A brave knight, his horsie and the cute little doggie named Ron



About a weak ago i walked among the plaines to complete a task.
On the edge of the plains, near the forest i saw something new.
A knight (not a tin can style one) was walking there; he had a name (forgot what is was:eek: ), also near him stood a horse with a name (forgotten that one too) and a cute little doggie named ron.

He did not talk to me when i clicked him , so i moved on.

When i passed him again, he was fighting some fildiths, and he nearly lost the fight.

But the next day, when i passed the spot again, he was gone...
A frequently playing friend (Turath;albion) said this might be one of them 'events' . Too bad i did not take a screenshot of it (newbie noobie n00bie).

Anyone know who this knight was?
Also if you have seen something similar, post here too please.


Think the person you referring to is part of a quest called 'guarding the stone' (somewhere netween lvl 10-15). Given by the some lord in Prydwen Keep (can't remember his name)

The quest is to find the squire and protect him if the junior Ghostwalker attacks him (he is indeed accompagnied by 2 followers just like the true Ghostwalker later on). Reason why is not there sometimes is because the Ghostwalker often slays him and he probably only pops once a day.

Believe you get a cloak out of it that is nice for casters.
Not completely sure tho.


well i do remember a "knight" they called squire graid at that big stone with this monster inside, but i don't remember him having a dog and walking around getting killed by filidhs (this is how they are called clavius :p). So maybe this may be a part of an event or something??

and why didnt you help the poor dude??

Must have been like this :p

filidh --> :twak: <-- the knight :uhoh: <--Clavius


oh yeah you were "newbie noobie n00bie" :p once you are a big and strong paladin you can take revenge, for now let them kill squires :)


It's the Apprentice Cloak Quest.

Confused me when in the Beta I first saw it as well ;)

The Ghost Walkers Apprentice and His two m8s beat him and his horse and dog quite a lot so he's often not there.

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