28 Emails no reply



Well im about as fed up as can be with gao.

1. All this agro started so they reset passwords .

2. They sent my password to someone else.

3. I get it back from them saying sorry.

4. took 3-4 weeks so account ran out (renewed)

5. Log on acount for a nice game :)

6. "HORROR" everyone of my chars have been deleted.

7. No repose from goa 28 emails nothing. (another months account wasted) .

Surly they cant take money and give no service, i just dont know where to turn now. looks like ill have to suck up the cost and dump game :(

has anyone else had a problem with these monkeys


Send your emails to GOA not GAO :D

Seriously though. That sucks big time. Someone get Kemor on the case.


Join the national club its membership is nearing 2000 and rising still


GOA fucking suck, worse company i have ever seen for support.

But hey.. there French


being french has nothing to do with it, so lose the racist tone, GOA are fucktards plain and simple, theyd be dicks if they were american,british german or dutch.


well if your paying and they dont give a service they have to refund the money or they are breaking the law.


Mabey you gave your password out?
Mabey you spamming them with emails isnt helping and perhaps if you sent 1 email containing all the info rather than clogging up their system with useless spam you might get a reply sooner.
For each email that you send, then then look at is and have to spend 10 mins checking to see if someone else is already on the case...



Originally posted by Tilda
Mabey you spamming them with emails isnt helping and perhaps if you sent 1 email containing all the info rather than clogging up their system with useless spam you might get a reply sooner.
For each email that you send, then then look at is and have to spend 10 mins checking to see if someone else is already on the case...

You know...I can't help but agree with Tilda here. Sure it sucks, but sending them 28 emails is retarded. :rolleyes:


6. "HORROR" everyone of my chars have been deleted.
As far as sending the GAME passwords are concerned, they only mailed the password and not the username. So if your chars got deleted it's by someone that knew your username already.

Still sucks though...

But 28 emails??? you must have started cursing after the 15th then...

What do you think happens to the guy that reads those emails... he stops taking you seriously and passes printouts of the most elaborate curses around to his colleagues. Happens in all companies that have helpdesks.

Best is to quote their own 'terms of service' to them and show them their obligations. And under all circumstances, stay calm.


Originally posted by vestax
GOA fucking suck, worse company i have ever seen for support.

But hey.. there French

You kinda suck at written english, especially being from the UK.


Friend of mine has all the details right. Address, Name/Lastname, registered email, cd-key, GAME username, the works. Problem is he had his e-mail account disabled during the "hacking" event, so GOA probably sent the passwords, but e-mail address was not working, etc.

So he re-enables his e-mail, requests account info using his GAME username. Nothing. Repeats. Nothing. Repeats. Nothing.

Then he proceeds to e-mail subscription@goa.com, sending all the info above mentioned, requesting that they send his account info on a new e-mail address. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.


All I can say is stop moaning and whining about it. It happened, not forgetting this has happened to a lot of other people in the game. Only your character can be deleted is if something already had your username and password. The first emails sent out where those only containing the passwords, then other emails set out containing more information sub logins passwords etc etc.

Just leave the game or start again. Not harm in doing it "but I sent months even years building up characters and getting cash etc etc etc" that’s life. World of Warcraft, StarWars Galaxies (not out in Europe yet) will be here soon and other MMORPG just choose another.

You can't blame the French people because of GOA's actions. I do agree Mythic could have chosen a better company to go with, but I don't know whom though. Every company has there ups and down, sending 28 emails saying "WHERE IS MY INFORMATION AND PASSWORDS IF YOU DON'T SEND THEM I'M GOING TO SUE YOUR ASS" is not going to do you any good, all they will do is place that email in the bin along with the other 27 emails. You need to send an email containing all your information, Date, Times, Character Names, Realms, and Servers. Remember say please and thank you, manners and respect towards the customer services does help. It doesn't take much effort to say these things all you’re doing is typing out on the keyboard like I am. If you have problems with spelling using a word or something and use spell check.


Originally posted by asorek
being french has nothing to do with it, so lose the racist tone, GOA are fucktards plain and simple, theyd be dicks if they were american,british german or dutch.

Uhm, being American, I can say with almost 100% certainty that if ANY company in the states pulled the same shit as GOA, they'd be filing for bankrupcy because everyone would be suing them. What can I say? Suing gets the job done :p If we all sued GOA, they'd be history... yay!!! :clap:

ooo edit: I just read the response above mine. Well, I think that there is ample reason to complain when GOA has so many problems. Some companies have a bad day now and then, things get hacked, etc. But GOA has _frequently_ provided terrible service to a great number of people, myself included. They must be understaffed, underpaid, who knows. But they have a responsibility to provide a service.. it's what they're paid for. They could be doing a much more organized and successful job of it imo. :)


Originally posted by Nichneven
What can I say? Suing gets the job done :p If we all sued GOA, they'd be history... yay!!! :clap:

Uhm, that's exactly the problem I have with the American philosophy of suing each and everything that gets in your way. It gets abused to the point where it's causing more harm than good - like suing Boeing because they made it too easy to get into the cockpit on September 11th?!? If we follow that approach, why not sue Ford because their cars make it easier to run over other people?

Think about what you just said. GOA would be history? Did you automatically assume someone else will take over? Well, that sure didn't happen to Shadowbane when the European publisher/host went bankrupt. We would most likely be forced to buy the US version and possibly even have to start all over. Oh, and I doubt the americans will be overly pleased when they find out that some of their servers have suddenly become unofficial german and french servers. I believe some americans have already been complaining about that in SWG :)


It's your responsibility to make sure u give companies a correct and working email. So if u neglected that why are u blaming GOA?

It's your own fault really so don't blame GOA.


Originally posted by Nichneven
Uhm, being American, I can say with almost 100% certainty that if ANY company in the states pulled the same shit as GOA, they'd be filing for bankrupcy because everyone would be suing them.

Yes, but in America u can sue a company coz u were a idiot and poured coffee in ur lap, heres a few other examples on what u can sue for in america :)

19 year old Carl Truman from Los Angeles got 74 000 dollars when his neighbour ran over his hand with his car, Truman accually didnt see that anyone was in the car when he was trying to steal the navcaps.........

and then we have this one...

Mister Merv Grazinski from Oklahoma city bought a brand ner Winnebago housevan, he was on his way home on the freeway doing about 80 Mph, turned on the cruise control and went in the back to make some coffee, now the car obviously cant turn for itself and he crashed in the first turn. Mister Grazinski sued the manufactor and got 1 750 000 dollars AND a new housevan.

PS, Winnebago have now issued a warning about this in their instruction books...

so using America as a reference here isnt a good idea :)

oh btw. that lady with the coffee on her lap. she got 2.9 million dollars for that......


Originally posted by _asq_shazzy
All I can say is stop moaning and whining about it. It happened, not forgetting this has happened to a lot of other people in the game. Only your character can be deleted is if something already had your username and password. The first emails sent out where those only containing the passwords, then other emails set out containing more information sub logins passwords etc etc.

Just leave the game or start again. Not harm in doing it "but I sent months even years building up characters and getting cash etc etc etc" that’s life. World of Warcraft, StarWars Galaxies (not out in Europe yet) will be here soon and other MMORPG just choose another.

You can't blame the French people because of GOA's actions. I do agree Mythic could have chosen a better company to go with, but I don't know whom though. Every company has there ups and down, sending 28 emails saying "WHERE IS MY INFORMATION AND PASSWORDS IF YOU DON'T SEND THEM I'M GOING TO SUE YOUR ASS" is not going to do you any good, all they will do is place that email in the bin along with the other 27 emails. You need to send an email containing all your information, Date, Times, Character Names, Realms, and Servers. Remember say please and thank you, manners and respect towards the customer services does help. It doesn't take much effort to say these things all you’re doing is typing out on the keyboard like I am. If you have problems with spelling using a word or something and use spell check.

Just like to stat something . i have been veru polite with these guys.
history to my accounts ..
i lost 1 account to hackers i never shared my info with anyone.
i have the best friewalls and trojan /virus protection.(im no noob with pcs).
they said there is nothing they can do i have to live with sharing a account with ahacker...(i lose money if put armour on him it goes) .. in basic i lost a lvl 50 infil so i stared again.so when i lost this account you can can see my concern.
i emaied them and they said sorry it was there mistake and i would get the account back with 30 days free play.
which i did not get .. all i got was a completey empty account .. so as far as i know it could even be a fresh acount given in mistake.
ive got no problem with waving bye bye to the game, i just hate losing money. money lost would be about 2-3 months payed account. and daoc game and shrouded isle..
so atthe end of it im not moaning or groaning im fed up with being fuked up the ass. and told its ok and to just take it...


I got 1 advice for people in this situation...

use your phone and call them... ask to speak with a manager of some kind and ask him to explain to you why this have happened... if you speak with them over the phone they can't give you answers like "working as intended" or something like that ;p

if they don't know english, speak english to them anyway... or ask them to to call a translater ;p


Originally posted by Thorgald
Yes, but in America u can sue a company coz u were a idiot and poured coffee in ur lap, heres a few other examples on what u can sue for in america :)

19 year old Carl Truman from Los Angeles got 74 000 dollars when his neighbour ran over his hand with his car, Truman accually didnt see that anyone was in the car when he was trying to steal the navcaps.........

and then we have this one...

Mister Merv Grazinski from Oklahoma city bought a brand ner Winnebago housevan, he was on his way home on the freeway doing about 80 Mph, turned on the cruise control and went in the back to make some coffee, now the car obviously cant turn for itself and he crashed in the first turn. Mister Grazinski sued the manufactor and got 1 750 000 dollars AND a new housevan.

PS, Winnebago have now issued a warning about this in their instruction books...

so using America as a reference here isnt a good idea :)

oh btw. that lady with the coffee on her lap. she got 2.9 million dollars for that......

lol i was being sarcastic. Sheesh!


hehe, yea i kinda figured that out fater i posted Nichneven, but its still some funny things u can sue for over there :)


Still not a reply of ant sort here despite wanting to cancel subs and sending many mails.

Fukkin tossers.


but not replying to any of 28 emails is still very poor


Sue'd for

Cant remember the exact details but a lady in the USA was in the habit of washing her pet poodle in the bath then putting it in the oven (with the door open and set on lowest heat) in order to dry her precious pup.
Anyway ..... she gets a new microwave and thinks drying time can be cut to a fraction of the lenth currenty endured.
So she put her dog in the microwave and Nuked the poor sod.
She succesfully sued the manufactures of the microwave because.... no-where in the instruction book did it say "DO NOT PUT ANY FORM OF LIVE ANIMAL IN THIS APPLIANCE".
In the near future deliveries of stuff like microwaves will take 3 days... 1 day for the microwave and 2 days to transport the 7659 volumes of the "Instruction Booklet"
Its utter madness.

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