A Banking Question



Ive been using bid-up.tv a lot recently, and i decided to put in £80 into my Debit Card account on the 24th June, i won a bid and it ended up being £28.95 on the same day (24th June).

The money for the bid was taken out yesterday (27th June) so it left me with £52.69 still in my account.

Anyway yesterday there was a bid for something else which i won again, the cost of that was £23.95 but! today i was phoned up by bid-up.tv saying there was a problem with my card and they said it couldnt be processed...

I immediatly checked the account online and found that it said

"BALANCE" £51.69

Why cant i have access to the rest of the money that i put into the bank on the 24th? After all thats what its there for :/

btw, im using the Halifax Bank with a SOLO Debit Card

Rubber Bullets

Probably depends on how you put the £80 in.

If it was cash you should have access to it immediately, but if it was a cheque or online transaction from a different bank then it takes a few days to clear even tho they know it is in there. Hence the difference between available and real balance.



Halifax takes 4 working days for cheques to clear with a Solo account, could be that.


Nah i went to the bank and i paid cash

ah ok i just checked again, and now its gone upto £31.64 so i guess it becomes available in bits and bobs?


Looks to me as though they charged you two or three times for something in error and then reversed it.

The "Available balance" is the balance shown after any transactions that are still to go through.

The "Balance" is what you actually have before any of this pending transactions.

Get online banking then you can see the transactions every day. Then its not a guessing game!


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
Ive been using bid-up.tv a lot recently,
Are you THAT bored?

Or are you jacking-off to the blonde bird with the gravelly voice when bidding? :p


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
Nah i went to the bank and i paid cash

ah ok i just checked again, and now its gone upto £31.64 so i guess it becomes available in bits and bobs?

if you pay the cash in before 3.30 on a weekday [bar friday mebbe] the money will clear the next day. after 3.30 then it will clear the day after. if you put a cheque in, then u gotta wait about a week. bank transfers seemed to work kinda instantly for me :eek: (using da internet thing)


Cash deposited at your local branch should be available instantly.

Cheques deposited go through a clearing house, and take around 5 working days.

Balance transfers (whether by the internet, telephone banking or whatever) similarly go through clearing. It leaves your account the same day, but takes several days to be credited.

Your available balance is cleared monies (both incoming and outgoing). So if you've paid for something with your Solo card at a secondary retailer, it may not be debited from your account for 2 days or so.

It doesn't become available in "bits and bobs". Most likely you have uncleared debits/credits.

btw: is that site meant to keep refreshing itself every fucking second? coz it's irritating as shit

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