A midgardian feels the need to say sorry to albs/hibs


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Sorry on behalf of the Midgardians in Leirvik.

haven't played daoc for roughly 45 day's and finally when i rectivated again , all i saw in bg from mid side /who leirvik , 10 wl's 4 bd's 1 skald 1 sb (me) ... and all they did was add n add n add n add.....

well i had it today when 2 hibs and 2 albs had a nice fair fight i didn't mind watch ( and kill the survivors ;p ) and see the only 2 other mids online (bd + wl in grp!the schock!) add like there life depended on it....

funny thing is that made me more mad then the bibs/albs felt together so here i express my feelings , and say SORRY FOR ALL WL'S AND BD'S WE EVER MADE ! :)

ps. the bd then after added on ya , pmed me for buffs , answer: u can add just aswell without buffs don't wanna improve that !ds.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Teslacoil said:
Sorry on behalf of the Midgardians in Leirvik.

haven't played daoc for roughly 45 day's and finally when i rectivated again , all i saw in bg from mid side /who leirvik , 10 wl's 4 bd's 1 skald 1 sb (me) ... and all they did was add n add n add n add.....

well i had it today when 2 hibs and 2 albs had a nice fair fight i didn't mind watch ( and kill the survivors ;p ) and see the only 2 other mids online (bd + wl in grp!the schock!) add like there life depended on it....

funny thing is that made me more mad then the bibs/albs felt together so here i express my feelings , and say SORRY FOR ALL WL'S AND BD'S WE EVER MADE ! :)

ps. the bd then after added on ya , pmed me for buffs , answer: u can add just aswell without buffs don't wanna improve that !ds.

lol at answer :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
Think it was me (mincer) and Sambaline vs the Two Hibbies - we were losing (cursed stealther Hibby jumping me - oh wait, my stealth sucks and I was only lvl 42 - still... :twak: )

I saw the Mids approach, but was a bit busy to really do much about them - then people started exploding, and I saw two Albs and one Hib body close together (and think the other Hib was near). Suffice to say that we gave up soon after (we had a 2 vs 2 with a Lock & BD - Samb <reaver> died but I was doing well until the lock ran into the tower and the BD's pets started to break from mez - not a lot anyone can do then)

Was a shame that the BD/Locks seemed to be adding on anything they could, but hey, they keep doing so, people log, I guess thats less fun in the end! Let us finish the fight then smash the survivors then its not so depressing. And with chars like Locks and BD's the smashing of weakened enemies should be <cough> feasible.

Anyway - hoping for more fun soon in Leirvik (I understand upgrading towers for the side door, but why the CK? - as soon as I see that it puts me off hanging around - the CK is tough enough to take anyway..) - see you all around!

Lertsnim notirb - 42.5 (soon 44) Mincer

Murcalims rebma - 44 Cabby healer type.

And yes I use a bot - when Locks are about, it means I might actually get to FIGHT BACK! <gasp> If you don't understand the idea of someone not wanting to be insta killed every run, there's not a lot I can say.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Arisen said:
(I understand upgrading towers for the side door, but why the CK? - as soon as I see that it puts me off hanging around - the CK is tough enough to take anyway..) - see you all around!

Not been in leir for a while but have to say without any doubt that upgrading the keep is possably the most annoying thing ever in the history of daoc :s

basically is next to impossable to make a serious attempt at it unless its undefended or you have a 3 fg zerg neither is that much fun :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Teslacoil said:
Sorry on behalf of the Midgardians in Leirvik.

haven't played daoc for roughly 45 day's and finally when i rectivated again , all i saw in bg from mid side /who leirvik , 10 wl's 4 bd's 1 skald 1 sb (me) ... and all they did was add n add n add n add.....

well i had it today when 2 hibs and 2 albs had a nice fair fight i didn't mind watch ( and kill the survivors ;p ) and see the only 2 other mids online (bd + wl in grp!the schock!) add like there life depended on it....

funny thing is that made me more mad then the bibs/albs felt together so here i express my feelings , and say SORRY FOR ALL WL'S AND BD'S WE EVER MADE ! :)

ps. the bd then after added on ya , pmed me for buffs , answer: u can add just aswell without buffs don't wanna improve that !ds.


<3 Berge! :D I dont even wanna play my leirv warrior atm coz of the mid zerg :/ so play my hibs instead >_<



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
You all make it sound like Mids are the only ones that spoil the fun.

I often come to Leirvik when most of the zerging has ended, and often solo. Weird thing is, it is very rare to have a fight where someone from Hib or Alb don't add or zerg me on sight.

The other day I was solo on my Cave Shammy, and the only one i Leirvik when doing /who Lervik. Was trying to have a bit of fun, but when I get close enough to pick on one I get added/zerged to death. This happens most of the time, and it is really fun on a class that don't even have quick cast. I wonder, maybe they are just trying to send me a message to make a Warlock instead? ;)

I do agree that ck should never be claimed, but all realms seems to do it atm.


Eversmallx said:
... cave shammies are a walk through ...


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
well sure we all get fed up with adding from all realms.

But as topic said i only excused on behlaf of Mid for creating a pointless class as bd and wl , cause all they are good for are LIFETAP LIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAP(ADDD OH LOOOKY A FAIR FIGHT !!! ADDDDDD!!!LIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAPLIFETAP.

while the sorc atleast has mezz and pet to interupt with before lifetapping...and the occasional VW has melee styles to kick ass with.

and SM has pet + mezz + debuffs to rely on aswell as lt.

bd + wl don't fit in this category.

and i will never buff one for that matter.




One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
i can agree with you, there are too many wl's in leirvik. but it gets very zergy too.

when i run in leirvik it's usually my cleric and that's na blast. i have an tendency tho to buff up people around me even if i'm not grouped with them. but i'm an rejuv cleric aswell and not very good buffs.

hope i can meet you sometime in leirvik as soon as my internet is reactivated and daoc aswell :)

you seem to be an good player.

healor-lvl 44 43rejuv rest enh
melron-lvl 40 scout will soon be there with him :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
well the thing is demon , all u will see from me is when i hit u with a PA and u insta die :( so all you gonna do is curse at me and after 2-3 times gonna zerg me with all your buddies :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Leahc said:
You all make it sound like Mids are the only ones that spoil the fun.

I often come to Leirvik when most of the zerging has ended, and often solo. Weird thing is, it is very rare to have a fight where someone from Hib or Alb don't add or zerg me on sight.

The other day I was solo on my Cave Shammy, and the only one i Leirvik when doing /who Lervik. Was trying to have a bit of fun, but when I get close enough to pick on one I get added/zerged to death. This happens most of the time, and it is really fun on a class that don't even have quick cast. I wonder, maybe they are just trying to send me a message to make a Warlock instead? ;)

I do agree that ck should never be claimed, but all realms seems to do it atm.


who said that the Scout and Friar weren't grouped?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Rhori said:
who said that the Scout and Friar weren't grouped?


I do count 3 players hitting me tho, and I don't really care if they was grouped or not.

There was no fairness about this tho, people do a thing like that and expect fair play when Mids have the greater numbers in Leirvik? Or when Mids see 2 Albs fight 2 Hibs like in Teslacoil's example? Heh, thats why i posted in this thread and felt that it was on topic.

Lately there has been some whines about Mids in Leirvik, but all 3 realms do their part of zerging, adding and claiming. All 3 realms have some sort of class that is OP in comparison to the other realms counterparts to that class.

Remove your body and matter resists, and come play when im there :D



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
Teslacoil said:
well the thing is demon , all u will see from me is when i hit u with a PA and u insta die :( so all you gonna do is curse at me and after 2-3 times gonna zerg me with all your buddies :(

the thing is if there's na player i can't handle i tend to avoid him by running. i'm against zerging and i avoid to do that as much as possible.but sometimes my groupmates zerg and i can't do much to stop that. I love 1vs1 battles even tho i'm unbuffed and at bad odds :).

And another thing i rarely insta die with my cleric if i'm not chainstunned i'm quite fast getting group instant/single target instant of.It could be worse on my scout tho, haven't tried him in leirvik yet. Still needs 4 levels for him to be ready.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Demon2k3 said:
the thing is if there's na player i can't handle i tend to avoid him by running. i'm against zerging and i avoid to do that as much as possible.but sometimes my groupmates zerg and i can't do much to stop that. I love 1vs1 battles even tho i'm unbuffed and at bad odds :).

And another thing i rarely insta die with my cleric if i'm not chainstunned i'm quite fast getting group instant/single target instant of.It could be worse on my scout tho, haven't tried him in leirvik yet. Still needs 4 levels for him to be ready.

the only hard part getting my hands on clerics / druids is getting u when u fall a bit behind your grp , otherwise i'm screwed ( if vanish ain't up hehe )


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
i agree with you there, when i'm in an good group people seem to avoid me, but when running to the group after and death and i don't get an rezz,and i see some inc that i can't handle(aren't really many i can handle with rejuv cleric). i usually run for my life, try to fight back(even tho it's futile mostly).

How much do you PA for btw, bcz with my cleric i got about 1400hits fully buffed. my buffs aint very good tho tbh :). green str/con second dex/qui.
but with 23% buffbonus.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Demon2k3 said:
i agree with you there, when i'm in an good group people seem to avoid me, but when running to the group after and death and i don't get an rezz,and i see some inc that i can't handle(aren't really many i can handle with rejuv cleric). i usually run for my life, try to fight back(even tho it's futile mostly).

How much do you PA for btw, bcz with my cleric i got about 1400hits fully buffed. my buffs aint very good tho tbh :). green str/con second dex/qui.
but with 23% buffbonus.

well the best i've done so far with crit is 780 on a bm even con, but if my sunsword proc my cd is lethul :) usually land on 400 ( with + dmg here ) and stunning stab up over 300+ :) but that's only when my sun sword procc on pa :)

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