748 v BDS



Pants game. Blatant openended abuse to us ref admins and bwtfcl goes down like a lead balloon in my world.
Hope you guys sort out this mess and not unleash these guys on another unsuspecting clan.
Rah for PB, btw somebody mentioned in irc lastnight a bug caused cam_idealyaw to 0 and it was ok at 0 lmao....cam_idealyaw HAS TO BE at 90, anyother setting is blatant cheating when used with cam_command 1 (third person cheat), i suspect pb picks up first cvar violation, as its first in list in cvar.cfg, of ideal_yaw reconfirms the setting x amount of times per config and kicks, meaning you cant be kicked again for having cam_command 1 setting :p
Anyways we'll enjoy next season if we avoid clans like this :) and we'll do our best to gj admins and ta for reffing the match and hosting pb!
cya's next season :)


Hi Ken,

The cvar checking for each player starts at a random spot in the cvar.cfg file and a few seconds are skipped between each check (again random). The point is that there is no benefit in setting any cam_ command in multiplayer mode unless you are trying to cheat. I also know that some cheaters have discovered how to use cam_idealyaw and other cam_ settings successfully while cam_command is still set to 0.

so even with cam_command set to 0 other cam commands can be used to cheat hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!


yup, shite game against arguably some of the most obnoxious players I have yet come accross this season (SIN excepted) - the poor bloody ref having to put up with the abuse that was aimed at him for enforcing the rules on certain issues (team switching/bad mouthing opposition/etc) - still, I suppose it comes with the job (whats the pay like, lol)
Some VERY iffy goings-on in the game, the most notable of which was PB kicking off a player and indication a possible 3rd person view violation <<< an issue aggressively contested by BDS, which is understandable, but its one that needs to be looked at in detail by those in charge
Let's hope that the league admins are prepared to investigate the issue in the near future and that they dont do it with the same disinterest that we were faced with from certain people in the refs irc room last night -- Im not holding my breath though....sometimes the path of least resistance wins out because it is easier!
If nothing else the game reminded me how good the divisional matches were by comparison and as such Id like to thank the other guys in group C of division 2 for some great fun matches
Good luck div 1, hope you enjoy the new guys and their 'quirky' ways

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