50 Dual Wield Inf



A lot of people been saying its crap others been saying its 'uber' but i dont got a clue :p
So can you please release me from my respec misery and answer me why they would be so damn good? ;)


Dragonfang + positional styles sums it up for me :)


When stun/mez prevents from spinnin around, its gonna pwn more...

Evade > Dragonfang till stun drops > L50 DW style since its frontal o_O



Someone said to me the nerf involves having to hit with both weapons to get the dragonfang stun off... If thats true then thrusters will want high DW....

might be a load of Bjorklets, but ouch, what a nerf.....



If you're thinking of being a stealther killer much like a SZ you will be disappointed. DW styles < LA styles, and even witha full spec DW you only hit with left weapon 65% of the time (Or one weapon 35% of the time or how it goes).

Those points are far better spent in other categories, imo. You could hope the english DB will get a trip to Gorre (if you play on excal) and test it there, but if not I would wait a while with respeccing if I was you, to see if any changes are made to dragonfang.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

If you're thinking of being a stealther killer much like a SZ you will be disappointed. DW styles < LA styles, and even witha full spec DW you only hit with left weapon 65% of the time (Or one weapon 35% of the time or how it goes).

Those points are far better spent in other categories, imo. You could hope the english DB will get a trip to Gorre (if you play on excal) and test it there, but if not I would wait a while with respeccing if I was you, to see if any changes are made to dragonfang.

First, the infil has 200+ dex, evade 7, Dodger 3, he evades, he does Dragonfang. What's a Left Axe guy gonna do? When the stun wears off, he does a "Dual Shadows" which does loads of damage. Bye bye Shadowzerker/Berserker.


LV50 dw rules in inf and merc class people just don't see it..... anyway why do you think SZ kicks ass because LA is similar to DW but i don't think it is as good(my opinion don't start te flame shit).We have a high DW inf in our guild and he hits SHITLOADS so it can't be bad.


LA styles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DW styles ;)

But any spec works for a good player I guess :)


Don't beat merc DW styles i am afraid:p Since it is a class that NEEDS DW but as for inf i am sure the styles are different since there is 2 parry DW styles that kick ass but will be different for an inf maybe evade opening.


They share the styles so infils dont get to use the nice parry chains :(

The thing is infiltrators dont get much from DW besides increased rate of dualhitting - while shadowzerkers get some of the best styles in the game on top of better damage.


No wonder death kicked ass:rolleyes:

Oi mitsu where you gone anyway?


final conclusion

pfff never read so much in my life :D
thanks for the VN link venemous really helpfull ;)

well i am gonna choose for the DW path, with the following spec:

35 stealth: +11(items) +4(RR5 now lets find some mid rp donors :flame: ) = 50 stealth if it should happen i ever get rr6, imagine :rolleyes: i can respec single line and pump this into cs or env
50 thrust : buzz off if you want me to explain why
50 dual wield: yes 50, dual shadows will allow me to use more styles using less end, meaning i can fight longer :twak: + with some practise (or lots off /shrugs ) the positional styles should be really handy considering the not moving when stunned (take this in consideration with dragonfang :cool: )
32 envenom: +5 from df jewel +4 from RR5 (yes i know im a gryphon knight :eek: ) + whatever env we get from the changes to the epic armor set/jewelry, should be enough to get the last snare, but consider also that poisons getting more chances to be resisted and DoT's cant be depended on as they used to be (in my opinion)
and last but not least
2 critical strike!!! w00t! : well youll need something to break caster bt with, and i had to put those last 2 points in something ;)

well these are my 2 cents, or was it 5, hell ill give you 5$ :m00:

and about RA's respec gonna throw vanish and see hidden out of the window, and give another hunter a reason to enjoy the game again :fluffle: and get myself ignore pain.


max +env you can get from items is +10 (unless you have a pre-nerf frenzy ;)) and why spam DF after you landed it once.. try Hamstring/Leaper(and RS/Ripper if you took cs that high) .. more dmg mate ;).

(I know i dont have a lvl 50 infi, but ive doen extensive studies of other ppls experiences and input ... spent more than two months just studying before i went ahead and rolled a infi .. wouldnt want to to the same mistake as with my warrior :()

And about not being able to turn during mezz/stun.. read somewhere on Vnboards that thats how it always been.. but now they fixed it so the avatar doesnt turn, ie when stun/mezz hit you are always facing in the direction you were when calculating positional hits even tho you turn the avatar... havent been able to test it myself, nor could i find the link but i will update the post IF i find it.

[edit: found the link]

look what kilthas has to say .... repasted for your viewing pleasure...

Um, this was already working this way. The only change is that you won't see the avater or mob turn to face you anymore. Try it on a live server against a mob. They autoface you, but PA and CD them, then move to what would have been the spot to attack their side. You can execute a basiliskfang successfully. Using Dragonfang, I stun, then basiliskfang to destroy their combat speed, then go behind them and pierce a few times. Works like a charm....every time.


P.S. - Apologies if this wasn't working this way against players, but I seem to recall it did, as well.

But as he says in the PS.. it could be Mob ONLY.. but who knows?


Re: final conclusion

Originally posted by ignore
pfff never read so much in my life :D
thanks for the VN link venemous really helpfull

well i am gonna choose for the DW path, with the following spec:

35 stealth: +11(items) +4(RR5 now lets find some mid rp donors ) = 50 stealth if it should happen i ever get rr6, imagine i can respec single line and pump this into cs or env
50 thrust : buzz off if you want me to explain why
50 dual wield: yes 50, dual shadows will allow me to use more styles using less end, meaning i can fight longer :twak: + with some practise (or lots off /shrugs ) the positional styles should be really handy considering the not moving when stunned (take this in consideration with dragonfang )
32 envenom: +5 from df jewel +4 from RR5 (yes i know im a gryphon knight ) + whatever env we get from the changes to the epic armor set/jewelry, should be enough to get the last snare, but consider also that poisons getting more chances to be resisted and DoT's cant be depended on as they used to be (in my opinion)
and last but not least
2 critical strike!!! w00t! : well youll need something to break caster bt with, and i had to put those last 2 points in something ;)

well these are my 2 cents, or was it 5, hell ill give you 5$ :m00:

and about RA's respec gonna throw vanish and see hidden out of the window, and give another hunter a reason to enjoy the game again :fluffle: and get myself ignore pain.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hito, mow you are gonna be the first merc inf to 50, bloody respeccs.

Well my specc is 34 stealth 33 envenom 50 thrust 50 dualwield and 10 CS (autoing stealth to 48)

Getting more and more worried though because the dual wield styles sucks and from what I read the dual shadows don't do much more damage then garrote but with less less less end use.

We shall see.

Hito did I tell you about my mercinf when we played together in hibernia, Iunenderbahn the luribomb remember?

So we just need to see Thorn come here and claim he is also gonna make a mercfiltrator.

Bloody respeccs.

Humm hito you know if you lvl me to 50 before respecc you will basically get a free template try out <hint hint> :)

EDIT: Couldn't post because to many images in the post. edited out some of hitos smileyorama


I have a baby mercfiltrator in Thidranki, and quite frankly the 17 or so points I spent in DW are a total waste of time.

This skill sucks so hard because it scales so poorly, like what is the chance of swinging both weaps with 17 spec ? And then what kind of dmg will the 2nd weap actually do ? Compare this to the dmg add 17env will bring with Major Lethal Poison (20ish per tick) not to mention the other poisons. I could have got env to around 20ish for the next DoT for a dmg add that is actually useful, instead of an extra chance to swing a dagger that hits for 20dmg once every 3 or so rounds :(

SBs get the same kind of trade off with LA, but LA always hits and the styles from LA are arguably better than DW. DW only really starts to hurt at the higher levels, just a bummer you gotta basically gimp yourself to reap the rewards.


or go another path and re-specc into DW at 40 ;)


Well...i could drop DW to 34 and raise both Crit Strike and Env to 34, giving me pa/cd.

And ill try using the ham/leap/rs/rip combo more often to test it out ;)

ofcourse speccing high in cs always brings with it the fact that you gotta land your pa, but if the DW styles really dont do that high dmg and only serve to increase the odds for duel hits, a classic high cs still seems best to me then...
but im still not sure about anything :rolleyes:


Why would i want to make a mercfiltrator? Im perfectly happy with Dualist Reflexes RAs and my hamstring/leaper/rib sep combo after dragonfang thankyou :p


Does that combo do more damage than spamming Dragonfang?


yes.. because its a Critical strike and isnt affected by qui as "other" styles do ... ie frontloading the dmg

Originally posted by Sunthas on VNBoards

NOTE: CRITICAL Strikes do work different for Assassins than styles work for other classes. This means increasing QUI doesn't lower their damage.

from Sunthas guide to Quickness.

Its from that i based my opinion that it does more dmg.. that is til i prove myself wrong when i get the chance to do some test with the involved styles ;).

And remember that CD has a Stun effect(Medium) so it renders DragonFang useless ;), so if you intend to rely on DF dont CD;)



Im also respeccing to a shadowmerc after failing PA after PA and I have done some of reserch in the past (started reserching after have seen greydarks fighting video a month ago) , thing is you got to bring DW to 50 to get the last style, all the other styles aint good. And to do really good damage you want MoP4. Thrust 50 else your a gimp, and with Alch comming there will be alot of resists on envenom so im only taking that to 25 and bringing CS up to 21, after all its pretty fun to PA peeps at keepraids. The sad part is there is no damage logs so you cant really compare damage but after what I read is garrote/achilles heal pretty much equal to Dual Shadows, but DS draws 1/2 less end.


Originally posted by old.Krusha
yes.. because its a Critical strike and isnt affected by qui as "other" styles do ... ie frontloading the dmg

from Sunthas guide to Quickness.

Its from that i based my opinion that it does more dmg.. that is til i prove myself wrong when i get the chance to do some test with the involved styles ;).

And remember that CD has a Stun effect(Medium) so it renders DragonFang useless ;), so if you intend to rely on DF dont CD;)

they do more damage than dragonfang (not hugely) but one of the big advantages is you can do say hamstring leaper hamstring leaper hamstring (stun wears off) leaper rib seperation

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