A challenge; Frontier xp group




The last day or two, I've spoken with a couple of friends about what they think about the lands which they visit, in their quest for becomming more experienced. Many of us are, to say the least, bored with the tedious repetition of an ever-lasting battle, which seems to be the everyday of a majority of our nation in Lyonesse. And therefore, a handful of us are seeking a new and challenging task, we wish to fight our way through the hostile frontier of ours, but also that of our opponents.

The current plan is to get everyone up to their 20th season, this for a couple of reasons: It's no longer possibly to Kill Task your way further up, neither are we nearly as restricted in the choice of which enemies we wish to track down and slay, thereby limiting ourself to a too narrow selection of targets.

However, we're looking for more companions in such dangerous surroundings, that might actually mean we'd like you to join us! Currently, I've only spoken to 3 persons, which I've thought might be able to spare some time each day, and all of them are definately interested. Unfortunately, that means we've only got room for 4 other people, however depending on the interest in a project like this, there's nothing which prevents another group or two from forming - security through numbers, or at the very least, ressurrection backup, is nothing one can say no to :)

But, back to the issue: There's a couple of things which I'd like to be fullfilled (requirements, if you wish). We're taking this project serious, and ask that you do so too - spending a day together in the frontier each week isn't our goal, we're seeking people who's sincerely interested in this, and wish to enjoy another aspect of the game which seems to have been forgotten. Our quest, given to us by King Constantine, is to go from our 20th season, up to the grand 50th season, solely by doing our duty and help keeping the invading monsters and clans at bay.

* We (or rather, I) ask that you currently have another character above his or her 40th season (this mainly being the reason that you already know how to play a character well, and hopefully are capable of doing likewise in RvR. Of course an exception or two can be made, this part is but generally speaking).

* That you're interested in spending at least a couple of hours as good as each day out in the frontiers, excluding travel time (I believe we all got lifes to some extend, and doubt that anyone would object if you had to visit your sisters boyfriends second cousin, because she's not feeling all that well today :rolleyes: ).

* Getting xp killed by a tweehugger or something which resembles a troll - if this is something which you despice, and simply can't stand, you're probably better off xping inside the realm, for it'll definately happen sooner or later. Try take it with a smile, even if it's the 5ft time on a sunday, where everyone ought to be at church.

* ... anything cons I've forgotten? Could be, but then it'd be something equally obvious as the above - we want to have a good time, and forge new friendships, not the opposite :)

The advantages we bring you is as follows:

You'll become alot more familiar with the 3 different frontiers, and will most likely become particular experienced with our own. There'll be a whole new world of unexpected situations to be handled, always having to anticipate the next ambush and the thrill such an ambush would bring. Expect playing together with 7 others, who seeks a new challenge in the game, and spend some quality time together with us :)

... oh, and the best part - you won't see a single goblin, honest!

Should the above have awoken a spark inside you, one which is now burning strong for a whole new, and challenging, aspect of the game, you're more than welcome to post a reply, letting me know how I can contact you, or message me in-game on either Gilannor or Gilannir. I'm usually online whenever I've got some spare time, so it should hardly be a problem catching me on.

NB. Classes have been distributed out yet, as I don't believe a first-come, first-get situation would improve on an early atmosphere. As some people will have to start new characters, just to get them up to their 20th season, there'll also go a couple of days with this - what an excellent opportunity to get to know each other in more secure surroundings? (if you decide to level beyond your 20th season, I'm afraid that you're not the person we're looking for for this particular group - an option to avoid levelling beyond inside our realm, would be to suicide and either release or get ressed a couple of times or 20 :eek: )


I've quickly read ur post :)

"... oh, and the best part - you won't see a single goblin, honest!"

I can't find a place where it says ur realm (me tired), but that much be an alb :)

I probably wont be playing my scout for some weeks, probably month, but i've soloed ALOT in frontiers. I can mention a few places, so other scouts can lvl fast:

Oracles, some caster-mobs, stopping up and trying to shoot at u. These mobs can be found north (i think it was) of mid-relic in yggforest.
These mobs are orange to lvl 40 (if im rite). But forget all about con, u'll kill like 1 each minute.
The loot isn't that bad either! Some drops huge chests with 1g+. Perfect for me, since i never leaned fletcher-skills.
If u are going to solo some oracles:

1. Beware of invaders :), no matter if u are a mid. I had visit from
all realms. Assasins, archers, mages, even full xp-grps.

2. Oracles don't add, but SHOULD u be clumsy to hit 2 - get the hell away from there. Oracles cast: Root and a poison-spell

Later on, the Oracles became blue for me :(, so i moved on!
I contacted our solo-expercts Odysseus and Eldric, and got familiar with some trees standing at alb-frontier. I only had to follow road from excalibur.
I must say this is a nice spot, but not better than oracles. Trees are DANGEROUS!
When they spawn they dmg-shield-protects themself, making any melee-guy take dmg + the dmg it hits, when entering melee.
Other than that, u have to be aware Trees can ADD, and are imposible to run away from.
There are lots of places with these kind of trees, but that place from relic is "ok", but the location of spawn is at a hill, hard for scouts constantly looking up and down for a target :).

The name of the trees are Gnotted Elwoods i think i recall.

I only have to say GoodLuck, xping in frontier is a GREAT plan.
BUT beware for invaders and expect there are stupid persons (i met one), that doesn't hesitate to xp-kill u.

A good plan i came up with, is to get a friend - lvl 50 - to sit next to u, keeping u in company, and protecting from invaders.


If u really are getting bugged at frontiers, by invaders, such places as oracles (very famous), then try hunting at night.
That places should be clear at 2-7 am



oooh i better tell this:

When i say something may not add - it's cause i was in soloing.

If u intent to xp in grps - i have no experience there :)

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