50 Cent is a w***er


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I don't get the point of going to a 50cent gig and throwing shit at him. They did it at the rasmus as well. Seriously, are these people fucking children? I don't like 50cent, I find his music boring to the extreme and as such would keep away from the stage when he was supposed to be on. Same with the rasmus.

Also, beside from, mostly, agreeing with you that 50 cent is indeed a cock I actually respect him a whole lot more now considering he didn't have a strop. He, as far as I've been told, just tried to placate the crowd and when they wouldn't stop got off stage. Nothing more anyone could have done imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Not sure how many stages etc there are at Reading but as far as I know most of the people watching were just waiting for Green Day and Placebo, probably trying to get a nice place near the front. Not the sort of people you would associate with liking 50 Cent or Rasmus.

Was a mistake putting them on at Reading which is traditionally a 'Rawwwk!' festival.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
There are 3 main stages (Main, Radio 1 and Carling)
A Dance stage, a jungle stage(! Seriously!! :eek7: ) and a comedy stage.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
imo the "Rawwwk!" crowd should get their heads out of their arses. if you don't like someone, fine, go have a hotdog and a beer. or perhaps stand in line for an hour to have a shit. there's no reason to be nasty and chuck things or boo. it's not as if the "artist you're not really keen on" is there all day....at big festivals they're usually gone before you know it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
All i'm saying is its a bad idea to play hip-hop or pop to a load of damp/rabid/half drunk Green Day fans. Not the bands fault, just at the wrong place at the wrong time, bad organising.

Not that I condone it, just thought it was pretty funny.


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
rofl i hate black rappers they get on my tits, in fact i hate all rappers lol im not racist :D

it is strange why they would have bang bang home boy tunes on at a festival with the drop kick murphys lol surely the bands management should research lol


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
oblimov said:
rofl i hate black rappers they get on my tits, in fact i hate all rappers lol im not racist :D

it is strange why they would have bang bang home boy tunes on at a festival with the drop kick murphys lol surely the bands management should research lol

maybe they're trying to open your mind? dunno, just a guess? in a perfect world, 50cent would team up with DKM and do some songs, but I suppose that's what the crossing borders festival is for. oh well.


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
TdC said:
maybe they're trying to open your mind? ...

lol how can a dude talking about bitches n ho's, smack and crack and shooting caps in people open my mind?

Perhaps if they covered gilbert and sullivan


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 13, 2004
It was because of the slot they were playing. 2nd to last and behind green day on the main stage is just suicidal planning imo. I bet 50 even asked for a good slot like that too.

Thing is there wasn't much of an alternative to them playing at the same time as them so people were kinda forced to watch them, especially with green day afterwards because it's a real pain in the arse to get a good view of the last band of reading on the main stage because there's just so many people to get past.

As far as i know dizzee rascal's set went fine and he was playing in the radio 1 tent while there were other good bands playing on the other stages. So it certainly is possible for 50 to play reading imo, but just dont force rock fans to put up with it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Haha well deserved imo, They should know full well that the majority will not be open minded about musical tastes and will react in such a manner. You can sugar coat your views of the world and hope people will do good all you want, simple fact is most of the time they won't.

It happened when he did the set at Leeds too, I would have been there but couldn't afford it. And whilst wouldn't have taken part in said 'bottling' I certainly would have pissed myself laughing at the twat.

On a flipside if you put Metallica on at a rap festival I wouldn't be surprised if they got a few 'caps popped in their asses yo'. It's out of place when these things are generally known as rock festivals, especially when placed on main stage.

Line up at Leeds was fairly shit this year anyways.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
"50" shouldn't have been there in the first place really, whoever booked him was a numpty. Festival audiences aren't exactly renowned for being receptive to diversity, and it's fair to say an event which is predominantly "rawwk", billed as "rawwk" and so forth is going to be frequented by angst-ridden, World-hatin' work shy greaser students who hate everything which isn't indie/rock.

That said, I did feel slightly sorry (about 2% sorry) for The Rasmus. Bit of a double-edged sword really the indie industry - get too popular and you're slated for selling out and "becoming mainstream", but stay on the fringe and you're never gonna make the billing at the festivals.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I don't rightly know. I assume that were Metallica to play at a rap festival they'd try to make something of it and quite probably be boo'd off stage.
it's just that I'm personally against the jeers and bottling that makes me react against it. I'm a bit of a rocker at heart and am not too particular to rap music in general, but I'd never boo a rapper who appeared at a rock fest. you had a flyer so you know the line-up. tough. I read in that article that he actually played before he was slotted and left far ahead of his scheduled end point, so the argument that people were juggling for a good spot doesn't hold for me if he started an hour and a half ahead of time.

if I was there I'd sit through and make the best of it tbh. it's a festival, you aren't obligated to watch every act. when I was at Dynamo earlier this year there were acts there from opposite ends of the genre, but I don't recall (to name a few) Nightwish getting boo'd, or Dimmu Borgir, or Soullfy etc. Imo the crowd there were extremely good sports and well chilled to boot. bottling is strictly for kiddies imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
oblimov said:
lol how can a dude talking about bitches n ho's, smack and crack and shooting caps in people open my mind?

Perhaps if they covered gilbert and sullivan

u sound like an ignorant 80 yr old woman 'well u know those darkies shout about beeches and hitting... very very bad taste. but i am not racist...'

grow up... this thread is about a guy getting boo'd off stage at an event that is typically not for his type of music - not the merits of rap and god forbid by a black guy...

grow up and keep ur stupid comments 2 urself


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
lets not go there now. I believe the issue at hand is the rights and wrongs of booing artists off stage.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
It is also relevant to the love/hate relationship between 'rawwwkers' and popular music, 'mobo' being right up there. Being that most love to hate it..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
He's right though; 50 cent does just go one about bitches hoe’s money and pimping. The guy is a fucking tool, and I like hip hop. I just don't like that sort of hip hop, it's utter utter tripe.

Also, I'd completely agree with Teeds – in fact I think I do - bottling and jeering is shit and lame, but whereas I'd normally get all riled up by it, this time I just don't care. Actually I’m quite amused.

As for the whole racist thing, honestly I think the type of hip hop that 50 cent and his homies put out there does more harm for society’s view of black people than good. Rather than suggesting that black people can have successful careers in the media, it suggests that they're pimps and gangsters and criminals. This is (in my opinion) the most predominant image portrayed about black people in the media today. There's better, more intelligent, less shit hip hop out there people, you've just gotta look a bit harder.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Have you seen the music video to P.I.M.P , nath? The video just seems like one big pisstake. If you haven't, it has Snoop Doog et al all dressed up as pimps, with 50 Cent going "Plus, i got the magic stick". It's hilarious tbh.

I'm not sure if 50 Cent truly lives up to, and believes in what he goes on about most of the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have seen the video, it's dogshit. If it is indeed a piss take, it's a lame one. Aphex Twin did it a whole lot better with Windowlicker.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
All music shows one single point of view*, it's just that rap tends to be part of degenerate culture. At least, more so than others.

* Except for 99% of electronic music. It just seems designed to kill, uhh ... brain shells.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
i dunno whats wrong with the kids of today tbh,

in my day and age we used to fill the bottles with wee wee before throwing them at the stage

maybe "fiddy" as i understand he likes to be called is just very crap live hence the bottle throwing in the first place


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Haha the Rasmus are a whole comedy goldmine...they dress like full hardcore death metal type loonies then ponce on stage and go 'Oh-ohh oh-ohh...' etc.

Like watching a huge fuck off saber tooth tiger walk on stage and mutter a teeniest meow hardly worthy of a kitten. Same as Good Charlotte.

Durzel said:
angst-ridden, World-hatin' work shy greaser students who hate everything which isn't indie/rock.

Whilst this may be true for some please don't make me assume your a cock tarring a whole group with the same brush. :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
As people have said, booking 50 Cent to play the main stage at Reading/Leeds sandwiched between a load of rock bands is just fucking daft. I don't agree with bottling him and stuff, but Reading/Leeds is notorious for that - remember Daphne & Celeste? Someone elses idea of a joke - and it's not a surprise.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dislike both Rasmus and 50cent but I think it is pretty fucking lame to resort to throwing stuff on stage and booing the artists off. If you don't like them then fuck off and do something else! It is a bloody festival for god's sake! If you can't find something better to do liiiike, oh I dunno, get pished, stoned, food or laid etc etc. then you're a fucking waste of space!

Actually, I take that back...I seem to recall doing the same thing (booing) to Sonic Youth when we were waiting for Bob Dylan to come on at Glastonbury! :mad: In my defence, I was drunk and somewhat disorientated due to 'shrooms and weed!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
It's the pros & cons of festivals innit? You're never going to get everyone to like every band, and, yes, it's funny/sad when they get pelted with shit...

P.S. This is why they issue booze in the plastic cups/bottles, if they were glass they'd be far fewer missiles... :)

But, ahh, the Reading festival. I went there in 1989 to see:
The Butthole Surfers
Gay Bikers on Acid
The Sugar Cubes
The Pogues
& some others, that my memory refuses to reveal....

Just found this...

The Link for 1988 said:
Headliners: Ramones, Starship, Squeeze
August 26 - 28 sees a mixed bag. The good: The Ramones, Iggy Pop, The Wonder Stuff. The bloody awful: Hothouse Flowers, Runrig, Deacon Blue and Roachford. Lemmy listens to the Ramones' set from underneath the stage. Meatloaf, who obviously knows what a festival crowd wants, asks: "Do you wanna hear some music or do you wanna be stupid and throw things?" He is engulfed by flying bottles and promptly leaves the stage, returns to try 'Bat Out Of Hell' but is again met by a hail of bottles. He gives up and fucks off. Much the same happens before Hothouse Flowers. Compere Janice Long says: "If you don't stop throwing bottles, the Hothouse Flowers aren't coming on.' The bottle fight intensifies. Security men are sent on stage with bin bags and the crowd are asked to chuck the bottles to them for collection. The hapless security staff are pelted off the stage. The last year of the truly great bottle fights.

The Gay Bikers played on a sunny afternoon and looked totally lost on the huge stage, but The Butthole Surfers ruled the roost. Even the 10,000 strong crowd pogo-ing around to the Pogues didn't overshadow the Butties set....go Gibby! I seem to remember that there were more police than punters at one point (probably a wrong turn, or tunnel vision from too many toxins). I also remember my mates tent got "turned over" and some bam nicked most of his clothes and a stash of cakes he had been secretly storing for that very night....if anyone has any information about this, or any other crime, please send it on a postcard to.... :kissit:



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
Actually, I take that back...I seem to recall doing the same thing (booing) to Sonic Youth when we were waiting for Bob Dylan to come on at Glastonbury! :mad: In my defence, I was drunk and somewhat disorientated due to 'shrooms and weed!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
JBP| said:
i dunno whats wrong with the kids of today tbh,

in my day and age we used to fill the bottles with wee wee before throwing them at the stage
according to my brother, who was there, things haven't changed :/

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