A little info for us midgarians primarily



Stat caps per level (Str, Dex, etc...):
A) 1.5x your level from items (weapons, armor, jewelry, etc...)
B) 1x your level from single-stat buffs (aka baseline buffs, like +Str or +Dex from a Healer or Shaman)
C) 1.5x your level from double-stat buffs (aka spec line buffs, like +Str/Con or +Dex/Qui from a Shaman)
D) Unknown as of yet if there is any caps from Realm Skill stats.

- A, B, C and D all stack together.
- By level 50, A+B+C is capped to a maximum of 350...And D goes on top of that

Resistance caps:
- items give a maximum of +26% on any resists at lvl 50 (1 + (your level/2))
- race gives:
Kobolds: 5% crush, 5% energy
Norsemen: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% cold
Trolls: 3% slash, 2% thrust, 5% matter
Dorfs: 2% slash, 3% thrust, 5% body
- buffs has no known cap.
- realm abilities has no known cap.

+Spec caps:
A) +11 from items at lvl 50 (1+lvl/5) (weapons, armor, jewelry, etc...)
B) +10 from Realm Rank

- For a maximum of +21 to a spec (like weapon or shield)

Benefits of Stats:
50-200= 1% gain, per 2 points
200-300= 1% gain, per 4 points
300-350= 1% gain, per 5 points

Still not known the actual benefits of Realm Skill +stat gains.

Things that affect your chance to-hit something:
- Enchanted bonus on your weapon (and bonus also increases damage contrary to what is said from Sanya)
- Your level vs. their level (the higher their are than you, the harder they'll be to hit)
- The number of people fighting the same opponent - this isn't group dependant.
- Weapons Styles with bonus to-hit
- Str, Dex, Qui...NONE of the base stats have any effect on your chance to-hit (I disagree with the Dex portion of this statement from my own experience)

Things that affect your chance to NOT get hit by something:
- Enchanted bonus on your armor
- Weapon styles with bonus to defense
- Dex affects your chances to Block & Parry
- Dex & Qui affects your chances to Evade
- Your level vs. their level (the lower the level they are to you, the harder it is for them to hit you)
- Armor Factor on your Armor affects the chance to negate a blow (seen as a miss)
- Absorb % on your armor affects how much dmg taken when you do get hit
- AF also decreases the damage taken

The Effectiveness of Shields and Shield spec:
A) Shield spec has a base 5% chance to block +0.5% per spec point
B) Enchanted bonus on Shields also affects chance to block (Unsure in what way, maybe A+B, or A+(AxB))

Small shields: (supposedly) can block only 1 target, and has the base chance to block
Medium shields: (supposedly) can block up to 2 targets, and has an extra 5% chance to block vs. Small
Large shields: (supposedly) can block up to 3 targets, and has an extra 5% chance to block vs. medium and 10% vs. small

Shield Sizes:
Round = Small
Kite/Heater = Medium
Tower = Large

Effectiveness of Weapon spec:
1 to 2/3rds of level = 25-100% dmg
2/3rds to 100% of level = 75-125% dmg
100%+ = 100-150% dmg

That scale is linear.

Your damage continues to grow if your weapons spec is above your level, but slower.
I believe each weapon spec point above your level adds about 0.66% to your damage.


How stats affect weapons:
Axes = 100% Str
Swords = 100% Str
Hammers = 100% Str
Spears = 50/50 Str/Dex
Staffs = 100% Dex

Damage Calculation:

Damage = WeapDmg (which is a possibly capped weapon DPS) * Delay * Quality * Condition * (WeapSkill / Target's AF)

Also, there is an interesting formula for the effective AF of a piece of armor:

Effective AF = Listed AF * Quality * (1 + (absorb * quality))

Notice the quality double-dipping which makes it extra important for armor.


Weapons/Magic vs. Armor (From Classes of Camelot website):



Realm Rank, Level, RPs needed

1 0 - 0
1 1 - 1
1 2 - 68
1 3 - 125
1 4 - 400
1 5 - 750
1 6 - 1375
1 7 - 2200
1 8 - 3500
1 9 - 5250

2 0 - 7200
2 1 - 9600
2 2 - 12500
2 3 - 16500
2 4 - 20500
2 5 - 25300
2 6 - 31000
2 7 - 37000
2 8 - 45000
2 9 - 53000

3 0 - 62800
3 1 - 71500
3 2 - 83000
3 3 - 95000
3 4 - 108000
3 5 - 122500
3 6 - 138000
3 7 - 155000
3 8 - 173250
3 9 - 192850

4 0 - 214000
4 1 - 236000
4 2 - 260000
4 3 - 287500
4 4 - 313000
4 5 - 342000
4 6 - 373000
4 7 - 405000
4 8 - 439000
4 9 - 475800

5 0 - 513500
5 1 - 553000
5 2 - 595500
5 3 - 641000
5 4 - 687600
5 5 - 735000
5 6 - 785000
5 7 - 838000
5 8 - 897000
5 9 - 952000

6 0 - 1011000
6 1 - 1076800
6 2 - 1139000
6 3 - 1206000
6 4 - 1280000
6 5 - 1349000
6 6 - 1428000
6 7 - 1505000
6 8 - 1584800
6 9 - ?

7 0 - 1750000
8 0 - 2,781,144
9 0 - 4,135,931
10 0 - 5,857,772
11 0 - 32,000,000 (?)

This was posted by:
Graelin lvl 50 zerker
<Mithril Circle> Galahad
On the Vnboards


Thanks, answered alot of the little things i worried about.


i'm mathmaticly challenged so all those figures and sums fried my brain :)
but im sure some of you guys can understand them and put them to good use .somebody who figured all that out obviously has a little to much time on his hands .


Once again, i send my condolences to the poor guys who use thrusting


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