My subscription runs out on 03/10 and I have decided not to renew it.
Not gonna ramble on about why suffice it to say that the game has become boring for me as I find the emain rvr kinda pointless and theres not much more left on offer.
I've had a great time in DAoC, from leading many of the 1st Albion keep raids to just hanging out xp'ing with many various people. Fond memorys of it all.
I'd like to thank everyone for making the game fun for me for as long as they have. Made too many friends to mention but you know who you are and you know the great times we have had.
Sneek Ybastid
Servants of the Lake
Not gonna ramble on about why suffice it to say that the game has become boring for me as I find the emain rvr kinda pointless and theres not much more left on offer.
I've had a great time in DAoC, from leading many of the 1st Albion keep raids to just hanging out xp'ing with many various people. Fond memorys of it all.
I'd like to thank everyone for making the game fun for me for as long as they have. Made too many friends to mention but you know who you are and you know the great times we have had.
Sneek Ybastid
Servants of the Lake