A little note



Think this thread is really getting nasty but even though there is one thing I must say.

One cannot expect all players to read the barrysworld forum. Lord knows there has been long periods when I have not been here.

Putting the ceremony in the middle of a (as I understand it) well known fighting place was not very thought through. Had I been RvR:ing, this could well have been me taking anger from all of Midgard.

Even though, had the people who attacked you read this forum I agree with you. They are the scum of the earth.



bah this should have been under the ceremony thread... don't know how to delete it....


most ones that did kill where there until the ceremony was over and then started killing so i belive they knew about this..

but of course not everyone could know...


But it was more than obvious from the way everyone was standing there, that this was some kind of special gathering. As has been said, those that attacked did so at the exact time the ceremony was to end. They ensured themselves a nice peaceful trip to Emain, just so they could farm some easy RPs. Sad, but pretty much inevitable.


If the ceremony had ended, what is the problem then? Would the departed not feel like his friends on the game continuing their fun in the game?


Oooo .. I just thought of an evil way to repay certain people. Give lots of notice about another special ceremony to be held in Emain .... wait for the idiots to arrive, then gank THEM 5 minutes before it's due to end.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Keri
Oooo .. I just thought of an evil way to repay certain people. Give lots of notice about another special ceremony to be held in Emain .... wait for the idiots to arrive, then gank THEM 5 minutes before it's due to end.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Very clever...NOT

Im sure that there will be more ceremonies like this one, but this time more ppl will not show up. This is due to this kind of mentality.

Yes ppl had some fun AFTER it all happened and in accordance with Oggys Guilds wishes, it ended at 2130, and ppl started to gank. Some took this seriously as farming, some like myself out of self defence.

I felt it a shame that GOA despite advertising this event, did not think to turn off all combat modes in emain for the duration. I think that might have proved a thoughtful gesture, and perhaps one for future events.


From what i understand, and I'm looking at this as an outsider - I didn't know Oggy, and had never even heard of the guy until all this kicked up...

A VERY similar thing happened on one of the American servers if my memory serves, and so the guild whom Oggy was a member of wanted to do the same....

Now, the guild should have expected this to happen... Not everyone reads Barryworld, and not everyone visits the DAoC homepage (where it was also noted). Also there are and always will be, opportunists who will take advantage of situations like this.

You should have known this was going to happen, and should have been prepared for it. OK, so the bowl was Oggys favourite hunting ground, and so the memorial was held there, but if I may ask a silly question, how many times has a memorial been held in real life in the middle of a battlezone....?? um.. none that I know of... Memorials are always at safe places, or near the persons *home* - for example, if had been an Albion highlander, a more appropriate place would have been Humberton....

What may have been better (and hindsight is 20/20 vision) is to hold the memorial in safe grounds, and then go hunting as a sign of respect.

Now for personal opinion - I think holding the memorial in Emain, was a very good and noble idea, I just think it was stupid to actually do it there.

Anyway, just my take on it, and greatest respect to his family, friends, and guild members.

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