8 vs 8 ladder





The European Tribes2 Mini-Ladder is an 8 a side CTF ladder for Tribes2.

The ETML is designed to be a small, fun, yet highly efficient and fairly run tournament for smaller Tribes2 teams, those who cannot field the 14 players for the larger games, or teams just looking for a less stressful teamplay environment. This ladder is by no means designed to be a replacement for the larger 14v14 CTF and C&H European Tribes2 Ladder - tribes2.theladder.org.

Details of, and debate regarding the organisation, matches, and structure etc. can be found on this forum .

Anyone with any feedback is invited to participate in discussion on this forum, to register interest for their team, and to pass the word around. Any other people wishing to offer assistance in the development or moderation of this ladder is welcome to contact us. If anything is not clear in any of the threads, please ask.

This ladder is completely independant of all other tournaments, leagues, and ladders and is currently being developed/coded/hosted by: {DF}GReaper, [IS]-Jenkz, [IS]-fatgit. We can be reached near enough 24/7 in #etml on quakenet (irc.quakenet.org)

ETML Main Site



I'm planning on entering my old clan FTD into the 8 v 8 ladder, if I can get enough new players into the ranks.

If any of you here would like to be involved e-mail me.



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