Well, I've done it. What more can I say. Thank you all who /send me their congratulations, that really made me feel special, although you are propably just horny for the new weapons 
Originally posted by old.Hendrick
The data in my shop can sometimes be a little irritating, as it is based on US information. At the moment I can make weapons up to the following qualities:
16.2 dps --> 95%
15.8 dps --> 97%
15.5 dps --> 99%
anything below that has a flat chance of 1% to become a masterpiece
Using my shop is still a good idea, as it gives you information about the weapons I can make. So please use it, but don't bother setting any quality or anything. If you are not happy with my first result, I can remake the weapon and will charge an additional fee somewhere between 10g and 60g for arcanium weapons (I have to do some research to come up with fair figures). Getting good quality is a pretty random thing, you can be lucky - or not.