6.2 server side patch available !


old.Mad Bloke

pasted straight from C-S.net server forums (for windows based servers anyway):-
Hey admins:
We have a windows .dll for 6.2 to test. We'll refer to this as 6.2a

Please download it here: http://www.counter-strike.net/files/mpdll62.zip
and test it out.

-fixes camera stuck bug (when killed)
-adds "mp_tkpunish 0/1" to toggle on the round sitting out of a TK'er
-prevents skin cheating (by using the menuselect 3 command)

Please run this, test each new feature, and verify that they either do or do not work. Reply in this thread what you find.

(sorry linux admins, .so will be built when we know these fixes work 100%)

an end to the skin cheat for some at least!

~ Mad

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