A-10 thunderbolt



Was I the only one in thinking that the A-10 thunderbolt mission was very disapointing. The fucking thing reacts slower than a dead rabbit, and for some reason I often found myself losing altitude for no reason and not being able to pull up at all. Or is that part of the mission as you do have to eject at some point?


The A10 is a pig to fly (in the game anyway, I don't know about real life!). it seems you have to keep the throttle open, which is a bit difficult when you have to lock on and fire too.

No matter what you do, you bale out. My aircraft was in pristine condition but suddenly fell to bits, forcing me to bail out.


Anybody else got the hang of the helicopter yet? Difficult to get the bugger to stop and hover normally, I find if you press alt it levels out automatically, this also helps when you wanna land.


After completing the guide and getting a lot of flying time in I'd say the Hind Helicopters are the best in the game. Once you got the hang of them they feel smooth and fast.

The cobra feels to "heavy" and hard to turn.


i cant get my head round the altitude thing, always head into the ground.


LOL, yeah it is confusing initially.

The thing is, you have to bear in mind that the attitude of the helicopter has nothing to do with the altitude. If you point down you go faster, if you point up or level, you slow down (or go backwards).

Use the altitude key to get your desired height (bearing in mind there are mountains about!), then use your mouse to alter the attitude of the helicopter.

Once you're in the general target area hit auto-hover to come to a, leisurely, stop. You can still move in all directions, albeit a little slower. Landing is a lot easier in this mode, though you still have to watch out for slopes/trees/houses etc (use your free-look or 3rd person view to check the area).

Once you've got the hang of it, you can dispense with the auto-hover and do some neat 'hot' landings ;)

Oh, I agree about the Hind. it's by far the best heli to fly.


on the mission where you have to find the secret base and blow the shit out of some hinds I decided to all pile into the hind and blow the crap out of anything that came near me, however I found if you went too high you got blown away and crashed, but if you stay just a few meters off the ground you'd be fine, I landed my chopper :)rolleyes: ) and planted my explosive got to a safe distance and blew the shit out of it, howevere my only man left alive got too close and suffered from a slight case of death.


I think in real life the A10 is indeed a pig to fly. It's not been made with aerial acrobatics in mind, it's a plane built around the devastating gun it carries. To be more precise, the gun was designed to punch holes in Rusky tanks and the plane was designed around the gun. They say the A10 can take so much damage, it can be flown on one engine with a load of plane shot of it. No wonder it's referred to as the flying tank ;)

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