a litle co-operation would be nice



Well just a bit of a moan here, we had a stand off in emain with middies (As usual) at the amg. Albs where dieing we had hardly any healers but quite a few paladins. Now no names mentioned but guys you just sat there and did not rezz i fellow alb, at 1 stage both the healers were down and still they did not rezz, i asked one if he could rezz a healer and his reply was i am tired of rezzing people, no one ever rezz's me. Now what a childish remark, ok the guy was probally sneaking out of bed and playing on the QT as he was probally 10.

Come on guys this is a team game, not only your own little groups.




Yeah I know m8, I was there. I can't believe we lost as well.
I thought we were doing well until the charge command came...


you mean we where doing well beein farmed on our side of the mg? by 1/2 mids


No we did the right thing just not everyone went through,was great more than usual did go though and besides they were slightly more than us due to the others not charging.Alb should be more like this and we even know it.

Generic Poster

The charge would have worked, if everyone moved. After the fight, only 3-4 mids were alive.

When I looked back, at least 1fg Albs were still loitering on the other side of the amg. :mad:

If you want to see co-operation between Albs, leave the Emain zerg and spend some time in the Alb Frontier. You'll have more fun and there're benefits all round. You won't get as many RP/hour, but you won't get as frustrated either ;)


I was among the first who went down after charging through the mg. Was pretty sure we would win so I didnt really pay attention to what happened right after i hit the dirt. Then suddenly I noticed how more and more albs went down and I couldnt believe how we managed to loose that battle. That was the perfect ending to maybe the worst rvr night in history for me...was chewing grass more or less the whole evening, and I have to say that the thought of deleting my chars went through my head briefly.



Charging seems to be a nice tactic but it seems to fail 95% of the times, midgard tactic: Albs charge, Shammies cast AoE DoT on the outer door, once the inner door opens healers cast Stun/Mez, resolves Albs standing still with DoT on them cant do nothing and being AoE to hell by everyone.

Even had a lvl 50 (prob powerleveled since he didnt seem to know anything about stun) tell us after the failure: "Why did you all stand still between the AMG!!???" *sigh*.
Best tactic is not to charge [stupid Alb mode]But we will die then!!!!!!!1111[/stupid Alb mode] no if you stay away from all the ranged attacks you wont, it might be boring but wait, wait as long as it takes, the mids will charge or go away and then we will have the chance to wipe them all out.

Personally hate MG battles, they should remove MG to improve RvR in my view.
I also for some reason hate people that yell CHARGE!!11, for some reason those persons always get everyone killed...


Please, dont consider this a dissenting voice, for it is most certainly not.

Usually, my brother spends most of his time face down chewing the cud of emaine.

However, last night, he stood up for 99% of the time and saw many hib and midgardian forces crumble before Albion.

I say this not because I am trying to be some cheery jester, making a point at other peoples expense, but just trying to say that my brother thought some good victorious fightes were had, from his expereince!

Events always have more than one viewpoint and context, and tis must be borne in mind, two sides to every sovereign!


it would have helped...

If I felt a part of it last night...

I was probably one of the people stood the albion side of the amg. The reason being that I had asked for a group a dozen times and had not one reply, not even a useful "you should ask fred" comment. Therefore I arrived at the amg (a feat in itself as a solo caster) to get blasted at, but not killed as I tried to go through the gate, therefore I hung back not having the slightest idea what was going on.

It took me 45 minutes to get a group, despite continuously asking (respect to those who eventually took pity and let me group with them, Vasili was gl) and as there was no mention of a cg I spent that time wandering blindly around chasing after the main bunch.

Without some form of co-operation with respect to grouping it makes it a lot harder to handle this as people don't know what is going on. Had I not got a group when I did I would have logged 5 minutes later thinking "forget it". Start with the rudimentaries of making people feel part of the team and then a bit more harmony might happen between the albs. Why can't we all stop at the amg and make sure that everyone who wants a group is grouped etc?

Just my thoughts from what I saw last night.

Jod, Sorcerer Primus


Re: it would have helped...

Originally posted by jodster
Without some form of co-operation with respect to grouping it makes it a lot harder to handle this as people don't know what is going on. Had I not got a group when I did I would have logged 5 minutes later thinking "forget it". Start with the rudimentaries of making people feel part of the team and then a bit more harmony might happen between the albs.

What he said:)



Grats on 50 Jod....shame I wasn't there to see it :(

Yes, I charged through the amg and I took out about 2 mids myself before they got down to me and I ate dirt. I swung the camera around and there was at least a full group sitting on the hill on alb side of the amg just watching.

I accept that you might not know whats going on if you didn't have a group but the charge command was yelled out and most people did :) If the whole lot had then maybe we'd have won, doesn't matter now though.

The thing that does concern me is this seems to be happening a LOT lately.....I was in Emain for about 4 hours last night and the same thing kept happening - 2 to 3 fg of Albs bump into the equivalent of mids or hibs, 1 or 2 groups attack but theres always this bunch of people who run the second they even see the enemy. Even if they stayed we'd probably die but surely we'd take a few down, get some RP, make it a closer battle than if they ran away. It's also completely pointless in trying to run because they'll just swarm you, unless you can make it back to a mg or your not far from the PK. We encountered a load of mids trying to take DC and I know we had at least 3fg wth us, I looked round to see who was left when the battle began and all I could count was about 10 people left out of the force that was following us from the amg.

However I also think that Alb is pretty nerfed these days as well but thats another moan ;)


want as good place to have fun?

Odin's Gate, lots of fun, not many zergs but still, you manage more co-op without people shouting CHARGE!!! and al the others going FFS YOU NOOB YOU LET US DIE.


Originally posted by Alacaius
It's also completely pointless in trying to run because they'll just swarm you, unless you can make it back to a mg or your not far from the PK.

Thats not true, I do not often run away (unless 90 a 100% runs) but I have 1 thing to say, run North! not West, if you run west you get the entire Midgard zerg over you, I always run North and I have NEVER been killed when running, just hide a bit behind a tree and when all death msgs have gone go back to apk.
I know running aint the best thing to do but I aint planning to stay there if only 1FG of the 6FGs is left at AMG, but remember to be smart if you run away dont stay in the zerg.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
If you want to see co-operation between Albs, leave the Emain zerg and spend some time in the Alb Frontier. You'll have more fun and there're benefits all round. You won't get as many RP/hour, but you won't get as frustrated either ;)

Indeed. The retake of Beno last night was great fun even if only 2 guilds in the Unity Alliance came out for the first 4 attempts <grin>

It was so bloody annoying to see 20-30 Albs porting to emain when we had a defended keep in our own frontier. The MMG was constantly busy and even a few Hibs getting through to the Sauvage road. Oh and did anyone bother to clear the road ... of course not.

No damn wonder Albs lose relics - we can't even muster more than 15 people willing to give up the emain zerg for 30 mins to take back a single keep (all doors down).



I agree about going to Odins but its such a severe extreme opposite to Emain sometimes. I joined a group the other day and we went there, there was absolutely nothing out there. We ended up outside their boarder keep and had to wait about 10 minutes for someone to come out :)

Actually it was quite funny because about 15 of aus all hid behind one bush and lept out on them ;)

- Algar -

Heh, i had a little wander into odins last night..

i sat on pad (which was full of albs) and ported into middy country... i was the only one of the people on the pad that actually went to odins, as soon as i was out of the pk i almost ran into middies doing their suicide runs into our keep to see who can get the furthest! :rolleyes:
Had a lil duel with a red con shammy, admittedly he kicked my ass (nerf fungal bolts! ;)) but it seems to me that even the mids are getting bored of odins :p

carrot head


we likes our odins we have fun their

please please come more often

we wants u we does

however some of you perhaps not the ones writing hear remember 2 bring your back bones when porting over.


and btw shamee ae dot is full 6 dots next pach just so u knows

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