a little advice needed



i just atsrted playing swg and loving it

im playing a 1 handed swords man and intend taking this to master fencer

any the point is i was wondering what second skill i should take to reduce my downtime, medic or entertainer, and also what specefic line is best, ie first aid or pharacology etc

really just any advice would be welcome

ps lo jed just spotted you surfing, /tell me on eclipse as Rygex


until you really need the points back, it's well worth taking both entertainer & novice medic - they will both reduce downtime for you.

Once you need the points, you can surrender the skills to get the points back,


what specifically in the medic/entertainer line is a good choice? i mean in medic go like first aid or pharmacology etc

also in what aspects will medic/entertainer reduce downtime

i am not too keen on going both tbh as skiling them takes time away from skilling my main line,altho i guess it could be said you just skill thru dt but you gotta give it a boost thru proper lvling sometime any way im rambling....


uw and while i got your attention, are ther any skill lines that compliment master fencer well?

im considering being a crafter as another skill (was told you can be master of 3 lines) but if something else would make my life easiers as a swords man then i might consider that


well, the exploration line in the scout tree is damn handy.... burst run efficiency and terrain navigation bonuses

as a entertainer, you can cure your own mind damage while in a camp (need scout for this), so thats handy... i had novice entertainer only... handy

had first aid , and pharmacology 1 in the medic tree, so I could cure my health and action wounds myself

taking artisian and practising surveying is also handy, as you need inorganics to make stims.


As a pistoleer / scout i find the first aid from the medic line useful as it increases the amount of healing u get from a stim pack.

Diagnostics reduce the times between heals and the chemistry allows you to make stims that heal more (tho to be honest the amount of crafting required for stim B's and above is too much effort and i just buy them instead)

I just crafted stim A using hides and bones i was harvesting for my scout xp and putting the medic xp i got from using it to first aid and diagnostics (mainly first aid)

TIP: I know grinding is stupid etc.. but if you want a good way of getting your first level of medic skills just sit in a cantina crafting stim As and using them to heal the action pool of the entertainer you are using to keep your mind pool up. very easy and fats way of getting that crucial first level.


I have just the novice medic box and none of the skills from it, i buy stim and wound b's and they are 200-350 ish heal per use.

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