2 whines about Healers :x



Right, im a 50 healer, some of you may know me, most not, as im pretty new to the game and only hit 50 a few days ago. My spec is:

31 Mend: for spread heal + very decent standard heals and instants
25 Aug: For 3rd speed (faster than speed of realm) and celerity and a decent poa.
36 Pac: For 4th pox, ae mezz (52 sec), instant ae mezz (26 sec)


First Whine:

Im often told im a gimp for not going full pac, but why ? The only reason i could see going for full pac is the last pox, but it dont make much of a difirence really all i would have extra is...

+2 seconds to my ae stun
+9% to my haste decrease debuff
+22 seconds to my root
Pox 5
+13 seconds to ae mezz
+5 seconds to instant ae mezz (wow :p)
and a 10 second instant ae stun

Just that to sacrifice

No / very low speed chant
No Group instant heal
No Spread heal
Very low group heal

Is it worth it ? Not really, unless you have 2 Healers in your group, both specs complementing each other.

People say shammys cant heal, unless they spec Mend, which alot dont, Healers and shammys have the same Base line mend!
So Pac/Aug healer heals as good as a Aug/Cave Shammy! :p


Second Whine:

RvR. I must admit I had serious doubts as to how fun RvR would be as a healer, but i was glad to find out its great. However! :p, actually before i go on, let me just make a comparison

The Hib fg's i come across in RvR usually have a bard and a Druid, why? Bard for speed and CC, and druid for heals. Why the bard? Cause bard has speed, ae mezz, and ae amensia (lol :/). Why the Druid? Cause he has an amazing Healing spec line, and whats this? its Identical to healers !

The alb fg's i come across in RvR usualy have a some sort of CC (mincer, sorc, whatever) and a Cleric or Friar for heals.

The mid fg's im in. Healer for both CC and Heals. It doesnt allways work guys. Most of the time when im the only healer in a group it works out ok, i try to CC and Heal and avoid whatever pet is trying to kill me, but its damn hard. Sometimes it all goes wrong and people start moaning. '/g HEAL !' i really hate that one :p, or '/g nice CC....' your job is easy casters/tanks, its just pick a target and kill it. If im not healing/cc its cause i cant. People expect that because we are the only mid class with a good CC spec line and a good heal spec line, that we should do both. Wrong! its bloody hard. If i have to CC i have to run to the front, usualy meaning ill get some sort of aggro off pets/people, which then makes it hard to heal, and vice versa.

My advice is, get 2 healers in the group, 1 for CC and 1 for Mend.
If your in the situation where youve got only 1 healer in the group, dont expect plenty of heals and CC, and for gods sake when you are dead dont give out to the healer :(

Ohhhhh i almost forgot lol..


yeah Cleanse Mind (spell to remove mezz) dont forget that i maybe be casting AE Mezz on the fg of enemys, and have a spread heal in the Spell Que, for the love of god, dont get pissed off when your mezzed and the healer doesnt CM you, use Purge noobeh!


/end whine :p

Right i wrote this as i was about to go to bed, so ive prolly repeated myself a few times in some cases, and for those who love to pick out bad spelling in peoples posts, I dont care :p


no your not a gimp, iv been in a group with you a few times in emain and you do your job good afaik, you mezz+stun+heal which is quite good for some of the healers i have been grouped with in the past :D so thats all that matters


Well if u wanted 2 healers in a group then maybe u spec should be 38 pac 35 mend or even more pac and rest mend.
I think if u spec aug then get it to where u get some resist buffs if not leave the line, since the attack speed is very low to use so many points in.

But very hard to be solo healer in a group special if no aug/mend shammy there to help.

Go out have fun with u spec and play it the best u can. Nobody can expect more from you.

Have fun if not being healer is a nightmare with peole whining all day.

Zapsi the healer with 1 eye


with the risk of getting a "if you're so damn smart why don't you roll a healer yourself" answer

You're not a gimp for not going all the way pac, but i do think you spent some points in the aug line which are rather wasted.

Qte Eth

i see bad words.. "spell queue"..

Blue Ix

Ah, right - I'm not an expert on healers or anything but..

From 20 -> 25 aug you get at slvl 22 aug a self dmg add and at slvl 25 aug a new group speed buff (138% of normal rather than the previous 131% one at 15 aug) - only good for when you're out running around solo. Right.

Imho you're close to a good spec, you just missed out on the insta ae stun which is very very good against most randoms (insta ae stun then castable mez and pick them off one by one with tanks assisting).
32 mending, 20 augmentation, 38 pacification would have been the way to go for you. If you really want the self dmg add at 22, 31 mend and 22 aug would have been the way to go but for gods sake - 7% faster run buff over an insta ae stun is not an option.

My healers are 36/12/38 and 24/6/48 - the first template was for back when spread heals weren't in the game yet, the second one is the very classic pac one. I would have to say, even when teamed up with Zapsi who is aug/mend I like the mend/pac spec better than the heavy pac, with cc beeing nerfed in RvR nowadays anyway. Spread heal for the win!

So, my friend, do whatever it takes to lay your hands on a skill respec stone and get that ae stun. ;f~


Depends if you want to be a good balanced healer for PvE as well as having some half decent RvR abilities. I specced 30 mend 26 aug 36 pac and its fine for both, get 2nd celerity and decent self buffs, spread heals and limited insta CC for the times I'm forced to go into RvR, which brings me onto my next point...

I HATE RVR WITH MY HEALER :D I don't know how anyone can enjoy it, it's the most unrewarding, unsatisfying, boring load of crap :( I guess you'll say 'blah blah you've obviously never been in a good group' but to be honest I have, it's not my effectiveness I am worried about, just what healers in general stand for. All my abilities are geared towards helping other people get rp and improve their own abilities, whilst the rewards I can get for rp also grant abilities that again just help other people (PR for example). Healing people just isn't fun for me...guess others may find it so but that's them *ahemweirdos* and I respect them for it ;) but at least a druid can send a crappy pet to take a caster out of commission temporarily, or a cleric can zap some people a bit, it just adds some variety.

In my opinion, and this is based on the fact that midgard has the least characters as well as some other stuff :), the healer should have been 2 separate classes; 1 with the aug spec line, ok mend (shaman style maybe) and weapon spec (similar to warden) and 1 proper healer with the mend, pac and maybe some sort of pet line (to satisfy the less aggressive player). This way you would get from having these 2 classes in a group; best resist buffs (like alb/hib attain more easily than mid), celerity on a class that may have time to cast it, higher level heals and cc as there would be no pressure to spec aug for the healers, and better power regens (mids ONLY form of power regen). Granted this doesn't get over the fact that healers still have to heal and CC, but it takes some of the pressure off.


Healer is the hardest class to play in this game, but then again you have the chance to show some skill, try playing a zerker insted.. not much skill to show here.

The healer is a class with many many many jobs, having main CC and main heal on the same class and only 1x spec points to do it with, having our secondary healer (the shaman) allso only with 1x time spec points makes that hard aswell, down to the point that 2 healers are needed for a group.

but when you have done well in a good fight you know that you where the one that made it possible not the silly tanks or casters :p


Like someone else said..not worth going 20-25 aug when you could've gone to 38 pac for ae stun insta

I'm pac 38 mend 32 aug 20 and i never had complaints about my 'spec' other than I can't give best pox but if i could ppl would die more often due to no spread heal so :p


Originally posted by Melachi[Mid]
and a 10 second instant ae stun

Well the most important thing about that instant ae stun is that it gives you one extra instant. Instant are worth lots and lots!

Originally posted by old.Elrond
In my opinion, and this is based on the fact that midgard has the least characters as well as some other stuff :), the healer should have been 2 separate classes; 1 with the aug spec line, ok mend (shaman style maybe) and weapon spec (similar to warden) and 1 proper healer with the mend, pac and maybe some sort of pet line (to satisfy the less aggressive player).

Wow, now that was a great idea! Really. Would have made mid tons more balanced and stuff.

But otoh. It would have taken away all the challenge. I enjoy playing the hardest class in the game tbh, so i'd say 'nah' :clap:

old.Trine Aquavit

On the 'going full pac' front, it's not about the power regen at 45, it's all about the CC.

What you get from 48 Pac:

1) The best castable AE Mez - this will hit more (5% more than the 34 mez) and last for a longer duration, which is an issue with higher levels of determination, etc.

2) The second best AE stun - same as the mez, although this is mainly used in PBAE groups. The 42 AE stun is effectively the best AE stun because the level 50 version just isn't worth the points.

3) This is the big one. The radius on the AE instas is vastly improved. Duration and resists are also improved, but the big factor is that the radius is increased. If you do your maths (area = pi*r^2) you'll find that the 46 AE insta mez covers an area 4 times the size of the 36 AE insta mez, and the 48 AE insta stun covers an area 5.6 times the size of the 38 AE insta.

5.6 times! The 38 AE insta will hit the target and, if you're lucky, a couple of his mates. The 48 AE insta will hit the entire group and give you a significant advantage in RvR combat.

This is why people say 'go full pac'. It's not about the resists, the durations, or the power regen. It's all about the radius. It's also what the albs/hibs complain about when they say 'nerf AE stun!'.

So, is the 24/6/48 MAP spec the 'best' spec for Healers?

No. It's the best spec for experienced, specialist Pac Healers running in tight-knit, experienced gank squads, ideally with a Mend specced healer tagging along. In such cases, this Pac Healer can arguably improve the success of the group by more than any other class or spec in the game.

However, not everyone is in this position. It's a bit of a one trick pony. I would advise any new Healer to avoid this spec until (1) they have gained a lot of RvR experience, and (2) until they are sure they want to be a 'Pac Healer', rather than a Healer - they are virtually completely different classes.

Most healers should spec balanced, imo. I reckon the best balanced specs are: 35/15/38 and 33/19/38. The latter trades the better group insta heal for celerity. You can't go wrong with one of these specs and if you really decide you want to be a 'pure' Pac or Mend healer, look for a respec.

But, at the end of the day, it's very hard to gimp a Healer. I have what some people would consider a gimped spec: 40/35/8 MAP*, but they all like my big heals and rezzes, and I can offer up some pretty good secondary CC. The most important thing is that you're happy with your spec and you enjoy playing the way you want to play.

*This is an absolutely uber spec for keep-takes and defense, btw. The 39 Spread and 40 rez come into their own here, and the 35 Pac gives you decent regen. I do as much keep-based RvR as gank group RvR, so it works for me.

Blue Ix

The tricky part would be most albs and hibs having very high resists or beeing immune to the cc through sos/baod. Agreed, against randoms it is very good but against the better groups, with a couple of quick clicks and an active skald - the lower radius will be enough and a second spread healer in the team will help more. Basically, there's no use counting on CC for more than 5-10 seconds anymore - about enough to get one enemy down, hopefully their main crowd controller.

Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
/.../ So, is the 24/6/48 MAP spec the 'best' spec for Healers?

No. It's the best spec for experienced, specialist Pac Healers running in tight-knit, experienced gank squads, ideally with a Mend specced healer tagging along. In such cases, this Pac Healer can arguably improve the success of the group by more than any other class or spec in the game. /.../

old.Trine Aquavit

You're probably right, Blue. I know that at least one of the RR9 Healers in the US has respecced to 44 Pac and is very happy with the change. I still think there's a role for 48 Pac, but spread heal is a very uber spell.

It's ironic that there are still calls to nerf Healer CC, when it's already been hit so many times.


My healer is currently 48 pac 24 mend and i love it, specialy when i have a mend healer in group so i can just concentrate on mezzing, stunning, rooting. With 24 mend i can still do some decent healing and have been able to keep groups alive with just that. Have to rely on my insta heals a lot though.


uber respect for healers...its hard work and no one ever says thanks.

However you dont have to be jack of all trades healer
Im not sure why mid sees healers as having to do both jobs at the same time be a pac healer or be a mend healer, doing both just makes it hard work and makes people whine, all realms have 1 mezzer 1 mender -all we have to do to acheive this is spec PAC to be the mezzer MEnd to be the ...healer?! :p In alb u dont roll a sorc for any other reason than being able to mezz, liek you wouldnt roll a cleric for any other reason to heal (smite/buff yeah yeah i know)

this draws the old im "a gimp to level argument" but with 40 respecs availible ??? this aint an issue. 40+xp is 75% malmo or if your in an organised XP grp your spec is preset anyway usually.

people should start playing CC Healer or Mend Healer. (boring maybe??)


Im 40 mend, 36 pac and 4 aug. I did used to have a pritty even spec and i wouldnt change from my current spec even if you paid me ;)


im gonna start me a mend healer... ;) gonna go 50 mend with him... :D i just LOVE to see someones HP bar go from 0 to full in 1 cast... :D

/edit: oh and if/when i get my hands on a respec stone my shammy will drop all his pts in cave and go 46 mending for best grp frigg.. ;)


Originally posted by old.Elrond
I HATE RVR WITH MY HEALER :D I don't know how anyone can enjoy it, it's the most unrewarding, unsatisfying, boring load of crap :(

I guess you never feelt the satisfaction of being the one that decides the outcome of the battle. Since a bad or good healer can make the diffrence between death and victory. Damage dealers like sms and zerks can make dm spams all the wont, but they wouldn´t be able to unless they had a skilled healer or two to back em up.


My healer is : 47 Aug 21 Mend 16 Pac

I enjoy playing her immensely, be it PvE or RvR, have spent a little time RvRing with her and once I have explained to people she is an Aug Healer (But still a healer all the same :) With heals and rezz), people are fine about it, and if we get close enough for the Red Celerity to take effect it's damned good.

Other than that, I use me Single Target Mezz and me Green AE Stun as much as I can. Spam those buttons !

Each to their own tho, I am very happy with this spec and no plans to change it.




Originally posted by mid_Efour
uber respect for healers...its hard work and no one ever says thanks.

However you dont have to be jack of all trades healer
Im not sure why mid sees healers as having to do both jobs at the same time be a pac healer or be a mend healer, doing both just makes it hard work and makes people whine, all realms have 1 mezzer 1 mender -all we have to do to acheive this is spec PAC to be the mezzer MEnd to be the ...healer?! :p In alb u dont roll a sorc for any other reason than being able to mezz, liek you wouldnt roll a cleric for any other reason to heal (smite/buff yeah yeah i know)

this draws the old im "a gimp to level argument" but with 40 respecs availible ??? this aint an issue. 40+xp is 75% malmo or if your in an organised XP grp your spec is preset anyway usually.

people should start playing CC Healer or Mend Healer. (boring maybe??)

That's all very well in alb where if you roll a sorc you don't have to heal (as you can't!) and if you roll a cleric you don't have to CC.
If you only have the one healer in your grp then they pretty much have to do both. Whether they like it or not, so I'm not sure exactly what your trying to say ? :p as it's kinda irrelevant.


Originally posted by Thorgald
im gonna start me a mend healer... ;) gonna go 50 mend with him... :D i just LOVE to see someones HP bar go from 0 to full in 1 cast... :D

/edit: oh and if/when i get my hands on a respec stone my shammy will drop all his pts in cave and go 46 mending for best grp frigg.. ;)

39 mend wildhealing 2 and u can do that also, just that PvE very hard not to get agro then.

Zapsi the healer with 1 eye


run into hibs....

Insta stun > gets Group purged... Insta mez > oops no grp purge left :)

Blue Ix

Originally posted by speshneeds
run into hibs....

Insta stun > gets Group purged... Insta mez > oops no grp purge left :)

That's right, then they just have personal purges left and BAoD granting them up to 100% resistances, that and cure mez. ~~


Originally posted by speshneeds
run into hibs....

Insta stun > gets Group purged... Insta mez > oops no grp purge left :)

Who'd group purge a stun that lasts less that it takes to hit the gp button? :rolleyes:



Originally posted by speshneeds
run into hibs....

Insta stun > gets Group purged... Insta mez > oops no grp purge left :)


Think some one hasnt played healer long time. Was that 1.48 that worked.


it is more like ichor > insta stun > Ae mezz > amnesia and hope the dmg dealers do theyr things fast enough


Some people only see healers and rezz bots, and power regen bots. I closed my healers account due to the fact after spending 2 days in spindel, lvl 32, sitting on the rock in the 2nd room, not getting a single group invite just rezz calls and people wondering what pox you got.


Blain is now Level 44.6, he is 2L6 and has a played time of over 19 days.
The spec I am working towards is 31/22/38 as this fits my needs.
31 mend gives me a good heal, base spreadheal and the 2nd highest rez.
Aug 22 gives me Celerity 1 and a self damage add (whoop for me :))
Pac 38 gives me the first AE insta mez/stun

So as a player im happy, I can successfully RvR & PvE, I can heal a tank from low hits to full in 2 or 3 heals, I can mezz most things, the celerity really helps in PvE (although making it an instant would really benefit in RvR.)

At the end of the day you are playing this game for your enjoyment not that of other people, you are only gimped if you don't enjoy playing your character.

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