A FT League!




I've made a new thread on this issue(2 pages of stuff on the other one). I'd very much like an FT league :) I'll contact BW and ask them what 'The Machine' and I need to do from here ;) I know of a GIN clansman who held the last one, so I'll contact him as well.

Are players using the second FT server?

Beans (katie) :p


OK lets keep it going! i'll try to get a team together from {KEA} for a league.anyone else?


There is a new GISP that are currently offering numerous Q2 servers (see the GISP thread) (Gaming Internet Service Provider btw :) ) Im sure they would host a Freezetag league, and perhaps a freeze tag server, as long as it is used. All you have to do is head on down to http://www.netgames-uk.net and post a topic about it in the Quake2 forum, if you can persuade them they would definitley be willing, I will back you up as well as I am one of their Q2 Admins, and I'm aware how popular Ft is.

So, if you can simply perswade em how popular FT is, they will listen and help you out, I suggest a few of you go and post there in support of the idea!



FT League

Have you got any more news on a new FT league??
also what's the address of the second FT Server??


[uM] can get a team ready for the league, and I think that I can do some admining. I also know some other people who would be willing to be an admin for the league. Anyway great news about there being a league. [uM] could do with a few matchs of FT.
Anyway, alot has to be sorted out if there is going to be a league. Any votes on what maps should be played? I suggest leaving the laggy maps out. E.g. Finkodm2 - Very laggy because of all that lava. And that other new one. You know the one which is just a big room. That is laggy because you have to load everything that is going on. Also should there be a ping limit? I know last time there was a league. There were teams such as SC which all 5 people playing were LPBS.
Which would be a bit unfair for clans such as ^OL^ who are Old Laggers or something. And they are all HPB. Well I will talk to beans/katie/Sir^Katie.... And arrange dates/times/maps etc.. Anyway see you all on the Server(s) P.S Katie, I know that GIN and uM are using the (2) server quite a bit :)

[uM]:M@ch!ne - http://go.to/clan-um
aka TheMachine :)

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