45th healer epic



Just wondering if anyone has done this lately or indeed anyone has spotted Fjall recently.

Ive been killed by him whilst soloing at low levels around vindsaul gates.

Ive passed him near the fenrir fort whilst doing other epic quests.

Im fairly certain on where he used to go, however after camping for 5 consecutive nights and days am not convinced he still follows the same route.

Any info would help a lot.

P.s doing a /who yggdra on a few occasions revealed just me and another person with me so im certain nobody else killed him before he reached me.



Woot! Grats on another 50 m8y!

No luck with Fjall though..
Im sure I got killed by him not too long ago though, being afk just by Yggdra entrance :p

Evincar & Xei smurfs in Onslaught


Thx m8 :) dinged charesa 50 this morning took 1 hour 30 mins to get the final xp i needed.

did my 43 epic in around 25 mins.

Spent in all around 3 to 4 hours stood like a ponse in yggdra waiting for fjall, final straw came when a FG of albs came and ganked me kinda removed the buzz from dinging 50 :(


Another healer had a similar problem, they found him in the fort, dont think they had to kill any fort mobs to make him pop but not sure.


Update : spent a further 2 hours there sent a rightwheneverwefeellikeit, got so bored I macroed the words to that song "we seek him here we seek him there blah blah blah", and generally pissed myself off somemore.

Has *ANYONE* seen fjall recently?

Got to the point where i think his spawn is bugged or something every healer I spoke to said the same places to camp nobody can work out why im having trouble with him.

Taken from warcry "Inaksha sends you out to stop Fjall, a Fenrir in Yggdra. (Jfall loc is 13k 55k near the Fenir fort). NOT finding Fjall (red to me at 46) and his 4-5 friends is harder than finding him." HA BLOODY HA


Fjall runs from the fenrir fort to the yggdra gates where guards kill him.

Had some trouble the last few times I've been thru the Fjall part both my own and other seer quest.

We did it the hard way, bring 4-5 friends, run inside the fenrir fort and whipe everything over and over, usually makes him spawn fairly quickly (inside the fort).


Update: went back today same place as yesterday found him in five minutes!!!

Thanks for all the replies guess yesterday just wasnt my day.

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