2nd Life


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
For those who havent heard of it.


Seen it a bit back, but now it looks soooo cool, read the new world notes, some serious shit going on in there.
Downloading free trial now, this could be exactly what I'm looking for.

Even a major MMORPG coder has written a free RPG that appears in the game.
Character customisation is about the best ever.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Haven't been to freddys for a while, now i remember why. This place makes me cry for all the CRAP that goes around.

Sims, ok, not bad.

Singles, hmm, might play instead of get an enchilada up my wazzup.

This? I refer to the previous. But taking the other choice.

And if character design is the best part, they should've made it look a bit more realistic then a 3d world created by Poopy McGilligan from the third grade with a serious *oh look a bird*

This is seriously the worst game i've seen that DARES to come out so 1 point for that. Sadly there it stops. I'm more of a framrate, good gameplay kinda guy but you have to draw the line somewhere.

If this is second life, might as well end my first.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
OK tried it, very weird.
You don't download any of the 'game', it all comes down as you move round...holy shit, batters my 1mb link.
It is NOT a game of any type, my few meetings with other characters were like nothing I have ever experienced online.
You can instantly teleport anywhere and you can instantly change your shape to anything you like.

Interaction is very high level, there are thousands of emotes and gestures, music plays as you move round (uploaded by players themselves), everything in there is created by the players and they are using quite advanced tools.

No griefers, seems to be full of high-brow types, very..very polite.

Been going round as little red riding hood, complete with basket and silly skipping walk.

If you dream of design, then this is for you, far..far more advanced than SIMS, you can make ANYTHING if you have the skill, if you make a motorcycle you can ride it on hundreds of miles of road.
Visit a huge castle...they give you a choice of medieval characters to be at the entrance.
Advertising boards with free stuff from other players, got a paintball gun and blasted everything in sight.
This of all online experiences has to be the closest yet to being in a dream you can control.


I'm hooked. I can't help it. This is the only place I know of that let's you actually animate your character in any way you want. I turned myself into a glob, and crazily enough, that was awesome.

I went around and played some games, the community is extremely creative, I love it! I gotta learn this scripting language, I have a few game ideas I've been meaning to put to use and making Mods is just too time consuming for me. This is the world I've been dreaming of.

:clap: Love it!

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