Flobber lobber lobber lob weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedOriginally posted by azshara
"...beskriver ungdomar som gått så mycket in i cybervärlden att de inte kan skilja mellan den och verkligheten. "
Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Flobber lobber lobber lob weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Cant someone translate just a lil b4 posting on an English board?
Of course it is, just some dumb hib with too much spare time dreaming again. Think they are going to hang him next week for witch craft.Originally posted by Anu
There is a real world?? Tis all lies me thinks.
I wonder if the research report really says that (in which case I think it's suspect) or if it's just a poorly-written article. Even the worst game addicts don't seriously confuse the real and virtual worlds. Their problem is that they allow the priorities of the virtual world to take precedence while withdrawing from the real world, to the detriment of their health and school/work/family life - not that they're unable to tell the difference."... [the reseach report] describes young people who have gone so deep into cyberspace that they no longer can tell it from the real world."
Originally posted by old.Attle
and not working out 1-2 times a week