A New Age


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
My Friends,
The wheel of time turns and a new age is upon us. A age without Leuan. My leaving is not the end, there are neither beginning or endings, but it is a end. After just a year and a half i bid you fairwell. Not much reason for my leaving just got bored as i couldnt rvr with toa. Ive always been shit with goodbyes so ill try and make this quick.
Hexen - Ill miss your PBAOE and those rare ocasions when u talked.
Maddude - Ill miss touching your beard
Ucallme - Ill miss your unfunny jokes
Thrung - Ill miss your........Satanic style :flame:
Dunk - Ill miss you being my in game brother-in-law
Ripperjack - Ill miss your sexy staff and the good times i had with you
Liowen Lionheart - Ill miss you my darling wife ;)
Keelib - Ill miss your bugs :D (like that time when you were a troll stealther LOL)
Overdriven - Ill remember our race 2 50, and how you won you basterd
Mincers - go burn in hell :twak:
Hibs your all so kewl specialy you Koila and Honour if you still play.
The posse - Tuts and Darksword, the best in game friends a person could have. Ill treasure the hilarious moments we had, like when me and Tuts tried to do ML2, and the way Darksword insults everyone and how he was Asian.
Sorry if i missed anyone im in a hurry, just experiencing what its like to have a life and must dash. But for now i leave you with this:
There will come a day when the last courage of men fails.
There will come a day when fire, blood and destruction will fall upon the earth like a blanket of death, covering all light as it seems
There will come a day when all hope dwindles to just a glimmer out of reach.
And the day you realise that that glimmer is still hope no matter how big it is, is the day that sets you free.
There is light in even the darkest of times.

Leuan - 50 Thane


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Dude =( Not cool...

Was really cool getting our first 50s together thought ^_^ Came really close between the both of us =)
Anyway, I've got you on MSN so I'll most probably talk to you some time.

Good luck IRL mate =(

Will miss ya mate, only person I knew who actually played a Thane as their main :salute:

Once again, Good luck IRL =) and Have fun ^_^


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 29, 2004
aaw :(, sry to hear ure leaving... allthou i know u been bored of daoc a while.
not mutch more to say, my beard will miss ure touch :fluffle:
u will allways be welcomed back if u diecide u miss us :)
gl with whatever u choose to do in the future

//Madd :flame:


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
oi leave mincers alone ffs

i dont go around calling thanes overpowerd :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
bah id say bye but im gunna kick the shit out of u irl ;)

so Leuan has left?????????????????? and theres more 2 me than insults and being asian (btw my insults r jokes and r not 2 b taken seriously unless ur a mincer, in which case :kissit: )

and also - best rvr moment i ever had was with u and tuts :(

just a quick re in actment

<Leuan is standing on amg talking in gu>

Leuan: Hahaha <gets shot by a arrow in the head>

1 second late BANG leuan got shot by a ranger! LOL so i spent 5 minutes laughing hystericly irl (as did tuts and im sure leuan) i jump down still laughing, c a ranger and move in, while at the same time NS's and rangers move in and kill us all, roflhho best rvr EVER


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Leuan said:
My Friends,
The wheel of time turns and a new age is upon us. A age without Leuan. My leaving is not the end, there are neither beginning or endings, but it is a end.

Read Wheel of Time have you?
Haven't played with you in a while, and you may not even remember me. Played with you some in DF when we were around 40 I think.
Anyways, you take care and good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Aremeriel said:
Read Wheel of Time have you?
Haven't played with you in a while, and you may not even remember me. Played with you some in DF when we were around 40 I think.
Anyways, you take care and good luck with whatever you decide to do.

yeh i fancied you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
Jeros said:
oi leave mincers alone ffs

i dont go around calling thanes overpowerd :p
FFS fu peice of shit die irl u fuk i hate you.

bye leuan :( i will miss you so much, i loved you.
We had some great times :)
like jumping off high objects till we died and racing to the bottom of toa water then drowning and trying to take on lvl 100 mobs :')



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
why didn't i get to know this guy... :(

Hope you will have fun in another game and GL and HF with whatever you do mate!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
omg forgot 2 ask :( when r we going 2 become cowboys? :eek2:

luke, get the tenesse stud <grabs his gone> lets roll]

edit :p

i shoulda said sum nice stuff bout u 2 :'(

I remember when you were leveling Leuan, remember in vendo when you would aoe the snake pit in run out :D and remember when we were in varulv and u made me b tank coz i had more hp coz u were lower level, and when u PLed my little lowbies and when we farmed in DF when we were higher, and then when u and tuts /banged that kobbie in spind, and when u showed us ur house in spind and and omg :< U CANT LEAVE <Slits his wrists and sits in the corner crying>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Darksword said:
omg forgot 2 ask :( when r we going 2 become cowboys? :eek2:

luke, get the tenesse stud <grabs his gone> lets roll

Well im goin to America at Christmas so wanna go then :confused: i got us booked into a brothl/B&B, very homely, im Mexico, 3 days of hard rideing 2 the nearest village


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
ok <starts 2 save pennys 2 buy a ranch and brothel for parker 2 work in>

:clap: :clap: :clap:

<flex's his trigger finger> lets roll


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
Nooo LLLLLEEEEUUUUAAAANNN!!! :mad: whyyy? :mad: Well all i can say is going to miss you mate and thanks for putting me in the goodbye thingy, i feel honored :D Don't forget to spam me on msn take care ect mate. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
yeh howcome me and tuts didnt get anythign really cool just "best in game friends and posse" bah :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Ripperjack said:
Nooo LLLLLEEEEUUUUAAAANNN!!! :mad: whyyy? :mad: Well all i can say is going to miss you mate and thanks for putting me in the goodbye thingy, i feel honored :D Don't forget to spam me on msn take care ect mate.

P.S Ripperjack was a posse member too. Remember when we grped on our luris in hib with that noob firby, and when u had the same last name as me so u were like my brother :) ahhh good times good times


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Darksword said:
yeh howcome me and tuts didnt get anythign really cool just "best in game friends and posse" bah :(

cos there was 2 much 2 write :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
Aww i feel honored. I rember all the crazy events me you and tuts did, i loved those times. All i can think of is take care and rember i am allways on msn due to i have no life :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
wowwow i cant wait :clap: :clap: im gnna go buy a gun now :D
and ill get us a tenesse studd each


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Sad to see you go Leuan, but I see your point. Had some fun moments in spindel tho.. hope you have fun irl or whatever you do.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
:clap: i dont want a tenesse stud :( OMG I SAW A COWBOY FILM 2 DAY IT WAS CLASS, the guy had a tenesse stud though i never actually saw it (r they a special horse or summit?) any way i want my horse 2 b cool, i wanna give him pink styrups and i want him 2 b black all over but white eyes and a FAT nose with a class sadel with loads of pockets so i can have loads of throwing knives and b like a silent assasin like <drives round a house twice then thows 2 knives threw a window and all u hear is the scream of a woman and the falling of a dead body, thud, slumping against a wall> <rides off as fast as the wind, travelling none stop 2 the brothel>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Darksword said:
:clap: i dont want a tenesse stud :( OMG I SAW A COWBOY FILM 2 DAY IT WAS CLASS,

i also saw a film today it was shit, it was about some alinens coming to this world with guns and the earth they landed on had swords, the aliens kidnaped the princess so the prince had 2 get a special sword from a mountin. Now the aliens had the princess in a castle that moved every day so this guy had 2 go ask a wise spider where it was gnna b and the spider almost killed him but the man talking to it revealed that he used 2 love the spider so it let him go, now the castle was aparently goin to apear in the iron desert at dawn the next day so the prince and his posse had 2 b fast so they caught these horses with fluffy feet that went so fast they left fire behind and they could fly, they got to the castle and started getting shot at by the aliens so this cyclopse dude just went forward and tanked all the shots while the crew hid behind him, and the cyclopse dude held the door open for every1 but he was eventualy crushed by it :( anyway thats where i stoped watching.........those were the horses i wanted......thought u might want to know....hehe....<cough>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
Darksword said:
was this a cartoon?

no it was one of those 1970's film with effects like jason and the arganoughts

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