5 things I love and hate about DAoC



In order


1. Nattering to my mates online
2. Variety of things to do
3. The Merry Men for being top blokes and a real laugh
4. Kiarra for spending INSANE amounts of time crafting for you monkeys
5. My little theurg


1. plz. It's PLEASE idiots.
2. Lack of horse routes
3. Steathers
4. Level 50 only RvR groups (WTF IS THAT ABOUT?)
5. Elitism

I thank you.


lol in the Love list:

1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Agreed
4. Agreed (Greatest crafter ever, and great girl all round ! )
5. PBT & Earth Buff, gotta love it.

In the hate list:

1. almost as bad as tnx and every other lazy abbreviation.
2. or lack of logical horse routes lol. (why oh why can't you get a horse ANYWHERE north from West Downs ? bah ! )
3. Cowards.
4. heheh I have grouped with level 30ies and 20ies even in emain (since BG's even). Doesn't bother me, heck at the very least its someone else to be targeted other then yourself :cool:
5. Definatly agreed, I didn't expect to find that in a mmorpg, thought that was more a Quake thing, but alas no. Some of the biggest wankers I have met in this game have been levels 50ies and there abouts, it seems when alot of people get above level 40 they consider themselves to important to care or be polite even. On the other hand though it simply makes me ever more detirmend not to be that way and so go out of my way to help people regardless of level and skill.

Its a game for everyone, every class and every level has its uses even in RvR, and now that we get 100% rp bonus for full groups we should try to keep groups full as much as possible.

hmmmm its 1 am and im posting messages, im gonna reread this when im fully awake tomorrow and realise I make no sense whats so ever. bye bye :rolleyes:


considering middle of camp forest is like the valley of the linkdead, youd think just a horse going north would be allowed stead of having to go all the way south again then all the way north ;)


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
In order

3. The Merry Men for being top blokes and a real laugh

I thank you.

and thank you :)


two newish sayings that are starting to get on my tits are :-

"Buffs plz"


"gold plz"

Buffs fair enough - I can give those away no problem
Gold I have shit loads - but its a bit rude ask

but plz!

I don't know the youth of today....



I was once asked by a level 13 Minstrel if I could buff him (I play a Sorceror).

I told him I could make him run faster . . . .

He didn't take me up on the offer :D


I once in Lyonesse had a msg from someone who asked if I would be interested in sponsoring him with items and powerleveling. I found it quite amusing, yet endlessly rude. He never mentioned what my end of such a sponsorship would be.


Of course Teresa :) Many a happy hour is spent building up sexual frustration

However, there are many things I missed off which I'm sure other people will fill in.

Amazing how people embrace the 'Things I hate' rather than the 'Things I love' though


Things I love
1)Teasing Radghast for endless hours, oh my the joy!!!
2)When we all pull together to do something...(legion hunts RvR ect)
3)teasing Radghast a few more times...it's just so fun!
4)Actually getting a good group and laughing my ass off for hours
5)theres always SOMETHING to do

things I hate
1)Jumping off a horse when someone says STOP HELP and then all they want is buffs (I'm a sorc ffs)
2)listening to people bitch about drops.
3)When Radghast isn't online for me to tease him. What a bummer
4)lag lag and them a bit more lag
5) GOBLINS! AHHHHHHH nooo, the nightmares I've had!

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