2 accounts



I see a lot of really low level characters with a high level character sticked to them lately.

any opinions on the buffbot hype?


Dunno about buffbots...I've been PLing my friar with my sorcerer for a while for BGs and he buffs the telamon...I must be the only lvl 48 with a lvl 22 buffbot. :p

I HATE grouping with people who want their buffbots in the group, though. That sucks. How many other Albs here have been at trees/tanglers and realised they were grouped with...Ttsbuffer and Sst? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Lame.

Generally, buffbots are fine with me. I mean, in RvR it's not like I could kill much anyway. And having something around to rez you is good. No more relying on that gimpy smite cleric for his lvl 10 rez. Mwahaha.

Sometimes, buffbots in RvR who aren't buffing me kinda annoy me. :p

If you can afford it, do it. Easy peasy.



I personally don't see the big deal with ppl who have 2 accounts.

I wouldn't do it even if I had the money, seems like a waste to me, but whatever.

Brannor McThife

Buffbots are nice because they provide some awesome buffs. However, if you're going to make a buffbot, take the time to level it yourself, and don't go having it take a spot in a group that another player could put to better use.



I would say that dependent on how bad the nerf to smite in 1.51/2 affects me I'm seriously considering abandoning Vae to the life of a buffbot which will be sad but might have to happen :(

Well if I do I'm sure I will be just one of many.


Well my buffbots are my mains hehe lvl 41 healer and lvl 45 shaman, thou im currently making a new full aug shaman.. and yes im silly and I have 3 accounts , all mid/pryd based , this way ill have a seer on all accounts :) And to those who hate buffbot's..well tough luck on you.. and plz tell me ya name and I'll be sure not to bugger you with a rezz from one of my bot's :p


I have 2 accounts - had a buffbot for a while and now coz im bored with Tripitaka (lvl 41 druid).

I tend to use him to buff my other account chars and ppl im grouped with at teh time OR pull mobs at parth or drakes nr caille or the like.

Easy picking when u can't pull due to baf or something like that.


Wanna be "uber" ? Get your buffbot today



Why having a problem with buffbots ?

It's just a second account and if people want the get one and have the time to play it .... why not. I know many players who get one just to play 3 realms in English and if they can level a buffbot on their main realm, good for them.

Myself, I would like to play the 3 realms too but I hardly have the time to play my pally, let alone play 3 realms :p


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Well my buffbots are my mains

Hehe, me too. Mines my lvl 50 healer for my lvl 26 RM.

I dont/wont do it in RvR, just to help lvl my RM when soloing.

I've done the lvl 50 thing once. My RM wont get to lvl 50, cant be arsed with all that Lair thing again. But using my healer will help me get him to the low 40s easier, so I can try him out in proper RvR.

Mythic may or may not approve of buff bots, I don't know. But they have said that they will allow people with lvl 50 chars, to create new chars at around lvl 20.


Hmm you'd think starting a cleric on a second account I'd go full enhance ;)

that'd be sensible... I'm going smite/rejuv! I wanna feel the nerf! :)


you think that a full enhance cleric with spare points in rejuv, doesn't add anything to a group?
Might be true at lvl20.... mostly isn't by late 30's.... absolutely is not at lvl50...

The 'big deal' with buffsbots, be they a following earthbuff/haste/skin-of-earth monkey theurgist, or enhance clerics, is that they make soloing a breeze. My merc solos multiple oranges with my friend's l50 cleric buffing. (note: cleric's enhance is 27; hardly a buffbot)
Also a cleric or bladeturn-spamming theurg can hugely reduce the downtime of a soloing char, regardless of class.
About the only thing it doesn't work for is casters, where you really do need a full enhance 40+ cleric for uber acuity buffs, to make a useful difference. RAs have done more for caster levelling than a buffbot ever could.


Aye same here , my healer has like not much aug..why should he ??? And my main Shaman is cave specc'd with not much in aug.. so its not like my chars are total uber with the buff's , just makes life a lil easier , and zero downtime due to after battle healing , well allmost no downtime until we get endbuff :clap:


If I had the money for the game right now I would go to the store when it opens in 1 hour and 9 minutes, because I do want a second albion acccount. I would probably use my friar as a buff-bot for any character I make on the second one... too lazy to make an enhance cleric from scratch :(
BUT since I don't have the cash right now with other money sinks coming up I can't :(


People who're against buffbots are most likely jealous of those who can afford 2 machines, 2 accounts and have the playtiem to add a buffbot.

I don't have a problem with buffbots, hell I love to be buffed and if I had 2 PCs I would most certainly have 2 accounts, one with a buffbot on it.

Never grouped with anyone demanding their buffbot along, and if they ever did demand it they could count me out. I have been in group with a guy playing both a tank and a healer, but he did it quite well, so that was fine with me.

Generally tho, it is really a shame that DAoC has degenerated to a state where buffbots are becomming the standard.


you guys convinced me :p
second account comming up, matter specced cabby it wil be


having a second account does not automatically grant buffbot

I wish :D I have two comps, two accounts and occasionally get a buff if the wife is feeling generous and happens to be passing where I am xp'ing :p
Except of course when she is at work when I abuse her Bard no end :clap: Lvl 46 to my lvl 32 champ gives nice buffs and is handy when I die :)




I find it awesome when someone and their wife both play a game :D
Knew loads in UO, that could be due to the fact that females enjoy UO with its houses etc... much more of an RP game with more unique aspects and personal stuff.
One day in my group was a sister and brother, cool.


If some of you are interested in my old Euro account for usage as a buffbot let me know.


Buffbots are not as easy to play as people think.

Sure they help a lot when it comes to solo but in RvR they can be more of a hinderance than a help.

I play a level 50 champ and have a level 34 Bard buffbot that I use mainly for taxi out to Emain and for running round doing stuff.

For running around Hib as a tank class buffbot's speed is awesome. It is also great for farming items off stuff that woould normally give me big downtime waiting for heals - getting the slash resist belt for my main off Black Wraiths (level 51-53) comes to mind.

When you get taken by suprise in E-main tho panic can easily set in and both chars get ganked easily by indecision on my part.

Also the buffs from a buffobot are only as good as those in a good group anyway so it is not like you have an enormous advantage over everyone else.

I have taken out Alpha just me and buffbot when Alphas opening shot was to mezz the buffbot. I enjoyed this enormously but Alpha would've easily had me if I did not have the bard heals when that mezz wore off so I cannot pretend that in some situations the buffbot does not give you an edge.

HOWEVER, try playing with a buffbot stuck to your Main - is great until somebody jumps you then, if there is more than one of em you are most likely gonna die.

I play odd times and like to be able to get arouind and do stuff when there is nobody else online so for me the buffbot works real well. BUT I would much rather be in a group of friends having a laugh than as a buffbot tag team.

Also my 6 year old son loves to play the bard as do friends that come round and this too is fun cos I dont care if the buffbot dies or not.

For me it works but do not overestimate the advantage that it could give you in RvR which is only really there is if you get into 1 vs 1 combat (and how often does that happen for a non-stealth class).


Ooh Breydel still prowls these boards. Windered if ur still playing US brey, seems u are, 2 level 50's and lots of more alts, very nice.

Buffbots are nice, anyone who disagrees is probably in the opposing realm :D

My Shaman has never taken a slot as a bot in a group, I played him in groups as main char and only char never as the bot sitting unattended leeching xp.

My bot has more mend than most regular shamans and so is infact a bloody good healer. He has amazing buffs for his level (70 double stat and 50 single stat off the 2nd best buffs atm).

Most groups, esp lair where shamans are not the primary cc class will really appreciate a high aug, medium mend spec shaman in group.


Heya Solid. :)

Haven't read these boards in a loooong time, just visited them yesterday night.

I'm still active yes, I updated my siggy here so all chars are accurate. I also took over an account from a friend of me on the US servers. She doesn't play on Hib MLF anymore and gave me the account. Her chars are a 50 PBAE elf enchanter, a celt 41 shield/blunt celt heroine and a 28 celt bard. Haven't added those to the siggy as I thought the list would be a bit too long. :)

Currently I'm using the chanter/bard combination to PL my new nightshade.

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