a little advise about pvp server


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
I'm undecieded what type of server to play. I like pvp servers but have been scared for life with daoc style of pvp servers... is wow the same or is it possible to play high level char without having to commit to pvp most of the time? I thought I'd stick with pve but it seems most ppl here have voted for pvp.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well WoW pvp server isnt at all like DAoC pvp server, since you can never fight your own faction (except in duels). So even if your in a contested area you dont have to fear all the people you meet, only the opposing faction. Its like beeing in the frontiers fulltime on a normal daoc server when your above level 20 or so (you can exp to about there in non-contested areas).

I like it since it adds an element of uncertainty when questing etc, as you never know if your going to succeed even if the quest is greencon, because you could always get attacked. Adds a reason to bring a few friends when traveling around the contested areas :>


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
I've played some days now on PvP server and yes there is some ganking (will be far less once honor system is in) but they are always on same spots. So once you know them you can avoid em easy. So the PvP ain't bad at all. It indeed adds that special careness you need to take once you are in a contested area. Ow and don't expect your faction NPC's to help you. They only attack when being attacked. The guards are the only ones who charge enemy players. But there ain't many Horde groups running around to kill people on my server. No idea how it is gonna be on release but we'll see. There's plenty of zones to XP in at certain levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
afaik there will not be an honour system on PvP servers, just PvE


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
First I've heard of a PvP/PvE server difference, they said it would be PvE orientated not PvP i.e. you will never get punished for ganking lowbies, PvE server combat is all consensual anyway.

I'm not sure there ever will be one, they were talking about making it so that it punished you for killing Wind rider masters, shop keepers etc. but it'll probably get amalgamated into the battleground pvp reward system or just forgotten.

If you have to ask the question though you will probably get frustrated with it at some point, there are a few contested zones that end up being impossible to hunt in without dealing with gankers- it's a lot worse on the horde side usually due to the number imbalance.

If you play smart though it's really not a problem, there's always a variety of zones to hunt in at your level so you can just move to a different zone instead of spending 3 hours getting ganked then whining about it for a few more hours like most people tend to do :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
These rules will be server wide at a guess, i.e PvP, Normal and RP, they make a lot more sense on the PvP server as it will curve most of the newbie ganking that goes on by the powergamers. I do like this system, its kinda like the UO 'red' idea, if you are a complete asshat and like running round Lakeshire at lvl 60, killing as many lvl 20's as you can find then at least everybody will know about it ... your own faction included.

But it wont stop those nice little incursions by similar level players where you can actually have a fun even sided battle. THATS what WoW PvP servers were made for imo.

The PvP Ranking System

We know that to make PvP really interesting and worthwhile, we need to add incentives, and I think we've done that with our rewards system.

Basically, at the end of each day, we calculate how much honor has been accumulated by each side. We start with a base honor pool, and then add bonus honor points based on whether your team defeated any important faction NPCs or controlled any battlegrounds.

This honor pool is then distributed among all players who participated in PvP for that day. Your percentage of this pool is determined by your contribution - basically your total individual honorable kills - to the team. The greater your contribution, the greater the percentage of honor you earn.

Honor is a concept that is central to our PvP ranking system. There are honorable kills and there are dishonorable kills. You earn honor for killing opponents at or near your level, and more honor still if you kill a higher level player character, as opposed to an NPC. There are also dishonorable kills, and these would include killing lower level PCs and NPCs, and especially non-aggressive NPCs like gryphon masters and quest givers. If you repeatedly make dishonorable kills, you'll eventually go into the negative ranks, and lose experience and become attackable on sight by both factions. Our intention is to punish dishonorable behavior and reward honorable PvP play.

If you participate in PvP in any given day, then you will get some percentage of your team's honor points for that day. If you don't participate, then you gain zero points.

At the end of the week, we give the players their tally, including their honorable and dishonorable kills, their contribution to the team, the total honor earned by the entire faction, and the percentage of honor earned by the player. All these scores in aggregate make up the player's military rank in PvP. Your military rank and your successes in PvP entitle you to a number of rewards. Your rank will become a title that will distinguish you from other players, so you gain prestige and notoriety in the world.

Our ranking system is also competitive so you'll be competing with your fellow team players to see who can be the most honorable and successful PvP player. The PvP rankings will change regularly to reflect the best PvP players on the servers each week. All players who participate in PvP will be able to track their rankings and successes not only through their weekly tallies in-game, but also through our World of Warcraft rankings website, which will be updated weekly with all the ranks and accomplishments on each server.

PvP Rewards

Simply participating in PvP will net you certain rewards such as a title and the right to a special PvP team tabard. As you move up in ranks and participate more in PvP, you'll gain discounts with NPC merchants in your faction and be rewarded with equipment such as cloaks, rings, armor, and weapons.

Those PvP players who attain higher ranks and become officers will also get officer's tabards and gain access to special officer's barracks. Inside you'll be able to buy rare items that can only be used after you gather sufficient honor and rank. Very high level officers might even gain access to special mounts and items of epic quality.

The highest-ranking PvP players for each race will earn particularly special accolades, including the title of city protector for their racial capital and the ability to teleport at will to their home city.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
The champions hall in stormwind is a PvP instance, in that you have to be a "knight" rank to enter, think it has (or will have) vendors inside that sell uniquie items etc



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Gef said:
...contribution - basically your total individual honorable kills - to the team. The greater your contribution, the greater the percentage of honor you earn.

I got 2 questions here:

1. when you say "total individual", you mean solo? If so then the raids are only for fun without adding a respect amount of points into your pvp reputation.

2.Even if you are in a raid and still killing people you take some percentage of pvp pts (as i understand it from your article...maybe i am wrong) but if you are a healer, whats the case?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Fedaykin said:
afaik there will not be an honour system on PvP servers, just PvE
Interested in where you got this piece of information. I´ve never heard anything of it and would like clearance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I seem to be getting plenty of pvp action on my normal server 3.

Mostly with horde attacking us and me running to intercept them. Ive killed a few and been killed by a few. Had some nice long battles. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
IMO your missing a big part of WoW if your playing a on a PVE server.

The big part of World of Warcraft is that your meant to be fighting the other side.. its not like you can get really ganked on a pvp server in your own zones you still have to agree to fight.. its only in contested territories that you will get killed but hey isn't that fun?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Battlegrounds are where the pvp on a "normal" (tisn't PvE) server will largely be. More fun than ganking and corpse camping? oh yes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
so what are the home zones?

From what i understand, the Horde have "Mulgor, Durotar and The Barrens" on Kalimdor, and "Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine" on Easten Kingdoms?

Alliance have "Westfall, Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Lock Modan" on Easten Kingdoms and "Darkshore, Teldrasill" on Kalimdor?

So you should easily get to lvl25-26 without leaving home territorys?
(suppose the Horde can get even higher if you spend longer farming inside WC or SFK :D )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
You rekcon there won't be corpse camping in battlegrounds? There's far more of an incentive to corpsecamp in battlegrounds as there's only a limited number of each side that can get in at any time.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
IMO your missing a big part of WoW if your playing a on a PVE server.

The big part of World of Warcraft is that your meant to be fighting the other side.. its not like you can get really ganked on a pvp server in your own zones you still have to agree to fight.. its only in contested territories that you will get killed but hey isn't that fun?

there is no PvE servers ,theres normal and PvP

you can still PvP on normal servers,but you need to do /pvp to enable yourself for PvP ;)

so tbh there isnt a HUGE difference :p

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Our ranking system is also competitive so you'll be competing with your fellow team players to see who can be the most honorable and successful PvP player.

That bit worries me as a priest who will ultimately focus on healing. Any thoughts? I can't get my head round this whole team/honour/pool points thing


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
[TB] Benedictine said:
Our ranking system is also competitive so you'll be competing with your fellow team players to see who can be the most honorable and successful PvP player.

That bit worries me as a priest who will ultimately focus on healing. Any thoughts? I can't get my head round this whole team/honour/pool points thing

the way i read it its how much you contribute? so healing would = damage or something similar? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Im guessing its just bad wording and that you will share credit for any kills your group makes. Would really be silly otherwíse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
there will be NO penalty for ganking lowbies
bliz decided to not implement it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.anubis said:
there will be NO penalty for ganking lowbies
bliz decided to not implement it

Yes there will:

"Honor is a concept that is central to our PvP ranking system. There are honorable kills and there are dishonorable kills. You earn honor for killing opponents at or near your level, and more honor still if you kill a higher level player character, as opposed to an NPC. There are also dishonorable kills, and these would include killing lower level PCs and NPCs, and especially non-aggressive NPCs like gryphon masters and quest givers. If you repeatedly make dishonorable kills, you'll eventually go into the negative ranks, and lose experience and become attackable on sight by both factions. Our intention is to punish dishonorable behavior and reward honorable PvP play"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
no, there wont be
read news and not manual printed a year ago

1. PvP discussion | 12/1/2004 2:43:54 PM EST

Because we have several different threads on the same topic, I'd like to consolidate them here.

Here is the current PvP server ruleset:
Dishonorable kills
-You cannot get a dishonorable kill for killing another player.
-You can get a dishonorable kill for killing a lower level NPC.

Honorable kills
-You currently get an honorable kill for killing a similar level NPC.
-In the future, we hope to add to the honorable kill system to provide for PvP rewards. You will be rewarded in some fashion for killing a similar level PC. You will not be rewarded for killing a much lower level PC.

We apologize for previous statements to the contrary. We had planned on a PvP dishonorable kill system, but after basic implementation and analysis, the system was deemed restrictive and took away from the PvP experience, rather than added to it.

In the future, we will provide more widespread announcements regarding any changes made to the PvP system, or any system that affects a large number of players.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
well if u get f.ex corpse camped whilse u doing quests....

u usually have at least 4 diff areas where u can do quests.
so rezz at grave yard, yes i know u loose 25% durabilty, but its only cash.
then just go somewhere else.
havent seen so much corpse camping in quest areas, some ambush yes, bu nothing special, and there is same peeps in area who r doing quests and its on those areas that high lvl peeps dont really do there nothing, well if they come and keelll, they get bored after sometime.

and when u r in your faction territory u aint pvp flagged . fe.x u r lvl 20 in barrens and some lvl 60 human comes next to u , that human cant touch u ( kill u , etc , if u just dont attack it.

and u can c enemy enemy inc prety far, if u just aint sleeping.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Fin said:
well if u get f.ex corpse camped whilse u doing quests....

u usually have at least 4 diff areas where u can do quests.
so rezz at grave yard, yes i know u loose 25% durabilty, but its only cash.
then just go somewhere else.
havent seen so much corpse camping in quest areas, some ambush yes, bu nothing special, and there is same peeps in area who r doing quests and its on those areas that high lvl peeps dont really do there nothing, well if they come and keelll, they get bored after sometime.

and when u r in your faction territory u aint pvp flagged . fe.x u r lvl 20 in barrens and some lvl 60 human comes next to u , that human cant touch u ( kill u , etc , if u just dont attack it.

and u can c enemy enemy inc prety far, if u just aint sleeping.

What are fe.x and f.ex? Reads as "for example", but i cant understand what is written here so though it best to ask.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
I've been playing my priest for a couple of weeks and I've been sightseeing alot aswell as questing. I've played on the most populated pvp server there is, and yeah as a Horde it's been kinda tough some times, but if you wish to avoid being greyganked/zerged then it's actually possible. Imo there're only a few places, which often is a pain to quest in. The two worst areas as a horde ppl were Hillsbrad Foothills and Stranglethorn, since both places often got attacked and roamed by high lvl ppls from the closed beta. If you wish to you can more or less avoid these places, since there's so many places to exp, including alot of instances. Of course there will be powergamers that'll do the same in retail, but there will be so few compared to beta that I really can't see any problems in it.

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