6x65 patch for counterstrike


old.The Ironfist

Ya see, first I had Cs 6.1 or something like that, and I had to update to 6.5, well there was a 6x to 6.5 update but I resumed it with getright and the next day it was gone, another version, 6.6 had been installed, and there is only a 6.5 to 6.6 download. I already mailed barrysworld, counterstrike team itself, my pcmagazine, but no one, fucking no one answers goddamn it!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone have that file(6065.exe) for me and if you do please mail it to erazxptp@hotmail.com or pelleboe@knmg.nl (or icq it my number is 65662715) because I don't want to download the full 60 megs of the full 6.6 version. Somebody help me!!!!! And something else, does anyone have experience with signing up with a false age at netsetter?


i hate these school kids i really do
lemm me guess your in love with eminem yeah?
and your a long way from home too..


well i had to d/l the full 55mb of cs 6.6 and it took me over 3hrs with a 56k (boring)

old.The Ironfist

Hey fumigay I didn't ask for your opinion...
Besides im no schoolkid
If you consider a long way from home as going downstairs and starting up your pc...
And whats wrong with eminem I dont "love" him but we all think Christina is a bitch
If you hate me then that's youre problem

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