell castable and an addition rather than a replacement for attack speed debuff.


need to remove moc+pbae then, ae-stun pbae will have to be nerfed aswell.

great hybrid ideas, purge 15min would be much more fun


Originally posted by -nicolas-
DAOC 2.0 (based on 1.65h)

- All insta cast spells, where no damage has been dealt, have had their interupt components removed. This includes insta roots. These changes do not affect Ichor or insta Amnesia, as Ichor has a DD component and insta Amnesia doesn't interupt.
- When a target is immune to a certain type of effect repeated casting of that effect on said target won't trigger an interupt.
- 1 minute immunity timer has been added to disease.
- Purge now costs 4 points for every class and the timer has been reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
- Determination has been removed from the game.
- At 50 shield spec you get Engage II which increases block/guard rate from melee attacks to 90%.
- Protect works in RVR by giving the protected target a decreased interupt rate from melee.
- All casted debuffs have been changed from the values 15/30/50 to 10/20/30 respectively.
- PBT interval has changed from the values 10/8/6 to 8/6/5 respectively.

You do want to remove all interupt so those pbae boxes get stronger. Oh and let bard insta amnesia stay. Why exactly?

I like the immunity on disease.

Purge every 15minute for 4p. Then it will be up for all in group almost always. Little to much imo. Id say, i rather up the cost for all pure tanks to 10p.

Remove determination from the game? Who exactly would ever play a tank then? This is how it would be. First mezzed for one minute. After that rooted for another minute. And then mezzed again for a minute. If you are live that long. The day they remove determination i stop play my tank instantly.

Engage 2 for 90% block? Are you serious? A hero guarding in pbae box and nothing can beat it. A hero guarding the druid and druid cant die. This would make assist trains useless.

I would even say that 90% guard and no determination on tanks would make melee useless.

Your idea about protect i do like.

About the debuffs. With your game only casters would be around so does it matter?

5 sec pbt you say. Combine that with 90% block. And 1 other druid healing. And 1 warden and 1 bard healing. It would take 10 tanks 1 month to kill that druid.

About the champion and thane thing. I like it very much. But albion needs one char like that too then.

In final. I dont think its a smart idea by mythic to have all tanks in the game close their subscription. (Besides shield warriors,heroes,armsmen) With this changes no tank group have a chance vs pbae boxes. And insta mez would rule the game as there is no determination. Insta mez in combination with 4 chanters running in and blow away. Keep in mind there will be no tanks in the other group so their casters/healers will insta die. Is this what you would really want from the end game niko?


Re: Re: A penny for your thoughts

Originally posted by faderullan
About the champion and thane thing. I like it very much. But albion needs one char like that too then.

Just throwing bones here... tweaking the Paladin or Reaver?
(imo, all that pallies need is a dmg uppgrade, but then again, i never played one myself... grass is always greener and that)


Re: Re: A penny for your thoughts

You do want to remove all interupt so those pbae boxes get stronger. Oh and let bard insta amnesia stay. Why exactly?

Amnesia doesn't interupt for 8 seconds, that's why. It's not removing ALL interupt it's a suggestion to actually make casters and mixed groups a bit more viable than they are today, which is not at all.

Purge every 15minute for 4p. Then it will be up for all in group almost always. Little to much imo. Id say, i rather up the cost for all pure tanks to 10p.

Remove determination from the game? Who exactly would ever play a tank then? This is how it would be. First mezzed for one minute. After that rooted for another minute. And then mezzed again for a minute. If you are live that long. The day they remove determination i stop play my tank instantly.

You contradict yourself by saying that insta mezz will rule again, then by saying that the reduction to CC I propose are to much. Having purge up a lot more often should stop CC from ruling the determinationless game especially in combination with the interupt changes and mezz reduction not to mention GP on hib. The current problem isn't just the CC it's all the interupts that come with being CCd first. There's nothing you can do as a class which has castable spells after an insta mezz as you can just keep getting spammed with all kinds of AE stuff which you're already immune to anyway.

Engage 2 for 90% block? Are you serious? A hero guarding in pbae box and nothing can beat it. A hero guarding the druid and druid cant die. This would make assist trains useless.

This might actually mean you'd have to switch targets instead of just continually sticking to someone whilst virtually ignoring the defensive tank.

I would even say that 90% guard and no determination on tanks would make melee useless.

About the debuffs. With your game only casters would be around so does it matter?

I think a 20% reduction in damage would matter yes. Your ignorance to this fact just adds to your obvious biased views on the current situation in RVR. You're a tank, you're part of a tank group, everyone enjoys winning and you have a much higher chance of doing so purely because of the imbalance and extreme advantages a group consisting solely of pure tanks get.

5 sec pbt you say. Combine that with 90% block. And 1 other druid healing. And 1 warden and 1 bard healing. It would take 10 tanks 1 month to kill that druid.

Valid point about the pbt, as you'll find I already conceided that point earlier, and you almost sound believable were it not for the silly exaggeration towards the end.

About the champion and thane thing. I like it very much. But albion needs one char like that too then.

Sorc? Necro? Reaver abbs debuff?

<edit: You'll find out alb gets quite a lot of neat little alb only tricks, just a shame there's no use in using the classes because you'd have to cast and we all know casting just doesn't work very well with all the interupts>

In final. I dont think its a smart idea by mythic to have all tanks in the game close their subscription. (Besides shield warriors,heroes,armsmen) With this changes no tank group have a chance vs pbae boxes. And insta mez would rule the game as there is no determination. Insta mez in combination with 4 chanters running in and blow away. Keep in mind there will be no tanks in the other group so their casters/healers will insta die. Is this what you would really want from the end game niko?

The only reason people insta die from casters in this game is from debuffs NOTHING else. I think debuffs should be toned down but I strongly believe, and I think you'd have a hard time proving me wrong, that the current RVR situation favours tank groups a lot more so than a group of either casters or mixed tank/casters.

So do you think that the end game is fair in its current state?


Wouldnt it be easier to just up pure nukers damage? Like give all nuking casters 50% more damage.

And nikolas. In my current regular group we have 2 determination tanks and 2 cloth casters. Is that a pure tank group?

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