2 hands, the truth?



This question is basically about sepcialising in damage type. Do you have to do it? Is it different for the different types of 2 handed weapons and duel wields. This is what I've been told so far, is it right?

Hibernian large weapons: no need to spec. in damage type. Just sepc. in large weapons and you can use them all well.

Hibernian celtic spear: no need to spec. in piercing

Hibernian celtic duel (I'm sure of this one :)) : Spec. in celtic duel gives styles and determines how offten you hit with your LHand weapon, weapon type determines damage.

Albion polearms: Spec. in polearms determins max damage, must spec in damage type to increase mininmum, but cannot use damage type styles with polearms.

Albion 2 handed: This is apparently the same as Hib. Large weapons, but I've seen a lot of paladin templates with slash and crush spec. quite high as well as near maxxed 2 handed.

Albion duel wield: is this the same as Celtic duel.

Midguard....... Never been there but information on them would be interesting

I can't seem to find any definate statement on the 2 handed weapons anywhere.


midgard ppl just spec in weapon, then they can use 2h or 1h type of the weapon they specced in


According to a few paladins I have asked about the same thing (for some strange reason) have said it is the same as in the case of polearms.... max form 2h and min from dmg type.


thats make heros a hundred times better than armsman, if it is true, that there is no need for a base skill in celetic spears.

polearm/2h in albion requires slash/thrust/crush for min damage.

i cant confirm that u dont need the base skill pierce for celtic spear.

if it is true then why do heros get 2x spec points, when the only thing albions get over heros is that plate armour is better that what they can wear.


Hmm yes.... if some hib/mid get same spec amount but less to be forced to spec in, hmm....


Yes both 2 handed and polearms require spec in the underlying type. On the other hand the max cap is 150% for hib large/spears and 200% for albion polearms and 2 handed. Hence the need for more spec points. So I wouldn't say heros are vastly superior to armsmen, just differently specced.


so techinally a hero could be 50 celtic spear and 50 parry.

plus 28 extra. armsman needs to train most the points in his base skill.


Most go for 50 pole/2h and maybe 35 in the base skill, using items to boost it up higher (as you don't need styles speccing all the way to 50 is a waste). Then they have a good chunk of parry and shield.

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