Yeah that from another thread but I wanted to highlight it.The hero/ranger/waren/eld epic is totally ridiculous
we did it all in a grp of 8, but 1 step you have to kill this leprechaun 8 times for all 8 to get quest, and repop time was about 30mins in between...... INFURIATING!
Is that considered ridiculous for an epic in DAoC?
Just started recently - ok I'm ex-EQ - but if 30 mins is bad then whats good? What level do DAoC epics start requiring multiple groups (ie a raid force)?
Better make sure you never play EverQuest if you think that's infuriating (especially not as a cleric, shadowknight, paladin or any of the robes) - I'm sure EQ clerics would happily trade their 3-7 days at Ragefire for 30 minutes anywhere heh