900dmg, aoe-dot wtf?



The other day me and the rest of my group was hit by a nasty fecking aoe-dot, we all lvl 50's lost about 900 hps over a period of 15secs or something, now what class is it that has this nastiness? I think we were fighting albs at the time so im leaning twards a cabalist or something, but i want to know what class it is so i can play that on the pvp-server :>


cabalist have the meanest DoTs in alb (bastards can solo tanglers..thats just not right!) so i would tend to agree you came up against 1 prob elfslayer or calot who have enough rps for some decent RAs

as for cabys on PvP, well there pets are fairly lame compared to enchanters, sure they kick ass post 46 but gonna be a biatch to lvl and to solo with (PvP solo that is)

but im sure some will prove me wrong. good luck to em :)


also i hear sorcs RA DoT can be pretty hot...


was n`t me, as I`m a body cabi (for now) you`ll find me nuking yr ass for 300-500dmg every 2 secs instead:D
Mastery of concentration rocks, 15 seconds of uninteruped casting thats 7 maybe 8 500dmg nukes, think you`ll find some stealthers that have been suprised by it :cool:

lvl 50 cabi
Crusaders of Albion


guessing thats the sorc aedot, as a cabbie with aedot only does 103 damage 4 times(might have been real lucky with crits tho :))


at the mo it does but with respec it rises a lot, also it does 5 ticks, once every 4 seconds for 20 seconds

LvL 50 Cabi
Crusaders of Albion


ups i mean 5 times =P

And in 1,52 the higher the INT the higher the damage on your dots
so with lvl 46 aoedot : 126ish base damage + critting for 60damage

200ish damage 5 times :flame:
cant wait :)


Was probably the Sorc DoT, ticks every 2 seconds for 20 seconds or something like that.

Does some nasty damage if it's landed, but on a 30 minute timer :(


Anything doing 900hps dot in that time has to be the sorc RA dot.

Cabbie dots (the best spell dots in the game) would not reach that level, at least not without stacking of the single target dots (which we can't do in this patch).


Cabbie dots and Sorc RA dot is supposed to stack... DoT madness :clap:


A lot of siliness is being posted lately (not just in this thread)about dots (not counting the sorc RA, which I know little about).

For info....

Highest aoe dot is 83 BASE damage per tick.

This does not change in 1.52

However, in 1.52 dots will (like dd's) get an INT based modifier and will be affected by resistances, both these are changes from the current situation on excal.

This brings the definition of base damage in to line with standard AoEDD and DD base damage definition.

So the 83 base damage (per 3 second cast + 4 sec tick) is the number you should compare with an Eldritches'...

209 single target DD per 3 sec cast
158 aoedd per 4 sec cast
325 pbaoedd per 2 second cast
309 Bolt per 4 second cast/20 second recast
155 gtaoe per 3 second cast/6 second recast

However, in practice you would (as others have said) get bonuses for your INT and your spec level, and -ves for matter resist on your target. On a typical matter cabalist, bonuses would take a base damage of 83/tick, up to a nominal 130/tick. However, a typical 20% resist would reduce 130/tick to 104/tick. Level bonuses/resists will further confuse this.

All the damage numbers listed above for our hypothetical eldritch would go through the same add and then subtract process to get to a real 'in the field' number.


There are other differences between aoe dots and aoe dds...

1) While Aoe dds crit, aoe dots do not crit naturally (although, like with dds, RAs are available to boost 'chance to crit' from zero).

2) Aoe dots cannot be stacked. Ever. This is true even under 1.52. Single target dot base and spec (one of each) can be stacked under 1.52. Obviously, as DDs are instantaneous effects, they are infinitely stackable.

3) Aoe dot damage does not drop off in a radius (the way mez duration and dd damage does). This goes some way to make up for no stacking and no crits, and for curability....

4) Any dot is removable in mid-tick by your friendly neighbourhood cleric/druid/healer. Purge RA will also remove dots in progress. Again, obviously, dds can only be healed after the fact.

And so, in summary....


Don't suck
Not uber

Thanks for playing, and goodnight.


Originally posted by Radghast
bastards can solo tanglers..thats just not right

Please, don't say such this as 'not right'. We are going to get nerfed as hell because of this, and other players (usually the flaming expers at tanglers that see us doing it) will be the ones flaming mythic for nerfing them on the same time.

What can they do?
1) Make pygmy hp higher: no tangler groups anymore...
2) make caba dot do less damage: no matter cabalists anymore, only nukes, you can choose for wizard then ... :rolleyes:
3) make pygmies hit harder: no tangler groups anymore...

(we aren't the only class that can do this btw, sorc can do easy too, and less risky than we do it)

1 of the things that's being rumoured all over vnboards atm:

Mythic has come up with an across the board nerf they have quietly mentioned, but not officially stated yet that I have seen. It's simply this, AoE spells will be given a target cap. For example; PBAoE might be able to hit 8-10 targets max, Ranged AoE might be able to hit 6-8 targets max, GTAoE might be able to hit 4-6 targets max.

See what I mean?

Just my 2 cents.


always forgetting the mentalists :D neway u gotta let tzeen have some fun after being a walking, whining, mana battery for 50 lvls :p


ebeenzer does about the same so wtf back to mid :)


For example; PBAoE might be able to hit 8-10 targets max, Ranged AoE might be able to hit 6-8 targets max, GTAoE might be able to hit 4-6 targets max.

This completely sucks!

How does the game decide who gets hit? Random probably. Mythic are taking more skill out of game, putting more luck into it :p

AoE isnt AoE if it doesnt "EFFECT" all in the "AREA"

DUH! :m00:

PS. All those who cry nerf are spoiling this game. ATM Mythic are just "balancing" (LOL) the game by nerfing instead of improving.

Think about what you are saying before you cry nerf.


Mythic has come up with an across the board nerf they have quietly mentioned, but not officially stated yet that I have seen. It's simply this, AoE spells will be given a target cap. For example; PBAoE might be able to hit 8-10 targets max, Ranged AoE might be able to hit 6-8 targets max, GTAoE might be able to hit 4-6 targets max.

This 'nerf' went into one of the patches (I forget which) as a bug. It was fixed before that patch went live. Mythic have never suggested this would ever go live. A few people on IGN who lack full use of their mental faculties have suggested this as a pygmy goblin nerf, but never anyone who is in anyway Mythic related. IMHO it is highly unlikely that something like this would go in any time soon.

If Mythic want to nerf pygmies, they will most likley do so either by...

1) Adding 20% to pygmy matter resist.
2) Adding 20% to pygmy HPs.
3) 'Improving' the 'anti-kiting' code.
4) All 3.

Of course, the correct way to solve the pygmy tension problem would be to add more pygmy camps. But I don't believe for a minute that that will happen.


Man, ppl are TOTALLY missing the point here :D

I just wanted to know who had it, so I could play one for PvP, never said ANYTHING about it being overpowered, although doing 900 dmg in 20secs is damn nasty and being AOE is even worse.
Ppl always stay close so hitting 8 ppl wont be a prob.

But anyway, im a bit closer to my answer so thanks :p


I hit about 80 albs yesterday for about 40000 damage :)

Thornweed Field rocks :)

Too bad it was spread out over the albs instead of focused on like 10 ppl :)







Mentalist lvl46 aoe dot can do easily 900+ dmg on every target over time and sometimes over 1100+ aswell. It gets even more funnier when u stack couple of targets with single dot from different spell line. Those targets will get usually over 1800+ dmg when stacked dot's are ticking on them =)

My favorite technic is chan casting aoe dot & single target dot on enemy zerg, and just watch em trying to run and die. Yay!

Who needs nukes anyway :p


<50 Menta>


Mentalist lvl46 aoe dot can do easily 900+ dmg on every target over time and sometimes over 1100+ aswell. It gets even more funnier when u stack couple of targets with single dot from different spell line. Those targets will get usually over 1800+ dmg when stacked dot's are ticking on them =)

My favorite technic is chan casting aoe dot & single target dot on enemy zerg, and just watch em trying to run and die. Yay!

Unless you playing on a 1.51+ server either you are bugged, or wasting mana.

Your dots should not stack at this point. The damage numbers (unless you are casting on a green/grey) also seem remarkably high.

As stated above, lvl 46 AoEDoT does 83/tick.


6 ticks @ 83 dmg + bonus for spec level, does not go significantly over 600. Until 1.51 you shouldn't even get a bonus for INT.


As others have said, if you are hit for significantly over 900 hps over the lifespan of a dot then either...

1) It's the Sorc AoeDoT RA.

2) It's the Warden GTAoEDoT RA.

Note that even if you are hit for 900, you still won't die, unless there is another character attacking you.


lvl 46 AoEDoT does 83/tick

Yeah, and the lvl50 fire-bolt does 331dmg. Eat my shorts, the dmg-tags that are on catacombs are markers, the spells does MUCH more dmg than that. (Based on resists and lvl, and spec and much more)


Damages on Catacombs are base-damages...

These are modified into real-damages using your int, spec level, weather outside and if the day or night... (ok, probably not those last two ;) but modified by int + spec level)

This is NOT true for DoT's, in this patch the damage a DoT-tick does isnt modified by resists yet either... I'm not sure if that changes in 1.51/1.52, but currently you resist the whole DoT or it lands and does the damage it should do...

As for crits, as far as I know, an AE-DoT can crit per tick just as easy as a single target DoT... Since this is the only way I can explain why sometimes some pygmy goblins die before I AE-DD them with my wizz...

(I duo tangler pulls with a Cabalist, it ROCKS! He cant solo them yet (36 in Matter, Pygmy's seem to survive 2 DoT's), but after 2 ticks of his poison they dont like him and I can AE them in 'peace')


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Unless you playing on a 1.51+ server either you are bugged, or wasting mana.

Your dots should not stack at this point. The damage numbers (unless you are casting on a green/grey) also seem remarkably high.

As stated above, lvl 46 AoEDoT does 83/tick.


6 ticks @ 83 dmg + bonus for spec level, does not go significantly over 600. Until 1.51 you shouldn't even get a bonus for INT.


As others have said, if you are hit for significantly over 900 hps over the lifespan of a dot then either...

1) It's the Sorc AoeDoT RA.

2) It's the Warden GTAoEDoT RA.

Note that even if you are hit for 900, you still won't die, unless there is another character attacking you.

Nope, mentalist DoTs from the mana and mind lines have always stacked - it is our unique ability, and now they are giving it to the filthy albs and mids, but within a single spec line :(

And with Wild Arcana, you can crit with dot's which is why you can get high damage from them.

I tend to to aoe Dot, aoe Nuke and single dots if anyone is dumb enough to still be in range by then :)


I can stack 4 DoTs in 1.53 :p Currently I'm limited to 3 :(

Regular DoT, a proc DoT from a weapon and bleed. 1.53 brings alchemy and a plethora of new poisons, including a long duration DoT which is basically a regular DoT, but has 8 second tick length.

Problem is, I can't cast them :mad:


Arnor wrote...

Yeah, and the lvl50 fire-bolt does 331dmg. Eat my shorts, the dmg-tags that are on catacombs are markers, the spells does MUCH more dmg than that. (Based on resists and lvl, and spec and much more)

DoTs are not modified by INT or resists or awhole bunch of the other stuff that does affect DD damage.

Not too sure if mythic view that as a bug or a feature, but either way it gets changed in 1.51.

They do already get affected by spec level. Maintaining 100% spec seems to add up to about 15% damage.

I posted how the numbers turn out in a previous more detailed post above. I guesss this is one of those situations where reading the thread you are replying to helps ;) .

an AE-DoT can crit per tick just as easy as a single target DoT

Neither crit naturally, ever.

Only way to make them crit is with the 'wild arcana' RA (which gives 5% chance-to-crit per level and costs 1/3/6/10/14 rsps with acuity 2 as a pre-req).

Even then, they don't crit on a 'per tick' basis. Either a dot crits on every tick, or the dot never crits on any tick. For the purposes of aoe crits, every enemy in the area of effect counts as a seperate dot. Apologies if this is what you meant?

Nope, mentalist DoTs from the mana and mind lines have always stacked

Really? Fair enough.

I'm guessing this is because they are in altogether different lines then (mana and mind)? Wheras cabby dots are base/spec in matter.

Worth noting though, that contrary to popular opinion, even you can't stack multiple aoedots, as you only have one aoedot spell, and you can't stack a dot with itself.

If you have wild arcana, and you are getting 900-1100 on a good crit, then fair enough, that sounds about right. I just wouldn't want people here to start shouting nerf because they thought from previous posts here that all dots are hitting for 900 over term.


Hibs also have the power-relics which do affect DoTs. Even the assassin ones.


I loved being the Master of DoTs.
fu mythic.

That said, DoTs are capped at 1.25x base dmg with spec only, so, you will see it consistently hitting for 103 a tick <AE> if you have a nice amount of mana levels, for four ticks (not six).

You can crit up to 100% of the maximum damage, so, it is possible, although very rare, to hit someone for 206 a tick, for 4 ticks.

The crit is tested on the initial hit, if you crit at all, the crit damage is applied on all ticks, and you cannot subsequently plant another AE DoT on that target unless it crits again for more on that target, otherwise you will receive a 'that spell is currently in effect' message, but the rest of the AE will still hit the others in range, and each target is tested individually in the same manner.

Currently they are not affected by relics, or acuity buffs - apparently, buffing the INT stat by about 40, yields around 10 or so more dmg a tick, so I'm not sure how worthwhile it is.

Until the next patch, AE DoT only ticks for 4 ticks, not six, so it is somewhat impossible for a mentalist to do over 824 damage to a single target currently.. that said, I believe there is a bug somewhere in the calculations behind the DoT..

Here's an example of what I mean -
You critical hit for an additional 83 damage!
You hit <player> for 209 damage!

Now, what's wrong with this?
Well, my AE does 103 a tick, consistently, without crits, my single target does 108.
103+83 != 209
108+83 != 209

The numbers are from a specific time that I remember this from, but it could be either a print bug, or an actual bug in the damage coding, and it is indeed difficult to test.

This is why some people might think their DoTs are doing more damage than is actually possible currently.


You are making a huge thread of something simple. You were hit by the highest spec AEDot from a cabalist or a mentalist, which made a good crit from RA Wild Arcana. When DOT crits it will crit for every hit over the duration. 83DD DOT does do over 100damage per tick, add crit to that and you will get near 900hp damage. Problem being you cant mez aedotted ppl so with the current rvr system you often do more harm than good using it away from keeps/walls :mad:

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