2H Crush paladin = gimp ?



I have myself a L10 2H Crush specced paladin. I am not sure if my great hammer seems to gimp my char because of the fact that 2h crush just doesn't work or I am too low-level still to properly take advantage of 2h... any opinions on this? I took 10 str, 10 qui and 10 con in the beginning...
My equipment is the best at all times (guild members+money+ guild crafters) and that should not be a problem. But it just seems that for a tank I don't really do much good.
Anyone got any ideas on this... I am now considering of making for example a shield+slash armsman or then a mercenary even (never tried this one), instead of this perhaps-gimped character.


2H Crush would be good in the long run. Make sure you don't forget the importance of chants for soloing mobs, once you are good at rotating your chants you should be able to take blues with full health and yellows with most health still intact but it does burn your endurance!


Paly's are quite good PvE, solo or especially grouped.

RvR though= Bigtime Suckage, you would probably last longer as naked caster tanking a zerker


Yeah... RvR side the paladin, especially one such as this, won't last a minute.
But I suppose my only problem was that I don't have that great chants yet since I grouped mostly.


Paladins suck in RvR, other tanks do that too- some extra outputdmg and a DD and we'd be fixed ;)


I would like to have a 'charge' ability.
It would work like this:
You select a enemy target, and use charge. You would now run at 150% normal speed to your target and will auto-lock on it when you reach it. It wil take a large hit of END when you start.
It would be on a timer of like 5 min orso.
Maybe even some sort of extra mez/root resist during the charge.


As paladins are supposed to be warriors of the church, I like the idea of a Holy Anger type effect. Inst, duration 20-30secs, each hit crits for extra dmg...bit like a zerker really, but on a longer timer 15-20mins or so


Hmm, charge ability. Why not have one like in D2. You run very fast and then with a shield smack into the opponent dealing quite out quite a bit of damge.
I also agree that paladins should have more holy powers.... something angelic and godly. Maybe a short attacking frenzy etc. Actually if you look at Diablo 2 it has some superb skills that would fit the DAoC Paladin.


friars get angelic haste self buffs and angelis recommendation group heal

go figure..... :p


A morph like those hibby things, but then in a bright white angel like thingy. That would be COOL


Yeh, a morph would be quite an excellent addition :)
Maybe turn into some arch-angel with a huge sword or something, that could scare a few mids.


IMO Paladins are/should be the MOST defensive class in the game as far as melee goes, no melee should be able to take Paladins down easy, hell they are servants of God, of the Church.

If you want to make a Damage dealer you shoulda gone Crush Polearmsman or Crush 2H Armsman.

Paladins are probably the BEST PvE Tank class end of. MOst group friendly class I know, and I dont even play Albion.

Sword&Board is the way to go for Paladins, shame they never followed D2 footsteps and gave em Sceptors and special Shields/Shield skills that only they get, that woulda been sooooo cool (I was a mad Pala fan in D2 and D2X)

It is a pity in RvR that they kinda suck, and Mythic are tryong to fix this INDIRECTLY by makign battles last longer, which favours Paladins, as no tank class can/should last longer than them.

If I were you I would reroll a Paladin and go high Chants Crush and Shield (Crush has no penalties vs any armor) and work on maxing your resists as Casters will be harder to kill than Tanks, and esp max your crush resist as this is your greatest weakness vs tanks.

Maybe the opinion of a few level 50 Palas would be more useful, this is my opinion based on reading loads forums and knowing a lot about the game, and classes without playing them all.

Rerolling at level 10 is not a big deal and it may mean in the long run you make a better Pala.


Hmm, the paladins in D2X were quite cool indeed. I had the best gear available for a pal really, except for no schaeffers hammer... he rocked pretty much with 95% resists in hell diff and all the rest of it.
Paladins should be very hard to take I must agree, this way they could even take on other tanks since even though they deal little damage they have a long time to get hits in.
Too bad after leaving my paladin, Cannabis, to rest I made a crush merc who is very very good imho.

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