3dfx voodoo3500 and DVD



I have a voodo3 3500tv/agp and i am thinking of buying a DVD drive to watch movies.Since the instrution book that came with the card was useless i was would like to know whether i need to buy a seperate mpeg2 decoder card to enable me to watch films on my telly/monitor or whether i can simply do it with my 3dfx card. Any help would be much appreciated.

old.[GA] Shovel

While I don;t own one myself so this may not be 100% accurate I think that the V3 has a kind of DVD "help" in that it will use a software system but will push it along a bit more than a card that has no DVD support at all. this is opposed to a card that has full support for DVD and will do it without software.

could someone please confirm this?

Shovel shovel@q2battleuk.com
Grey Area

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