A few questions



To be answered by everyone (who still plays DAoC) :)

What does DAoC mean to you?

Why do you play?

What do you like best about the game?

Other comments?


1) whingers
2) no other game i wanna play
3) its fun


What does DAoC mean to you?

Dark Age of Camelot (well someone had to say it)

Why do you play?

I play because it's entertaining, a comunity and about the only on-line game I can play on a 56k modem.

What do you like best about the game?

I (peversly) like the PvE element. Maybe because I'm not 50 yet (though almost there)

I also like the friendship of the Guild. Some of my guildmates are RL firends and it's great to get together most night, talk about stuff and kill things.

Other comments?

When my mate introduced me to the Beta i thought it would suck donkeys... hey I was way wrong. Yeah there have been some low time (getting groups is always a pain in the ass).. but mostly its been great.


Pretty much a repeat of what Elvewen said in his/her (sorry don't know which you are blush).

I also started in beta on the recommendation of my best mate. Met a fantastic bunch of people and we've all been in the same guild ever since so that's now approaching 18 months.

Although the game can be buggy, doing things like last night's raid on Caer Benowyc was, for me being not a lvl 50 uber PvPer just yet (grin), just great fun with a bunch of people I like to spend time with.


What does DAoC mean to you?
Some sort of portal out to some peeps that I know, and appritiate their friendship!

Why do you play?
The community, and ofc the part where U kind of "BECOME" your char (aka. RPG)
luuve the realistic part, dying, getting rezzed :p

What do you like best about the game?
The RvR part(ofc)
Nothing better then ganking some RL peeps, so they whine ... btw, GOA, make some sort of *gurgle* sound when peeps die, would be fun :)
and more realistic then:"You just killed XXXX" ... erhm .. yeah!?

Other comments?
no not really, ohh yeah, nice post :)



Originally posted by old.Alliandre
To be answered by everyone (who still plays DAoC) :)

1> What does DAoC mean to you?

2> Why do you play?

3>What do you like best about the game?

Other comments?

1a > It means never having to say ur sorry. except when u kill someone else's mob.

2a > Feck all else to do - i spose i could go out, and steal a car, but i'd get in trouble for that. I don't drink, so won't be going down the pub in the foreseeable future.

3a > It actually runs on my PC with everything up to 'full' - oh and Dave 'Tobeor' Robertson, my bestest buddy in game.


Nerf RA's.


Re: Re: A few questions

What do you like best about the game?
The RvR part(ofc)
Nothing better then ganking some RL peeps, so they whine ... btw, GOA, make some sort of *gurgle* sound when peeps die, would be fun :)
and more realistic then:"You just killed XXXX" ... erhm .. yeah!?

Erm .... ppl already do 'gurgle' when they - if your a caster you're prolly too far away to hear it.

like the humanoid mobs either aaaargh or scream or whatever when 'they' die.

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