A Big Apology On My Behalf And That Of <The Choir Of Nightingales>



I'm here say sorry to all those high level players that have received nuisance messages from a Ministry over the past few days. I had no idea it was happening and i assure you that as soon as he logs next i'll put a stop to it. He is only 14 years old and I hope that you all don't hold it against him forever, just put it down to youthful exuberance. He'd been doing the same to me over the past few days minus the abusive language and i'd given him the same answer so i know how u feel.
I'd appreciate it if any complaints about guild members came directly to me, because i don't check these forumns that regularly and things like this can happen without me knowing quite easily.

/send Galie hi, (insert complaint and name of perpetrator). Thanks

I'd like to thank Tijl for bringing this to my attention.



Do u know why i didnt call u?

U were in game tho,but imo what good will it do for that boy?
U apologise for him...maybe u make him apologise to that person he offended and than? and the end of the day will he realise what he has done wrong? his apologise should come from himself out of his own notice that he has done something wrong...


True Hatjitjai... But he's the leader / GM of the guild and he shows respect to yah :clap:


I agree with hat . should of came here and apologised for himself instead of letting his GM feel ashamed and apologising for him.
Or even if he just private messaged the people who he has aggro'd and done it quietly . although it must of been hard for his GM to come here and apologise for him, Big thumbs up from me :clap: :clap: :clap:


Be a good parent!

Imo the boy will continue doing what he has done wrong, untill it is carefully explained to him what to do and what not to. So not only are you his GM, but also a substitute parent now, hoho.

Btw the boy has also done something bad to me, but I said to myself (and him) that the only way forward in this game is to nice to the fellow albs. Furthermore there is a rumor channel called Barrysworld.com.

I tryly hope that you will be able to explain the norms of DAoC to him, making him admit his bads and ultimately apologizing.

GM, Order Of Camelot

Yoda= Maeran=Randus??

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