A day in the life of!


One of Freddy's beloved
May 7, 2006
Okay, thought id make a fun thread, you have to give us a rough outline of a good day you've had this week! I'll go first.

8:00am Wake up, realise its study leave
2:ishpm wake up, pull on some clothes, spend 178 quid in topshop because im tired of looking like a hobo
3:00pm get a subway (footlong double meatball with cheese honey mustard and light mayonaise)
4:00pm get home and find that something i got from e-bay had arrived.
5:00pm broke thing i got from ebay

good day?

your go!


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Monday, before I found out I had more college work to do.

9:00 wake up, decide its far too early to get up, so go back to sleep
10:00 again wake up, again decide its too early and go back to sleep
10:30 finally wake up and decide its time to get up.
10:35 finish deciding that yes, it is still time to get up, actually get up
10:36 turn my computers on
10:37 shit shower shave etc
10:45 breakfast, eggs on toast :D
11:00 start CSS
18:00 close CSS
18:00 get ready to go out
18:30 go to pub for dinner (chicken tikka)
anything from around "19:00 start drinking properly" and "23:00 stumble home" is kinda hard to figure out exactly but you get the idea :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

7:30 - Alarm wakes me up
8:45 - get out of bed after dozing for over an hour
8:50 - having got ready for work, I realise I'm going to Stockton rather than the office this morning, so start taking my time and have a bowl of branflakes and make myself an uber sandwich of d00m (sesame bagel, guacamole, tzatziki, pastrami and cucumber).
9:30 - Having faffed around for ages, I finally leave home, driving to Stockton via Leeds city centre to drop off my husband at his office
10:45 - Arrive in Stockton town centre where previous research indicated I could find a piercing shop (the attachment of my labret stud fell out so I had to get a new one asap)
11:30 - return brandishing metallic spike, get in car and drive to the site I'm meant to be auditing for work. Read book until 1:30.
1:30 - Walk around field, nosy over the garage next door noting nasty stuff like where they store their oil, who takes away their rubbish etc. Take photos to prove I was there and not skiving off.
1:45 - Read book again
2:30 - Realise that I'm going to have to go back to the office - I honestly can't take a whole day to audit a field 100 miles away.
3:45 - Arrive back in office to realise that the skimpy(ish) top that I put on this morning for a site audit isn't really appropriate for office work. Go to toilet to make adjustments to bra to stop boobs popping out all the time.
3:50 - Die of boredom in office.
4:00 - Write up site visit.
4:15 - Go on FH
4:30 - Check guild website
4:45 - Check FH again
5:00 - Do my timesheet
5:15 - Convince myself its near enough to 5:30 and leave work. Sit in traffic for 20 minutes.
5:35 - Arrive at gym - decide to do normal excercise rather than a swim as leg-hair growth has been faster than usual.
6:50 - Pick husband up from his work, go home, wash up while he cooks dinner.
8:00 - RvR
11:00 - Bored of RvR, log off, faff about.
12:00 - Go to bed.
The rest is censored :D

Wow, my days are truly boring, but I like em :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
tuesday -
get up at 10.30. realise nothing to do today
11.00 - eat breakfast, consisting of one space cake and a glass of milk
12.00 - 1800. somethings happen here. mainly involving playing on grow game and watching random tv
1800- play pool
2300 - goto bed


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Average week day

7am wake up
7.30 am Take a shit in GF's toilet and leave her a nice smell
7.45 am arrive home, get ready for work
8.30 am arrive in the office
8.45 am - 4.00 pm Read FH, do some work
4.15 pm Have a joint with my cousin.
5.30 pm Visit one of my mates
7 pm Back to gfs house
7.15 pm - 11pm Sit around bored with GF watching TV
11pm - 1am - :sex:


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
10:00am : wake up
10:15am : have shower
10:45am : go into uni
11:20am : get a sarnie from the union
12:00am : head to compute cluster to revise and read FH
07:00pm : had enough head to KFC with mate for dinner
07:30pm : head to union drink 6 pints
11:00pm : walk home, piss in street
11:20pm : talk on msn
12:00am : sleep


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ok here was Friday...

07:00 - GF gets up, waking me up in the process. Roll over and try to get a few minutes more sleep
07:20 - Crawl outta bed, jump into the bath & stick the radio on (talk sport)
07:35 - Look at clock on wall, think damn I need to get out of the bath and start listening to some interesting rant about the England football team (again)...
07:50 - Look at the clock again, figure sod it, I'll just listen to the news then I'll get out...
08:10 - Finally crawl outta the bath, running late again :(
08:30 - finally leave the bathroom having made a giant mess and towels everywhere much to the GFs delight when she gets home!!!
08:35 - Having faffed around for ages, make some toast and switch on the TV while I eat it.
09:15 - Frasier finishes on Channel 4. Bugger, I should have been at work 15 mins ago. Oh well, I'll take the motorway, it'll be free flowing today I'm sure...
10:30 - Storm into work, cursing motorway traffic. What's usually a 7 minute journey took an hour and a quarter.
10:35 - Tea break. We'll I've been working hard, I deserve it, right?
10:40 - Take a 5 minute browse of FH while I drink my tea.
11:15 - Stop reading FH and open email.
11:45 - Stop reading worthless crap, email. Reminder pops up to tell me I have a meeting in London @ 15:00. Browse the internet looking for train time tables and the place on a multimap.
12:15 - Get out of chair, walk to station, buy tickets for London Bridge Station. Wait for train in the rain.
14:15 - Get off train, get phone call asking for help as one of the payroll systems have stopped working. Phone support sucks...
14:40 - Walk into meeting rooms, unfortunately they're in a private conference centre\bar. Get given a Guiness and told it's a free bar for the evening... Oh crap :(
15:00 - Meeting starts, all attendees march into conference room, alcohol in hand.
17:00 - Meeting ends, all back to the bar... Damn, I wish I had found the time to have lunch. This is gonna get messy...
21:30 - Some evil bastard orders Sambuca and Tequila shots. REALLY regret not having lunch now!!!
23:40 - Look at watch, realise I'm going to miss the last train home unless I leave right now... Say my goodbye and get the usually boozy lass telling me she 'loves me best of all her colleagues.' Leave in a daze.
23:50 - Standing in Paddington, stuffing my face with a double whopper with cheese, trying to soak up some of the alcohol before I get home so GF won't tell me off too much :p
00:50 - Arrive home, try to sneak in quietly - fail miserably... Wake up the GF while I'm rummaging through the fridge for a snack. Collapse into bed and snore, keeping her awake for a while. Damn, I was made to pay for that on Saturday...


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
i havent had a good day :< so heres a typical one

07:00 wake up and have shower
07:20 breakfast
07:30 leave for work
08:04 train to paddington
09:30 arrive at work
13:00 lunch
17:30 work finishes, head for uni
18:30 arrive at uni
19:00 exam
21:00 head home
22:30 arrive home and have something to eat
23:00 go sleep


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
11:30am Got up, had breakfast
12:10pm Sat down at computer
20:30pm Had a wee, made a snack (washed hands ofc)
20:40pm Sat down at computer again
11:40pm Made a bowl of cereal and started to read a book
3:10am Had a wank
4:20am Went to bed


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
hmm my typical dull workday..

07:00 alarm goes off, hit snooze
07:45 realise i have 20 minutes or i will miss the bus therefore end up rushing around like a twat, constantly thinking i will be late
08:10 catch the bus, find a seat prefferably where i wont get someone sitting next to me, turn mp3 player on to drown out society
08:50 arrive in Brigg, go to the shop to buy some irn bru
08:55 get to work mess around until
09:00 then do all the days work until around
11:00 then its the internets time
12:00 take a long 1+hour lunch typically
13:00(ish) browse the internet some more whilst dealing with the tiny drip of work that might appear on my desk
16:55 leave 5 minutes early to catch the bus home, repeat process as the morning bus ride
17:50 get home, talk to dad, annoy mother, ask whats for food
18:00 get changed and then sit at my pc for a while
while, turn on my ps2 and play ff10 (atm change games or console for different periods of time)
22:15ish bathe etc
23:30ish hop in bed and watch whatever can be remotely classed as pr0n on channel 5, usually dropping off to sleep around 01:00
repeat until saturday, then just add in playing lots of snooker, and more computer


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

7.30am Wake up,go to toilet,sick up.
7.45am Shower etc etc
8.15am Drink Tea and try some toast,nearly sick up again.
8.45am Walk 2 miles to work because bike is still locked up at work.
9.15am Arrive at work looking for sympathy and getting none whatsoever (bastids and beeches :( )
9.30am - 5pm Go through hell coping with loud telephones and dumb tourists.
5.15pm Go back to pub,get lots of sympathy and advice,whilst trying hair of dog.
8.00pm Feel much better,drink quite some more and take piss out of everyone.
11.30pm Eyes gone funny,mouth not working,need help into taxi.
11.45pm - 12.00 Try to get into front door.
12.15am Collapse on bed and roll off at some point...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Everyday is a good day
5.15 alarm goes off
5.20-6.00 Shower, eat and get dressed
6.00 Walk to work
6.45 Arrive at work
7.00 Work
15.00 Walk home
16.00 Turn on the computer
- Have sex
- Eat
- Have sex
22.00 Workout
23.00 Go to bed
- Have sex
- Eat


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Good day? GOOD DAY?!

I don't know the meaning of a good day! My life is worthless and a piece of sh*t ride through this gray mass the mindless sheep like to call life. I call it hell. There's nothing good about my week, never was and never will be!! Goddamnit!

I mean...

Monday - 8:00 am - Became emo.
Monday - 8:01 am - Stopped caring.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
7:15 get woken up by the wife
7:30 get woken up again by the wife
7:45 get out of bed
7:50 make a cup of tea, check email, FH etc
8:10 get ready for work
8:30 leave the house
9:00 get into work
9:05 read funny emails, check post
10:00 ciggie break
12:00 go to lunch, read the paper, go to the pub, whatever
13:00 back to work
15:00 ciggie break
17:00 go home
17:30 read FH, think about sorting dinner
18:00 sort dinner out
18:30 wife gets home, feed and water her
19:00 watch TV with the wife, play about on the PC
22:00 go to bed
23:00 get up, have a joint or two, muck about on PC again
01:00-02:00 go to bed to sleep


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
6.30am get up
7.15am go to work
8.00am get to work
8.00am-12.30pm work solidly (honest, my boss reads fh ;) )
12.30pm-1pm lunch
1pm-4.45pm work solidly some more
4.45pm get ready to go home
4.46pm damn something has come up
6.00pm leave work
6.40pm get home, log in daoc, guild off to kill leviathan
6.40pm-7.30pm go ld twice, have to not go on levi raid, holding everyone up
7.30pm-8.00pm damn need to eat, raid the freezer and cook something vaguely edible
8.15pm go to RvR, realise I can't be arsed anymore
8.16pm quit daoc :mad:
8.45pm start this post
9.00pm watch wwe judgement day that i downloaded earlier


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
6:30am - wake up and get dressed
6:45am - begin paper round
7:20am - arrive back at house
7:25am - have breakfast and do hair, face wash etc.
7:55am - leave for train
8:10am - catch ze train
8:40am - arrive at school
8:40am - 3:35pm - SCHOOL FTW
3:35pm - get ze train.
4:20pm - arrive home.
4:20pm - 10pm - homework/daoc/porn/whateva xD
10pm - 11pm - weights, pack bag, showa, wash hair, face wash etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
here was today.

8:15 get up and realise i gotta be at the sports cenre for 9:25 for my Sunbed appointment.
8:30 clean myself eat breakfast etc
8:40 drive into town,. HUGE traffic jam on way and i am 15mins late for my sunbed appointment.
9:40 reschedule sunbed appointment to 11:55 and in meantime i swim and sauna for 2 hours
11:55 i enjoy getting my suntan :D
12:20 leave sporst centre for town and random shopping
1:00 meet friend in town and we haev lunch together
2:00 friend goes back to work and i shop again in town for 2 houstr
4:00 go down to train station to meet friend
4:20 go to sports centre with friedn and swim 50 lenghts and sauna/spa brining it to 120 lengths in total for the day
7:20 i get home absolutely knacered out and over heated and over exercised
7:30 eat my food and check if rvr on tonight, there isnt so i vegitate in house
8:30 check for jobs in spain, and up until now chatting to people on msn,


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
7.00 Alarm
7.05 Shower
7.30 Dressed and Find Food
7.50 Leave for work
8.20 Get to work tell people to piss off i dont start till 8.30
8.30 Time for a 55 (hot Choc)
8.50 Check the websites, CAD 5031 Here and some wrestling sites
9.30 Turn work phone on read emails
11.00 Wind down ready for lunch
12.30 Lunch and Tescos (got booted feeling took roughly 15 minutes to come back)
1.20 Back at work meetings about redundancys ect
5.15 Home
5.45 Feeding time turn computer on
21.00 Start watching coupling DVD

That was today with the exception of Tescos was boring


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
7:10 - Get up, shower, eat, dressed, pack bag, tv, etc
8:20 - Leave house for school
8:40 - Get to school
3:15 - Leave school
3:45 - Get into gym
5-5:30 - Get out of gym, drive home
6:00 - Get home, grab something to eat
6:15 - Browse around FH and other regular sites
6:45 - Shower
7:15 - Dinner
7:45 - Begin to try and revise, but end up reading fh
8:30 - Finally start revising
9:30 - Stop revising, watch TV for a bit
10:00 - Eat some more
10:30 - Get ready for bed
10:45 - Meet Outlander in bed and play hunt the squirting magic tail.
2:00 - Find the magic tail, go to sleep :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
7:30 alarm
8:00 actually wake up
8:10 finish breakfast knowing i gotta move fast like every morning
8:20 finish toilet/washing stuff
8:30 put on mp3/legging it across the park coz u see the bus pulling round the corner and hoping a few peeps alrdy at bus stop
8:95 get to school start checking FH/emails/msn
11:00 had enough of school for today (mainly just checking fh etc and mp3 :D)
11:00 into lan cafe to meet irl m8s and daoc for a while ..
==this parts flexibly/doesnt always happen==
daoc til 18:00 or 20:00 eat etc etc ...
mp3 player bk on while i heading through town
get bus home after i leave the lan
get home eat, meet friends
23:00 come inside watch tv/eat til 2:00
toilet stuff after i come upstairs ..
work our for 30mins .. then into bed and listen to mp3 player til it wakes me up then i turn it off and bk to sleep

(this week i am actually in school all day to get my programming projects etc handed up and pass my course .. love the challenge of doing 1yrs work in 1week + its easy)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
5.00: Get up
5:05: Stretch
5:30: Go out running
6:15-30: Back from running
6:30-45: Do 300 sit ups
7:10: Eat breaky
7:20: Do weights
8:00: Shower then Down the gym
13:00: Troll fh/Sort things out in daoc
13:30: Revise
16:00: Go see GF
18:15: Irc login see if any groups need./ eat dinner quick.
18:30-10:30-play daoc if group
18:30: No group so watch tv/go round birds
22:00: Get back do weights
22:45: Chill out watch tv
24:00: Bed if feel like it

If i dont have work then thats a day for me sometimes not 24/7


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004

08:00 wakeup
08:02 go to the loo
08:04 turn on pooter, find torrents for Lost and do nothing
08:30 ate blueberries
10:00 shower
10:30 book tickets for film
11:45 cinema for X-men: the last stand
14:15 supermarket for fish for tea
14:40 get home and watch Lost
16:00 be annoyed because Lost is over until Autumn, play City of Heroes
17:45 put food in oven
18:15 eat food
18:30 make plans for tonight ;D


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
my day today:

07.00: Getting home from a hard night of drinking
10.01: Falling asleep
12.00: Waking up, realising I'm still drunk, so falls asleep again
14.00: Wakes up, not drunk anymore, but hangovers kicked in
14.15: Getting out of bed realising I have no money at all, so no hangover cola for me :(
14.30: Need my cola, so gathering beer bottles
14.45: Returning in bottles for money at the grocery-store, but since the queue is too long I walk away.. Still no coke
15.00: Enters 7/11, get's a totally overprices coke
15.15: After finishing my coke thinking to myself "Feck the price.. It was worth it"
15.30: Get's home.. Calls new girlfriend, but not really listening to her, because my head aches like hell, so I just tell her that I miss her and hangs up
15.31: Turns on the com
15.33: Logs on to DAoC(dunno if you guys know it, but it's a mmorpg) :p
20.00: Puts dinner in the microwave oven
20.02: Dinner is done and I burn my tongue
20.03: Plays more daoc
22.00: Logs off, after a few hours of pl
22.01: Starts trolling forums and speaking to a few ppl on msn(/wave Morian)
23.30: Sitting here smoking a cig..
23.31: Wonders: "Oh boy, what will happen next in my exciting day?"
23.32: Clicking the Submit Reply button

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