21st Feb



Shrouded Isles release :clap:

Well thats what GOA are saying at the moment ;)


Woot woot. Not too long to wait really. Just enough time to pwn some punks on pvp & get back to the exp-grind @ 44 .
I just saw the 'intro' on camelot-europe. am at work, so I have no sound.... but that intro was the pretty much the worst flash I've seen on a professional site in quite some time. I really hope that was some french kids homework assigment... fade,fade, scroll, scroll, scroll, fade.... oh what effect haven't I used in the past 2 secs..I know - a fade would be perfect!!!

On a bright note, once past the intro I did get to see some screenshot I've not seen anywhere else.


If GOA pulls this off and sticks to the date:

and All Hail GOA! greater demon of deadlines!

old.Trine Aquavit

Hehe, they're going to have to get in gear with the patches to hit Feb 23rd. I reckon SI will need to run against 1.55 (possibly 1.56), so there's a lot to get done.

Hope they manage it, though :)


I think they will. there's loads of cash to be made if they deliver.


so your happy that we will wont get 1.56 till after feb 21st and most probably wont get 1.55 until 1-2weeks before.

1-2weeks patching after USA..........

proved harder to implement



I think they can run SI on 1.52 ... the TL and beta testers have been using it for a while. It is possible that there would be a few bugs in it though until we catch up with the americans.


1.56 will be in before SI in the US - and contains a lot of SI class balance so I imagine we'll have it before then too...

Oh and I just found the screenshot section...


want SI! :)


wonder how long it will be before we pre-order it.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

If GOA pulls this off and sticks to the date:

BWWWAHHAHAHAAAA!! Hee hee...oh, good one. :D ~wipes tear from eye~

Wait, you were being serious? :-/

Uncle Sick(tm)

If GOA merges the SI release with a nice marketing campaign... who knows, we might even get some new players.

SI is pure eye candy... *sighs*


Remind me when we were initially getting 1.52 and when PvP was originally supposed to come out?
I seem to recall both being late.

Yippee, woohoo, w00t, we ONLY have to wait TWO AND A HALF MONTHS after the Americans to get SI. Brilliant job GOA, way to go. Im bursting with joy honestly. (If its actually not delayed I will go to a hat warehouse and eat the entire contents).

Closing the gap on patches, new 'international' client to make translations quicker. These things ring any bells over there in France? We're 3.5 patches and an Expansion pack behind atm.


WOOHOO!! but I'm gonna have to start saving now for new dog-bollox system, I will not stand for lag!!


One thing you forget, amidst all this bitching, is that GOA are totally dependant on Mythic making files available. If you actually bothered to read the last news section on the GOA website, they say that they have not started work on 1.54 as Mythic haven't sent them any of the patch files yet, even though they are on 1.55. Mythic run the US franchise and only get revenue from the US franchise, doing work for other people becomes very low on their list of priorities, especially with the work they are doing to get SI ready for next Tuesday.


Is it a stand alone or an expansion? This may sound a stupid question and has probably been answered elsewhere - but have not been in DAOC for six months and am restarting. So will characters be transferred or is it all new?



Originally posted by Mousey
Is it a stand alone or an expansion? This may sound a stupid question and has probably been answered elsewhere - but have not been in DAOC for six months and am restarting. So will characters be transferred or is it all new?

It is an expansion to the original DAoC and will run on the same servers alongside the normal version of the game. If you dont get the expansion, you will still interact and fight alongside the people playing SI, but you will not be able to play the new races or classes and will be unable to enter the new zones. Also you will not get the upgraded graphics engine, which should, so they claim, really cut down the lag with large battles.


GOA service still stinks

Sorry, but noplace have I ever seen such poor service and marketing in a company that still runs.

GOA continually has to beg Mythic to do coding for them, debug, help with configuration of servers, etc, etc.

And there is NO excuse for taking weeks and weeks AFTER GETTING the files to do the patching.

And they dont seem to give a rat's ass about promoting the game in the UK whatever....maybe because they dont know how to speak english well enough to negotiate an advert campaign =(.


Arf Glend the sad thing is your right :rolleyes:

I still blame Mythic for giving the contract for THREE countries to a FRENCH company that has a really TERRIBLE track record.


Check out and note the release date (not spotted by me, but interesting none the less :) ) Im sure there are logistical reasons behind it and Goa were face with 2 options :

a)Release all on 21st
b)Release some on 19th and some on 21st

Option b is still better probably (why make others wait so that we can all get it together)... hope this means 2 days more promotion in English speaking countries. I wonder if you can get the French version and still get all the english content by changing the update.dat


I just saw the post on http://forums.prydwen.net and checked it for myself as I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I assume this means that now goa has reneged on there statement of all server release that we will be getting patches before French and German in future as no translation is needed and they have clearly shown they have no concern with the fact this leaves the English servers out .................................


<Repeated from another thread>

The date of Feb 21 2003 has more than likely been set by Wanadoo, the publisher, and not by GOA.

Anyone remember Wanadoo's release of DAoC? French servers open on 2x Jan, German a week later and then a two week delay on the English-language version, missing CDs, messed up CD-keys, messed up case colouring (that ugly all-over yellow colour was an error - it's what happens when the colour separations aren't done properly and checked) - what a farce.

Sadly, these are the same people who are probably responsible for promoting and advertising DAoC in Europe. (GOA probably have nothing to do with it.)

It's interesting to see that the website says you can soon pre-order SI so that you can have the box the day of release. Just maybe Wanadoo learned something from the complaints about internet retailers not being allowed to start sending DAoC out until the day the servers went live.

From what I have seen GOA have improved a lot over this year and with hindsight they probably regret saying that they would be 1-2 weeks behind US on patching. It is obvious now it is totally unrealistic, but I wonder how many people would have gone to the US servers if they had know that. Whether Wanadoo has improved we'll have to see.

On a happier note, I see that the Hibbies are living up to the name - check out the flares on that Treant thingy doing the groovy weird hippy dance!


Originally posted by the_smurflord
One thing you forget, amidst all this bitching, is that GOA are totally dependant on Mythic making files available. If you actually bothered to read the last news section on the GOA website, they say that they have not started work on 1.54 as Mythic haven't sent them any of the patch files yet, even though they are on 1.55.

Then why the -Heck- are they not giving us 1.53 THEN 1.54.. but nooooo we have to wait til they are done with the translation with 1.54 before we get 1.53

(this was in no way a bitch at you smurflord.. just quoted you :))

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