A combined complaint



Greetings DAoC community Europe

So, we are now in the middle of June, and the effects of slow patches, no information from GOA and the summer has kicked in.

This is a request to participate in a public complaint to Mythic Entertainment. A request that hopefully will make them take action and save a dying community.

This post is devided into 2 sections. The first is this section that gives details on what to do. The second is my personal thoughts on the subject.

---------------------- Section A ----------------------

What I would like to see is, that everyone playing DAoC EU on the two english servers mails Sanya at:


And makes the subject EU

Please keep to this short subject, so as she can easily spot all these mails. Either write something in the mail, but at the least include a link to this thread on these boards:


What I would like to happen is this:
Mythic allows players to:
Convert their EU Account to a US Account.
Transfers their Character(s) to a US server of their choise.

So, 3 easy steps:

  1. [/list=1]
    1. Mail Sanya@mythicentertainment.com with the subject EU
    2. Put in the link to this thread: http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24223
    3. Leave the message empty, or write about your own reasons for sending the mail.

      And remember... tell your guildmates and those you group with to do the same. It takes 2 minutes and may actually yield a result!

      ---------------------- Section B ----------------------
      I am playing on Prydwen, and I really do like to play Dark Ages of Camelot. However, what keeps my interest is the player interaction, both while Grouping for XP and doing RvR.

      However, recently this has been harder and harder. The two English servers population are dropping steadily. I am sure there are several reasons for this. One of them being the summerl However, not even summer and exams can explain this low player count. People are leaving the english Dark Age of Camelot Europe version!

      My personal belief is, that this is due to a wrong business idea for this kind of game. While the German and French versions has the added benefit of local language versions to keep them on the European versions, the same does not hold true for the English speaking players. There is absolutely nothing that keeps us from playing the American version just as easily!

      When you on top of that add extremely slow patching and an awful lack of communication between GOA and the community, then we have a bad mix. People will continue to leave DAoC EU/English version and go to the American version or even worse for Mythic... other games.

      If the 'word on the street' doesn't make sure of this, then the EU gaming press certainly will. The reviews of GOAs performance is something that Mythic as a professional company should feel ashamed to be related with.

      So, what I propose is something that has been tried before, but not as organized as this attempt hopefully will be, and not with as clear a goal as this will have.

      We will make an official complaint, asking for a clear-cut solution that will benefit us all.

      Please read above this section for what actions to take!

      Yours truly



Yes, yes, very nice.
There are such things as contracts which, unless written by a moron, prevent a company leasing technology from suddenly stealing the entire customer base of the other company.
Sorry, that didn't come out too clearly, but what i'm saying is that legally speaking, this one just aint happening.


Perhaps not. But then we can hope for a comment by Mythic at the least. There is nothing lost in trying, but absolutely nothing gained by not.


I'm happy waiting frankly; the BGs will keep my alts occupied, and the longer i have DF+40-50 epics, without 1.50/51 shiteness, the better.
That said, i want 1.49 TOMMOROW dammit and 1.50 next year sometime ;)


They've told you the end of June already...

While I'm not exactly pleased about it you can't say they didn't say.

They said the 1st of June on GORRE (i.e. the test server)

Unlike Mythic, GOA seem to actually be testing the patches... which is nice...

Roll on the battlegrounds, not sure how long I can keep Fingoniel at lvl 29 :)

(actually what am I talkin about... no chance I'll ever get _past_ lvl 29 ;))



They can only test what they change

and they only change translations, they dont test game balance issues and content changes, they are not privvy to do that.

In essence they will "test" translations and that quests work after translatiosn and also test the patcher iteslf (we all know how ridicuolous the patch process was for 1.45)

Mythic have Pendragon to test and ALL their patches go on pendragon for a relatively large (read as big if not bigger community of players than EU Excal server) player base to play with prior to official patching.

GOA test what they play around with, they play around with translations and combined patches, not with content changes or balance changes.

GORRE will be a huge failre unless they find a way like Mythihc did to transfer our chars to it.

its a fact that the larger the test server player base (and I mean a full range of levels, including lots of level 50's), the quicker the bugs in translation can be found and quicker patching can be done


Originally posted by Solid
In essence they will "test" translations and that quests work after translatiosn and also test the patcher iteslf (we all know how ridicuolous the patch process was for 1.45)

Uh, yeah... I ran the game, it updated the patcher, downloaded files and I had 1.45, how ridiculous :rolleyes:

What exactly was so ridiculous about it?


Lotsa people had trouble downloading the patch (me included - took nearly 3 days) and it also took far too long to put in for what were a minimal amount of changes - god knows when we're gonna get 1.49.


hehe for every one person who had a seemless patch there were likely a good few who did not, me being one of them, i spent all day trying to get the patch, and the patcher kept crashing on me, this was experienced by many, or else they could simply not connect to the patcher, or it ran to 205% and crashed, stuff like that.

I of course tried to patch on patch day itself and had troubles, when did you patch? was it late on that day, day after? week later?


Did you download the patch, on patch day, at around mid-day,
If you did you would of seen how ridiculous it was,

if you could actually connect with a speed of 0.3k,

It was bloody awfull!!


i had no problem on a 56K i got it and it took me like 25mins to d/l

but then there was the weekend downtime.....


Everyone connecting overloaded the patch server...

Solid, Gorre will have the Excalibur character database (which is how they can tell if it breaks the database).

The character database needs to be converted (it did with 1.36 to 1.45 anyway) - this can go wrong (e.g. missing vaults) hence needs to be tested on Gorre.

When they change it to Excalibur you can log on whatever character you normally play on there and check it all works, then go for a spar in the Battlegrounds for a chuckle.

Also incase you haven't noticed there's no "Armor Merchants" kicking around... so some small amount of translation has been done. (I doubt anything that will break the quests but you never know)

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