99% Warden SC kit



Anyone done any better ?
Included in the kit is the Umiah Rending Claw, when/if I ever get it :p
0 Qui cos I hate it, and er.. parry isnt worth it tbh will only have 3 parry @ 50.

Str: 76 Hits: 204
Con: 80 Dex: 75 Emp: 76

Body: 26 Energy: 26 Crush: 27
Cold: 27 Matter: 27 Thrust: 28
Heat: 27 Spirit: 28 Slash: 28

9 Regrowth
5 Blades
2 Parry


there is a sc settup on the vgn boards afaik that cappes all if u have mp,a 99 er vers should be there to ,go look :p


This is what I was going to use which requires 1 MP piece of armour...

Str: 75 Int: 0 Hits: 204
Con: 77 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 75 Cha: 0
Qui: 25 Emp: 75

Body: 27 Energy: 26 Crush: 26
Cold: 28 Matter: 26 Thrust: 26
Heat: 26 Spirit: 26 Slash: 26

11 Blades 11 Parry
3 Regrowth

Considering my spec is 49 nurt, 33 reg, rest blades/parry... I dont really need +regrowth as the 33 reg spec heal > any base heal, so I went for +11 blades and parry and only +3 in regrowth


-You dont need to cap EMP as a warden....why? Read this thread: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=46261449 .

-low quick..I prefer capped quick for the occasional times I want to interrupt that caster at capped speed with my 4.1 spd bastard sword (in youre case 4.4 speed even)+ haste. Don't tell you me youre not interested in QUI because you want to frontload :p

-even with 3 base parry +11 from items, a few realmranks and MoParry 1 + 2 you will still have a reasonable parry.

tbh..I think its a crap temp and made in a hurry ;). Mine is based on MP's so wouldnt suit you that well but Eloniem is right...you need to browse a few pages on the vgn boards but there are far better sc-temps out there even without sc-ed cloaks.


Well im gonna cap EMP anyway, you never know these Yanks could be wrong, they usually are :p
QUI is shit, I cant stand the stat, what use is something that lowers damage?? And yes with 4.4spd sword my swingtime will be slow, but i'll have purp con haste which will be perfect :p

The template took me ages to do, theres just no decent EMP items out, apart from the uber Galla items, and I can't afford MP items.. Unless anyone has any Gloves/Boots in vault they want rid of cheaply :p

+Regrowth doesnt really do much if your Spec is over 1/3 of your level, which it will be (33)
+Nurture does sod all
+Blades, id like to cap but no room
+Parry, thinking about it +11 would help when they fix the bug in rvr, but I wont be getting MoParry :p


I capped regrowth and blades too with my 99% kit, left parry at +6. Still need to get the Paindrean necklace, Ixthiar bracer of strength and Belt of Spryness though.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
+Regrowth doesnt really do much if your Spec is over 1/3 of your level, which it will be (33)

I have 16 regrowth, +5 from my RR, +11 from my items, so regrowth 32 atm. The variance on my baseline heals isn't that big anymore; mostly I heal between 280-340. I think 34 is needed to stop the variance entirely though (2/3 of your level, rounded up).


Try fitting the Umiah Rending Claw into it Spanks :p
If I made my own weapon it would be easier, but I WILL HAVE THAT SWORD!!!! :D


Originally posted by lekkus
-You dont need to cap EMP as a warden....why? Read this thread: http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=46261449 .

lol @ that thread. Imo the ones who did the test completely missed the point. I have maxed emp on my SC-kit, and I did it to have every point of power available i can in a combat to keep the bubble up in combat. Standing still and chain-casting apothesis can not be considered a serious test for this.


He is not a regrowth (celt)warden but has the ("old") cookie-cutter-spec afaik so using the baseline biggest heal (lvl46). Using specced cost less mana but overall I doubt it would make much difference.

He didnt use serenity (he only has mcl2) but chained the heals so he wouldnt regain mana inbetween, with different EMP-setups and the outcome was suprising to me then, as maybe to you now. But I fail to see where the person who tested this missed the point or could have tested the value of EMP better.

As for standing still..no warden can move and heal at the same time, not even Delura :D

Just to sum it up and decide for youre self if its worth the imbuepoints (and this is a quote from the original post).

125 Empathy = 8 Apothesis, 16+1 red buffs
153 Empathy = 9 Apothesis, 19 red buffs
164-178* Empathy = 9 Apothesis, 20 red buffs
178/179*-200 Empathy = 10 Apothesis, 20 red buffs.

* Due to the natural regeneration of power in the standing out of combat position, not even a split second later you can cast a 10th Apothesis. In combat it would be a firm 9 at 178, but in any case 179 is a definite 10 casts.


well, he didn't even have pbt running in that test (at least I didn't see it mentioned), so what kind of warden is that ? :D
Someone else in that thread said that each point of emp was worth 0.5 power, so imo you either max it, or not use it at all. Figuring out some optimal-point like the starter of that thread is trying to is pointless ;)


Originally posted by <Harle>
well, he didn't even have pbt running in that test (at least I didn't see it mentioned), so what kind of warden is that ? :D
Someone else in that thread said that each point of emp was worth 0.5 power, so imo you either max it, or not use it at all. Figuring out some optimal-point like the starter of that thread is trying to is pointless ;)

Running pbt would affect manapool thats why:p
And do you know how much mana/ EMP you need to throw of an extra heal?..Well obvious a lot and it doesnt give you anything extra if you cap it.
Anyway I got you so far you gave the tread a second look :great:


Originally posted by lekkus
And do you know how much mana/ EMP you need to throw of an extra heal?..Well obvious a lot and it doesnt give you anything extra if you cap it.

It does. More emp = more heals. Played a warden since release with both regrowth spec and blades spec, and more emp gives more power. If you have serenity like most wardens, you'll gain some mana in between. If you're closer to your emp cap, you'll sooner have enough mana for an extra heal. The test doesn't show much.


Being regrowth specced I'm not so fussed at capping anything more than dex, con, emp and resists+hits.
If I fight it's rare, even in pve.

Quite often I sprint from tanks to keep alive and pbt up, longwinded is such a handy ra for that ;)


I'm not argueing that EMP doesn't give more mana, it does but going over an EMP value of 178 doesnt make sense to me...I never throw of my last heal anyway or use a small 1 cause using my last mana would do my grp more damage than good (=no bub). So in that case it doesnt matter to me if for example, I have 3 pixels mana left or 5 and have to wait till 9 pixels to throw that last heal off. By that time I used my MCL/manapotions already ..waited a few seconds before I could heal again. Battles in rvr don't take that long where I can actually wait for my mana or have to worry about that last heal. Now you can say..well nevertheless I think capping my EMP, using the expensive inbuepoints is worth it...well it's not to me :). And I do use Apothesis a lot cause it casts faster than the specced-line afaik, can't really recall cause I play my druid a lot these days (now that 1 can really heal :D )

If you have serenity you will not gain mana unless you skip pbt..I know you mean serenity 2 though :p, but even then if my group takes a serieus battering my mana won't go up and if, in a rare occasion a fight takes that long where I can think about waiting for some mana to squeeze out that last heal, it's better to draw my weapon and assist someone.

There are still enough wardens around which arent concerned about healing in battle but throwing of the buffs and only do some healing if really really needed, or to draw attention..staying at (164?)178 in that case would leave valueable imbuepoints left for other skills without loosing any buf.

As for only capping EMP/ DEX / CON and resists hits and never use any other (active) utility the warden have, beside healing ehm, thats not how I want to play my warden. Anyway in that case you could have capped youre POW aswell, altho to me as, with capping EMP, isnt worth the imbue. I bet someone disagree with that 1 too :great:


Originally posted by lekkus
Anyway in that case you could have capped youre POW aswell, altho to me as, with capping EMP, isnt worth the imbue. I bet someone disagree with that 1 too :great:

Hehe, I did consider it, but it's just impossible to get a decent SC spec then. There are limits to how far I want to go to increase my mana pool ( ; I consider myself valuable both as tank and healer atm; I think I made the right choice for my spec / SC ( ; But the playing styles of the wardens I know vary a big deal... In the end it comes down to speccing the way that suits your playing style. Don't let people get under your skin too much telling you what is 'best' for wardens, because there is no absolute best spec.

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