A few...strange ideas that Mythic might like.



Ok we all know classes work as classes work but i had a bad case of food poisoning or just hit my head when i thought of these.

Stealthers: Anyone played Splinter Cell? Here a meter from 0 to 4 states to you how well hidden you are. At 4, you're lit up like a christmas tree and at 0 you are a shadow of a ghost. In Splinter Cell this works with shadows, in DAoC this could be used with bushes, trees and such. Now implement this for stealthers and there would be no more "they just disappear!" cries. Now stealthing would be more then just pressing a button and chasing a stealther would be a challenge. Lost the stealthy bugger who killed your caster? Should've kept your eye on him. At level 0 the stealther would be hidden and noone would see him unless they stepped on him. At 4 the stealther is running around naked on a plane shouting: "eat me! eat me!"

Casters: Forget the staff weapons, like any mage would actually get down and dirty with the stupid masses of the fighters and hit something. How brutal. Instead you could give spheres for casters, a simple sphere in the beginning of the life and this sphere would be the casters "soul" per say. This sphere could be upgraded and modified, during the life of the caster, to a certain degree(depending on the realm) and the spells of a caster would be individual. So instead of asking a mage: "have you specced in supp?" You would ask a more meaningful: "What are you good at?" It would be possible for a mage to have AoE, mezz, stun, DoT, DD...but the power of that sphere would be quite low in individual spells...now a sphere specced fully in DD? Fully in DoT? Sounds tempting don't it? And never, ever, ask a caster to move close to an enemy or actually lift a finger to hit one(physically) even if someones life was hanging by a thread.

Fighters: Only thing i could think of these guys is... make them tough. DAmnit if a guy has spent his whole adult life training his sword, no man(except another fighter) should be able to fight them with weapons. Burn them, shoot them, pray to your gods that they fall before they get near. Now zerkers, these who put their life at risk to give out damage. Speed, these warriors are fast..aggressive..hazed with rage as their only goal is to get near and kill. They fall faster but hit harder. Now the fighter classes, as they are, in my opinion are too similar. More speed to zerkers, less speed but more armor(and size!) to tanks and more finesse for those masters of the shard and pointy weapons(who hasn't parried an arrow or two with the sword?)

Thanks for listening to silly ideas by teh Seel.

EDIT: Why don't i put these into my design of a MMOG? Well..let's just say i got bit better ones there allready. :p

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