1st with 2x50s in Albs?



well done to Tts for reaching the lvl 50 holy ground. and i beleive that Stt is on the same account, am i correct or misinformed?
if this is true then you really deserve a big pat on your head beacuse i ll have no idea how you can manage it since i party with you when you are lvl 33 in lyon........that BEING like a week ago.
omfg thats insane leveling, just wanted to know how long did it actually took Tts to get the scout to 50.......


Nah, Finster had 2x50... And I think a few others do too (not sure on that one)...

But if he just Dinged 50, gratz ;)


Scout ain't that hard when all the equipment is ready for you and the best arrows available. I've heared they can solo yellows easy with all good stuff. (Maybe even orange with some tactics). But still grats to the 50 again Stt :)


Think Jazhara had two aswell, or was that cleric 48/49?

Madonion Slicer

As for the ease of lvling Scout, i have mine at 15 at them moment but he is kitted out with some of the best gear going, and solo yellows is a doddle, kill them before they reach me, doing kill task which is normally a blue kill and that is 2 arrows.

Got to get him to 24 asap they own in the battke grounds.


I used to play with Stt in another MMORPG and it's a leveling beast.

The last time I spoke to her she told me that she prefers the PvE part of DAoC and isn't really a 100% RvR player. In that other MMORPG she was one of the first to reach lvl35 in a very short amount of time which at that time was also quitte an achivement.

Don't think she ever visits these forums btw, if someone speaks to her please say Tricky says Hi for me please.

And tell her to get her ass into this forum.


lvl 50 sorc and scout and not an RvR player? Is this person mad? :)

FYI Jazhara's slave cleric was 48 i think.


Finster didn't have 2 lvl50's Wedge.

U can't have a slave on the same account cause it won't let u log into an account twice I think so slaves have to be on another one so whether Jaz's Cleric was 50 it wasn't on one acct.

Nice one Stt even if u won't read this :)


Originally posted by Khalen
Scout ain't that hard when all the equipment is ready for you and the best arrows available. I've heared they can solo yellows easy with all good stuff. (Maybe even orange with some tactics). But still grats to the 50 again Stt :)

Kiting lets scouts kill oranges and it's even more worthwhile now that the exp-cap has been risen... Just critshot the mob and sprint for 20 secs, rinse & repeat. Can do that with tanglers too, but kinda risky ;)


Well, I've seen someone with two level 50's b4 ;)

As for how to 'help' a scout, simply have a wizzie root the incomming enemy... Doesnt work so good with the latest patch though...

(damnit, root timer doesnt get reset, so even if you break your root with an attack, the next root on that enemy will have 50% duration :( )

Most oranges/yellows will be dead on arrival...


Levelling a scout as an alt is real easy to 39 I found (11days played and 3 of them are RvR). As a first char it would be slow as hell due to the cost of arrows etc.


most of you guys are saying its easy to level scout. Now let me count how many level 50 scouts are in Albs....let see 4...5? For all i know we have quite a few 40+ but reaching 50 is quite an achivement and we should give credits where its due not to knock him/her down.
And i would like to know who else have made 2x level 50s, i would personally give him/her a big Grats in game :>)


I remember Tts wasn't she the first to get a shinsu ;)


Will people who have never played a scout past lvl 20 please shut the fuck up about how easy it is to lvl a scout.

- Odies

Madonion Slicer

Nice intelligent reply there oldies thanks for the contribution


its v true what odies says tho at lvl 10 yeah the 76s arrows own all after lvl 20 they start getting like basic arrows so owning isnt gunna happens so much :p and ne way soloing yellows aint a fast way to xp lvl 40+ you can solo yellows all day and gee youll get 3 bubs :) nice days work thats if ya dont die. so imo ppl who ay scouts easy to lvl take a look at it yes maybe first lvls they are epecially with a wiz eb and expensive arrows but isnt any char easy to lvl low lvls i mean you can get lvl 20 in 1 day plytime killtasking with any char less if your minstrel/sorc/theurg. so imo do /who 50 youll see 70% are tanks :) sooo now say scouts are easiest to lvl

and imo anyone who gets a scout or infil to lvl 50 deserves recognition as either are not really grp friendly chars so id like to say well done :)


lol no way you can use the best arrows at 20 without getting funding from somewhere else, even when i was soloing my ranger at 45+ i was running short on money :/


Hi Eleasias

Just wondered how a ranger at 45+ runs out of money :p , iI have a lvl 40 ranger who has mainly solo'd to get there and has over a platinum piece . It's boring but I was doing Irewoods and could make up too 100g in one day . Once I hit lvl 30 money was'nt a problem but certainly very hard up to that point . Of course guilds can take money for upkeep of doors and such and Tradecrafting can be a money pit too :( , but overall it has'nt been so bad.


Originally posted by caelithar
Hi Eleasias

Just wondered how a ranger at 45+ runs out of money :p , iI have a lvl 40 ranger who has mainly solo'd to get there and has over a platinum piece . It's boring but I was doing Irewoods and could make up too 100g in one day . Once I hit lvl 30 money was'nt a problem but certainly very hard up to that point . Of course guilds can take money for upkeep of doors and such and Tradecrafting can be a money pit too :( , but overall it has'nt been so bad.

Well look at his sig. Rank 6, you got any idea how many arrows he shot to reach that? Players don't drop cash when you kill them and since he's out RvRing everyday the arrows are probably a very big money drain.


Scout is the most twink-friendly class because of the extremely difference in damage output from 85 to 99% quality.

A twinked scout can solo oranges with little or no trouble by finding the right mobs - until around level 40 where the twinkability wears out (gimme patch now!).

After level 40 a scout can solo yellows like most other classes, some oranges - mostly by kiting though.

Below level 40, kiting rarely pays off in xp over time.


Yup, easy solod to 38, 39 was a bitch and I expect every lvl from now on to be a bitch also :rolleyes: unless I find the "perfect" mobs soloing is a dull grind and Mythic just aint populated the game heavily enuf with a variety hi lvl mobs. And I aint dissing Stt/Tts by saying scouts r easy to lvl - I'm saying "I found soling a scout to _38_ to be easy". If u know the realm, think about what mobs u hunt, how u hunt them and have the cash/some items from main char it IS easy. Getting 50 on any char is an accomplishment, usually achieved thru gritted teeth at some point.


39 is about a hundred times faster than any level over 40 :/, even in groups.


If you find soloing funny then lvling scout is no problem.. but if you want to group etc.. you got some problems comming if you roll one.. i soloed mine from 1-25 (grouped 25 - 34) 34 - 43 on dunters 44 - 46 (soloing and some rare group occations)..

I had hell lvling this since im not the solo-guy :)

Btw: Sorcs are nice to lvl :)

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