A challenge !!



As every1 knows albs have the central keep in thid. I personally thought we would never get the people together to gain control of it. Now we have it, the mids seem to have dissapeared and the little hibbies have gone extinct. Last night there were dribs and drabs of mids comin to play, but nothin like the amount when they had the keep.

Have u mids GIVEN UP already ?? i hope not cos it was mighty borin with no action :(

And to the hibs who seem content to not show at all and when they do tis sad to see u bring very few :(

So i put a challenge to the mids and hibs of prydwen can either of u take the keep from us ?? by the end of july ?? we shall see :)

Thx for fun when it arrives.

Plutaris: Minstrel 4x Alb
Vodac: Scout 2x Alb


Tihihih... I have not been in-game for two weeks but Lother will soon be back!


As I remember, us little Mids beat you back to your keep once or twice last night....

Was really fun, and a big shoutout to Siny, I had a real laugh last night cuz of her ;)

Orin Askhammare

I was only an ickle level 20 during the couple of nights where we defended the keep. Now that we've lost it I've done some xping last night and will for most part tonight as I think assaulting is definately the harder part and I need to put on some extra weight!

I will be coming to take a look tonight though!

Tesla Monkor

We don't need no keep to kill you lot. ;D


Originally posted by Milkshake
As I remember, us little Mids beat you back to your keep once or twice last night....

I agree,

Once or twice isnt the word, we owned them last night except for the guards who kept being pulled and wiping us out.

Unfortunately no leadership being present, despite the trying meant we were there in dribs and drabs, due to releasing and getting back.

One thing i would like to know, is how can a simulcrum kill me when im under the bridge and he isnt? he kept hitting me when i was swimming away, and when i turned around he wasnt there, and i couldnt stick to him. And by hitting me i mean HITTING and not poison or any other effect, it sucks :(

Kazzie :)


Mmkay, Tesla ~ Krestal

<adds krestal to my list of who to hide from next to Melgina>

412 ffs, not even my buffed hp was good enough to cover that :/



You can strike me from that list, I got too many rps for thid :(

Pwyiw TwoFace

Originally posted by Melgar
You can strike me from that list, I got too many rps for thid :(

<waves goodbye>
At least I got to kill you one last time before you left (maybe more, not counting, too much hit-'n-run-'n'-let-the-poison-work tonight.

I do believe you severely outnumberred us tonight. I stood on the bridge shortly after assassinating a newly rezzed kobold, and watched at least 20 of you retreat to you PK, with noone in pursuit. I then went back over the bridge towards the keep and found a good 20 odd there as well.

Tomorrow shall probably be my last day there, maybe Sunday. My visit has been fun.

<bows and fades to black.>


I'll make my way to Murdaigean in due course. after getting my fill in Thidranki I will, I suspect like a lot of people there, go back to the xp grind until I hit 28 or 29, then haunt the next BG until they throw me out :)

Murd should be a lot more interesting - at least some of the stealthers will be able to scale the keep walls, there may be pulsing group bladeturns, longer duration mezzes... more like 'grownup' RvR. People (not just the twinks/alts) will be better able to afford rams and other siege weapons, and everyone will be bringing the lessons learned in Thidranki with them. When the population boom works its way up to the right levels, we should see some good RvR action in there :)

Hope to see you... long before you see me.

Tremayne Stormcrow


soon when everyone starts breaking the 350 limit more people may playing in muridaigean. i dnot think the middies will ever get the keep as we get many people thru out the day in thidranki.

if you middies just let us kill you maybe you could get up to the RP limit ;)

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