20 days of real play and I got really bored...



I'm so bored from Daoc and Goa (because it's not patching so the game is always the same old song) that I stopped to play for a while.
I'm not playing at Daoc since one week and I do not miss it (I obviously returned to Ultima).
The thing that made me vomit is that I've spent a lot of time (about 20 real days) to reach lvl 45.5 and I think I have to spent at least another 10 day to reach lvl 50.
And the worst thing is that in daoc you can only do 2 things, exping or Rvring but:
1) Exping: it is boring to death.... really last time I've played I killed purple trees with a nice group for about 8 hours... for getting 5 bulbs...
2) RvRring: I think I've chosen the wrong char, I made a paladin because I always wanted to be one but it is really crap in RvR (like any other tank class of Albion) but if I think to change char and to begin exping since the beginnng again I would vomit.

Ah ... do not tell me that there is a third thing to do in daoc that is crafting because I tell you to go to play a bit Ultima where you see what does it means REAL crafting!
Crafting in daoc sucks.

The only thing I like in Daoc are friends I have met but other than that I feel really bored.

Anyone share my opinion?

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Ayeye
...like any other tank class of Albion...

Well, I'll agree that pure melee does indeed suck at SOLOING in RvR. A paladin is very much a team player. You're a platemail wearing rezzer than can fight well.

All classes can get boring. Even being able to solo in RvR will get boring after a while. It all comes down to variation. Yes, I also agree that the prospect of XP'ing from L1 is daunting. But, you can play a different class, and use your previous knowledge to level fast.

In the end, even if we had Darkness Falls, etc. you have to keep yourself entertained a lot of the time. Keep playing with friends and explore new areas/classes.



just think tho' you'll level one character up with the way the world is now, then the patch will come and you'll be able to do it again but everything will be completely different (or so thinks think with this magic patch ???) then Shrouded Isles will come out and you'll be able to do it different again.

How can you ever get bored? :)

As for your comment on crafting how was it any better in UO, "real crafting" are YOU real? tell me why crafting in UO is any more entertaining? apart from the fact that u reach GM in a ridiculasly short time!

All I can say is try another character, try something different, you have got your chr so far in just 20days, you obviously haven't done all the quests available at each level, I could be wrong but can you honestly say you've not powerlevelled your chr up thinking that Rvr is your only goal, got there then realised that there was much more to see as a growing chr but found it was too late as your chr is now so high that no zone is a challenge to venture thru.

I imagine it's like putting on an invincibilty shield and just going sight seeing around albion this just doesn't appeal to me, create a new chr and venture the world with him/her give yourself a challenge!

Why not create a community, a web site, organise events that could get everyone involved, the game has only been out six months it seems many are expecting so much from a game that is at such an early stage - EQ & UO have been out years and still in the back of our mind we are comparing with the present version of these.

Wow what a boring post this was ^^^^

- Pathfinder -

OSI UO was broken due to the ease with which you could amcro yourself to GM.

As for levelling, it's not all that bad for the final levels; most people probably want to hit 50. 45 to 50 shouldn't take 10 days; then again it would depend alot on your dedication; my cleric hit 50 after somewhat over 16 days, and the last 10 were basically spent doing 40 to 50, RvR and misc. activities.


A few key things here that I might suggest.

1) Is fun: (a) For me fun is chatting within a roleplay and highly populated guild where you can make alot of friends. (b) Doing as many quests that are relevant to you and putting a team together to hunt for monster drops. (c) Within roleplay telling stories in the tavern.

2) What you can do in this game is quite varied its up to the individual. If you want to concentrate on getting to 50 thats fine but remember it will be dull and so it should be because you are missing out entire elements of what you can do within your guild and within the game as an individual or group of people.

I do agree on the patching tho, for a successful MMORPG the content needs to be continually updated and changed to add an edge to the game you play every month otherwise it can become a little dull (agreed).

I get the feeling that GOA are trying but only time will tell? If the cookie crumbles badly then everyone will drop the game, if it crumbles well then it we will have a Mithral of a game on our hands.


Well spoken Wicoa.

Whu the hell would you want to rush to 50 so damn quickly. You prob haven't seen half the realm or the fun I'm afraid.

I have seen people going from grey con to me, to orange ... red ... purp (even laughing at me because they passed me so quickly) and next ... they ' re gone. Bored to death because of xp racing. We have a fun group now, most of us 40 to 44 and we stopped caring bout xp. Still do it but we are now playing for pure fun and laughs, doing silly stuff, chatting, ... and DAoC has gotten even better then before.

The way I play it ... yes, I love this game. Don't look at the US servers and all the goodies they got, don't read too much about patch, ... just play as it is right here, right now together with my many new friends.

Someday, even I will reach 50 ;) but I have a 15 infi parked for the BG, and am messing about with some others (create / try out / delete / ...). How much u enjoy the game depends a lot on yourself imo.


When I say 20 real life days I mean the playing time (/play), not the time since I began to play and yes I've done every quest my pally could do.

As for your comment on crafting how was it any better in UO, "real crafting" are YOU real?
.. .. . . . . . are you playing with words mate?

tell me why crafting in UO is any more entertaining? apart from the fact that u reach GM in a ridiculasly short time!
If I put here the things I can craft in UO I will flood the entire board.
In Uo you can craft nearly every item in game (items= armour, weapons, furniture, alchemy things, dresses, tinker things and so on) and you can set up vendors etc etc...
In Daoc? Stupid armour and weapons that nobody wants because the one dropped bt mobs are better.

However I was not saying UO crafting is better than Daoc but I was saying that crafting in Daoc sucks.

... dunno...
... for me Daoc seems to be only a lost of time!
Maybe it would be better when they will improve the solo play.
Until now it is really craps. I hate the game where I MUST play ALWAYS in group like I hate games where I cannot play in group at all.

The only reason because I have kept my account is the friends I met in game, in fact I agree with point 1 of Wicoa.


Jeez, I keep reading about all these people who lvl their characters in 20 days-25 days. I've been playing for 2 and a half months now and my bard is only lvl 25, do you people mean 25 straight days ,like 10 hrs a day or summit? Ok I do a lot of messin about and sometimes wandering for no particular reason, sometimes helpin (and not helpin) guild buds to lvl. I 've probably spent a week just wanderin around and getting whacked in all the frontier zones ( I have noticed a high level of chivallry towards us lowbies and have several times been killed while xping but been allowed to finish so no xp loss) what exactly is the script with that? I seem to get no xp loss as long as the mob is dead, even though I've taken a hit. What I'm saying is the game is still fun for me cos there's loads of places I still can't go, spraggon den is still dodgy for me (Hib) Kaolinth and the corruscating, out of reach alone. I went back to the tomb last week and was dissapointed , all grey now, like losing an old friend.


Until now it is really craps. I hate the game where I MUST play ALWAYS in group like I hate games where I cannot play in group at all.

Seem like you are difficult to please.
But then, gaming is a lot about personal preferences and no one is forcing u to play DAoC. And to quote a wise and fun player :


- Pathfinder -

When people talk about how many days they used to level their char, it's normally the number taken off /play (or /played) which will tell you how old your character is (ie how long you've been playing with it).


Originally posted by job
Jeez, I keep reading about all these people who lvl their characters in 20 days-25 days. I've been playing for 2 and a half months now and my bard is only lvl 25, do you people mean 25 straight days ,like 10 hrs a day or summit?

They most propably mean the time it shows ingame when you type /played. Which is the total time you have been ingame.

Edit: /slaps the gimp, beat me to it :s

- Pathfinder -

Waat, gimp, me? I'm uber ffs, try to remember :(


Originally posted by Ayeye
When I say 20 real life days I mean the playing time (/play), not the time since I began to play and yes I've done every quest my pally could do.
I know, thats still quite a short time to get to 45 - and u suprise me about the quests

.. .. . . . . . are you playing with words mate?
yes I was, glad you noticed :)
If I put here the things I can craft in UO I will flood the entire board.
Yes you're probably right, but half these items you'll mention are for housing of which is not yet developed in DAOC
In Daoc? Stupid armour and weapons that nobody wants because the one dropped bt mobs are better.
Stupid? I'm actually quite proud of the armour I have made not everyone is able to gain all the drops they need, and if you look to the comments made on the enchanted items yet to come you'll find folk are using them in favour of the dropped items due to there bonus's
However I was not saying UO crafting is better than Daoc but I was saying that crafting in Daoc sucks.
At such an early stage I believe it has a good base and love the way the world is no longer flooded with x6 GM tradesmen, almost makes the green bar of death worth it :)

Maybe it would be better when they will improve the solo play.
Unfortuantly I don't think any of the future games are going to be based around solo play but you might want to try a theurgist he's quite fun as a hermit.

hope you find what you're looking for :)


I know exactly what you mean, it was the same with me in EQ. I was bored with leveling and there was nothing to look foward too. I made a post like this on the EQ boards and got 2 pages worth of flames :rolleyes: My advice to you is if your really bored just quit, if your not enjoying yourself don't play. Simple as that.


Got registered at last! 20 Days /play

Finally registered for forum, and didnt know of /play command till i saw some threads on here. 20 Days for my bard to 40.2 (dont know if thats good or bad)

Hello all btw :)

Still enjoying the game but play mentalist now :)


things to do when you're bored :

-play a gimped class alt and spam the vnboards on how bad your class is

-play an uberclass alt and help the gimp classes level

- make stories on how hard you're life in daoc is using only smileys

-install cs + aimbot , macro pwned , i r00l , 1 15 31337 and other random crap , dont forget to macro "AIMBOOOOT , l0s3r !" when so you can press it 10 times when you get shot

- play planetarion *g*


Originally posted by klavrynd
things to do when you're bored :

- make stories on how hard you're life in daoc is using only smileys

1st day : :D

2nd Day : :)

3rd day : :rolleyes:

4th day : :mad:

5th day : :(

6th day : :eek:

7th day : :sleeping:

27th Day : :puke:


i was walking around emain to exp


when all of a sudden a cleric showed up and smited me to death


MAAAN i was pissed


so i spammed the vnboards full of NERF smite articles




I would also like to add in rvr it is best to go in a team unless you are a stealther, even then you will be probably in some sort of group. But what the hell am I saying, I shall repeat what I tried to say earlier, if there is something that you want to do GO DO IT.

If you're a tank and you want to wander round emain or other hotspots, do it, its not as if your going to loose your precious experience or be robbed at knife point by a stealthy kobold.

I have started a tank and I am loving it and cannot wait to beat down some keep doors, however if I feel like taking a potter I would.

The best advice for anyone that I have ever been given is play the character you most want to play, as long as you watch how you spend your spec points then you will have alot of fun.

Recently I have become quite mellow whats wrong with me has someone put something in my ale??????


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