2 assassins owned in 45 sec



TS rox.
Dont remember names, but u got your overpowered, spoiled-by-mythic, overconfident arses OWNED!

Payback is sweet.


Think ill post the whole story of this memorable event:

[Alliance] 3 Stealthers camping apk in emain
[Psyche] I need to relog, brb
Your will quit in 5 seconds
Odysseus appears in emain apk.
Runs downhill 100m
Presses shift-2 and 7
You activate your True Sight ability

You Examine <random mid assassin>
He is a member of an enemy realm!

You prepare to fire your bow (4s)
You fire your bow
You own <random mid assassin>

...turns 45 degrees...

You Examine <random mid assassin>
He is a member of an enemy realm!

You prepare to fire your bow (4s)
You fire your bow
You own <random mid assassin>

Odysseus runs back to apk
You will quit in 5 secs

[Psyche] Im back
[Alliance] Odysseus: Mid stealthers at apk emain owned

(Psyche is my 42 theurg alt).


And you said you were worried about the timer :p


Think about it from there point of view....

That RA just kills any form of gameplay they have....


Originally posted by censi
Think about it from there point of view....

That RA just kills any form of gameplay they have....

I'm not saying see hidden is wrong.
Doesn't See Hidden kill any form of gameplay archers had? It doesn't hurt if assassins have to think about terrain and hiding aswell. It surely justifies the camping of a TK :)


TS is nothing ive had it used on me about 5 times max and 3 out of those 5 times ive got away simply becuase i saw them 1st and saw them aiming bow at me i then destealth run and get out of there range simple.

2. i hide behind trees when i see scouts/hunters then go attack em when they not looking seems to work.

TS is nothing see hidden is everything :)


See Hidden is for the unskilled player. Its a cheat and all that use it should be banned.
Now let me rejoice, cuz i got some payback!


no see hidden is for the real assassins that kill close at close range not ppl with bows that kill from long distance


i mean assassins=ninja basicly they should have the ability to see the lower stealther classes and they now do.


Uh, yep, and? They do, what's the problem, I don't think Odysseus was dead serious when he wrote that everyone who use it should be banned? :p Maybe he was, on the"see hidden is for the unskilled player". Cause it's not like see hidden is skill :) Anyhow it's in the game and aslong as scouts get ts I'm of no objection to have see hidden in game.
I'm looking forward to camo <grin>


Originally posted by Envenom2
i mean assassins=ninja basicly they should have the ability to see the lower stealther classes and they now do.




<tries not to collapse laughing>

Envenom, how old are you?


yes me 2 maybe it will even things out a little

well something like that i dunno ninja what ever its all the same im 28 years old btw probley older then you :)


You sure don't act like 28 a lot of the time ;)

What's ninja like about being a 4 foot tall muppet stabbing people in the back? Or being a deranged pot smoking / beardy muppet?

<said in badly dubbed chinese accent>

You have lot to learn, grasshopper.


lol odys dont get too cocky ur mins m8 was about to leave and brode and some other norse guy were stealthed about 1 metre away from u waiting to screw u up :p


Originally posted by censi
Think about it from there point of view....

That RA just kills any form of gameplay they have....

Shut up you muppet.
Assassins have See Hidden realm ability, if they do not then they are stupid.


i still dont know whats wrong with spamming everyone does it lol novamir got spammed countless times last night when our group got ganked i almost felt sorry for the guy.


Mythic decided see hidden was fair, but looking at the amount of archers who has quitted or retired i think the game lost something. Before see hidden a good assasin could allways find a archer, since he knew where to look. Im also sure when he found one and killed him he enjoyed the game.

Also take into account that archers dont offer that much to a group. Yes you can join a group and shoot some rp in a keepdefense or a wallfight. But for random RvR your selvdom
invited unless the party is guild or grey.

Finally take into account the number of assasins played by lamers. I made a little study of some of Mid's shadowblades.

Korv = Buffed lamer.
Creep = Fair player, not encuntered him buffed yet :)
Oxota = Buffed lamer.
Thorey = Buffed lamer.
Agaton = Buffed lamer.
Lopez = Not sure.
Tiki = Dont seen him play alone.

Buffed lamer = one you crit and shoot multipel times for 1400+ after using TS, but still he dont die. When he catch you he will kill
you 100% of the times becuase of buffs.

Now you know why archers are leaving, and those leaving
are not comming back to the game. Not to mention that everyone leaving makes the game less fun for the enemies. How fun will it be when you cant attack me on a keepdefense envenom ?


Originally posted by kinadold

Thorey = Buffed lamer.

mmm I am not buffed half the time... so :p, the other half I have some buffs yeah...so I guess in your eyes im a lamer:p


i agree mate how ever we did have a lovley fight today kinad shame them damn mids ruined it :)

but on the keep defence new ppl are coming to the game everyday there will always be someone to kill


Thorey i have shoot you 1 time for 400 using TS, 1200 to go.
Thorey some days ago you did beckon me for a duel, when i agreed you had a second shadowblade friend attacking me.
What do you want me too think about your moral ?

Today at amg 6 shadowblades were camping and killed many. Me and a minstrel friend tryied to take some out, but most of the times we were killed. Fair enough you had the advantage, but good fights newertheless. Shows good RvR can be done with
a little wisdom. I do respect when you took keeps with shadowblade only. Well fought.

But hard to respect a uberbuffed shadowblade who ganks archers all day, without any risk of losing. Without the buffs it would be a good fight, but with, its just lame.

I kill as much as before or even more, but now i just have to run unstealthed around with the alb zerg shooting. The same alb zerg which you mids and hibs hate, just got one more member.

Before i would often chat with a scout friend named Legenz. His one of those who have left. Bet some of you have had friends leaving the game too.

Envenom i knew we both were gonna die, so i was just draggin the fight out. Lucky me mids killed you first, so i atleast got a few RP out of this suicide :)


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
<snip>Odysseus runs back to apk
You will quit in 5 secs<snip>

5. Five seconds to log?! CHEATAR!


Originally posted by kinadold
Oxota = Buffed lamer.

U haven`t kill me for ages. So how can u know i`m always buffed? Those who kill me often must know i`m rarely buffed. So, stfu, lamer. No, i dont have second comp, or second acc with high lvl buffer, but sometimes buffed with 9lvl shamy (of guildmate).

About SH. Its too overpowered :)


Think i shot Varg for 1650 once and he didnt die..


Originally posted by Olgark

Shut up you muppet.
Assassins have See Hidden realm ability, if they do not then they are stupid.

I do not have see hidden, why should that make me stupid?

The only assasins who are truely UBER buffed are agaton, varg, eeny, envenom and anyone who groups with envenom although envenom's buffs are from a lvl 50 bard. Most of the other SBs just get a health and a strength buff from the hidious amounts of buffbots parked at the MPK.

I've fought agaton loads over the weekend and if I don't have IP up I have no chance in hell. One fight I got the jump and perfed him for about 300 odd, his health bar hardly dropped, then had to use IP as he was whacking me for 350 on his mainhand at an incredible speed. After IP I got a dragonfang in, this is 9 seconds worth of juicy stun, with me hitting him with leaper (my most damaging reactionary style) for 95 - usually I hit anyone else for atleast 150. So to cut a long story short he beat me even with me using IP and getting the Perf, I think this happened twice this weekend :)


heheheh Xarr

And Bishi: Yeah, thx for covering my arse, I was to busy gloating on /as to kill that 3. cheat0r. (Beyond that, im not really afraid of a lone assassin, worst case I slam and run and with Hotrasts aka Raistlin besides me .... heheheheh poor assassin if he should try)

See Hidden has absolutely nothing to do with skill, neither did it take much skill for me to kill those 2 assassins.

Took my 42 theurg into emain last night.... was a pleasant experience and way more fun than Odysseus.
Then Edea hit me for 963, but was fun 10 minutes.


i would have killed u kinad you had like 2% hp left :) i had full health and u used Ip

i have killed Oxota a few times last week at apk and she wasnt buffed......


This is my thread.
Dont hijack it with other gloats than mine!

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