A call to all.....well anyone bored and wants to read



Is it just me who finds it hard to lvl up????

I have been playing 18 hours with my Sorc {peice of crap i might add}

And she is only lvl 16....i start off in the morning all happy and excited to play....then after about 2 hours its like....no groups....kts.....must kill myself now.....

Its really making me want to scream my lil head off. does anyone else have this sorta problem or am i just talking about nothing and being silly and need to shut up and get on with it?

i am going with the latter.

[Templar knights]


I have been exeperiencing similar problems.. I think the main reason for this is the lack of ppl who are not in darkness falls. Don´t worry ppl will get tired of DF ( I hope), and the zones will be populated again.


ah damn frell...
i will really try to take a bit more care of you.

the good news is you catched up with your mate grimmler now, im sure you two will make a good team...when he payed his bills and his DSL is back on :clap: :m00: :clap:


You probably here this alot but havent you tried kill tasks at the guards?

Yeah I know its dull and the guards sometimes send you to silly places but often the exp reward is well worth doing it and you can do it solo or when unable to find groups. I generally just kill task with my alt (Riff lvl 14 Friar) around West Downs until I find a group.

Best part is the mob is always blue, so easy to kill, though if you look hard enough you can often find green or yellow versions.

And for those who might not know, which is unlikely, you just say 'Task' to a named guard to get a kill task (don't flame, this is for the sake of new players). I believe theres a thread in the newbie forum which has a list of where to find the right guards at the right levels if your interested.


And she is only lvl 16....i start off in the morning all happy and excited to play....then after about 2 hours its like....no groups....kts.....must kill myself now.....

kts = KillTaskS I think ?


frella, i know why u re so bored...
you did the stuff you are currently doing now since ages....just with other chars...once u hit the big 20 :p you will explore new areas, new mobs, new spells :m00:

and your soc will be a lot of fun, i promise.


so everyone keeps telling me lol.

The point is getting to lvl 20 lol


Hey lifes a bitch :)

Weve all had to do it m8 and most of us have had to do it the hard way like u, certainly for our first character.

That is also the point of the game. that u steadily level your character and learn how to play to it's strengths. Some of these powerleveled characters are newbies who have got entry to a guild who have powerleveled them but they have no skill with their character. There's not many at the moment but expect a lot more in a lyonesse near u soon :)

I found that the broken bridge in sailsbury plains is a decent place to get xp at that lvl, problem is finding a group....all i can suggest is getting yourself a good reputation. Good rep gets u more invites i find.

Failing that get yourself in a powerlevel guild :p


If you can stick it out to mid 30's then life becomes real easy

at that level everyone needs you for the goblins

everyone becomes ur friend and getting a group takes minutes

my favourite places to be pm'd for a group are

Snowdonia/peninnes/had's wall..... bit far to pop down
Emain.... yes wasnt even in ablion and still asked for a group
Darkness falls..... Risk the run out of DF alone to do gobo's... maybe not

have faith

u real test is getting past 30


Originally posted by elryrith
If you can stick it out to mid 30's then life becomes real easy

at that level everyone needs you for the goblins

Of course gobo chains are so booring that you can only do em for an hour or so before you lose your mind.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Sibanac

Of course gobo chains are so booring that you can only do em for an hour or so before you lose your mind.

An hour? :p True XPers stick at it for 12+ hours! :p


and gobbos are really interessting compared to trees :p :m00: :p


*gibber* don't mention pygmys

Aieee I mentioned them...

*drool* *gibber* *whimper*

And I'm still only lvl 38....

Wish it were easier to get a group together to go somewhere interesting!

Be glad you're only 16... at least you've not been killing pygmys for 7 levels (with another 4 to go, maybe more for tanglers...)


Try convincing your guildmates to start alts and xp with ya :)


lol, thats exactly what she did :)

but tbh i hate my new infi...he will be stuck at lvl 9 for ages...


all exping is boring once you've done it for a few hours.... therefore good exp is FAST, not necessary FUN. Pygmies = fastest exp in albion from lvl35ish onwards...

btw, can i point out that 18hrs played at lvl16 is nothing? :)
I mean, that's barely more than an hour per level.... gods, have some patience. Hate to say it but the exp-slowdown is still a good 20 levels away from you...
but then the RvR fun starts, so...
grin and bear it :) and force yourself not to play alts, having real trouble getting lvl49 because my friar is so much easier to exp atm.
Get a char to 40+ and the sheer slowness of exp will make your alts all the more enjoyable ;)



i did it! i did it!!!

I got to lvl 20 wohoo hehe and with only a lvl 8 alt hehe

Now. how will i do it without KTS? hehe

Thanks for your advice all :)

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