1p for best SC template.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Haven't time for make it, and it is really head's ill for me.
Who can make good SC for my scald and I will use it, this persone will get reward 1plat :)

Sc template must have:
Spear of Kings (2 hended).
I like see in SC template also Zahur Crown and Ceremonial brecer (but is not so important).

U can use any items from SI (but try avoid very rare tg drops etc) , ToA arts/quests items (plz don't include Zahur ring, I have killed him about 50+ times but I haven't ring).

I like see in template caped Str, Con, Cha, Hp+, Sword skill.
U can forget about dex.
Qui - 40+ as min (better if more)
Parry - 6+

Every should be caped (or close to it) instead mater and spirit (matter should be higer then spirit)

I hope u can help me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
You dont have time to spend an hour making a SC temp but you have time to farm everything needed for those artifacts?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Brunore said:
You dont have time to spend an hour making a SC temp but you have time to farm everything needed for those artifacts?

I got all this arts about month ago, when I got loads time, now it's probl for me.
Btw I got one SC template already it's not bad but wanna wait for more offer :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Config Report


Str: 101 Int: 0 Hits: 312
Con: 80 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 38 Cha: 41
Qui: 45 Emp: 0


Body: 26 Energy: 25 Crush: 25
Cold: 22 Matter: 23 Thrust: 26
Heat: 22 Spirit: 20 Slash: 25


10 Sword

7 Parry


Cap Increases

5 Dex

5 Qui

120 Hits

10 Str

10 Con

Other Bonuses

4 Style Damage Bonus

4 Spell Range Bonus

4 Spell Damage Bonus

7 Melee Damage Bonus

13 Melee Speed Bonus

10 Fatigue

10 AF Bonus

Piece Listing

Name: Guard of valor
Level: 51 Quality: 99
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 18 Strength
Effect 3: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5: 4 Spell Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 4 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 7: 15 Dexterity
Effect 8: 4 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 9: 4 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 32.0

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 7 Energy Resist - 99 imperfect Light Shielding
Gem 2: 9 Slash Resist - 99 polished Watery Shielding
Gem 3: 52 Hits - 99 faceted Blood Essence
Gem 4: 25 Strength - 99 flawless Fiery Essence
Utility: 61.6666666667

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 9 Heat Resist - 99 polished Heated Shielding
Gem 2: 19 Constitution - 99 faceted Earthen Essence
Gem 3: 25 Charisma - 99 flawless Icy Essence
Gem 4: 7 Matter Resist - 99 imperfect Earthen Shielding
Utility: 61.3333333333

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 16 Charisma - 99 polished Icy Essence
Gem 2: 16 Constitution - 99 polished Earthen Essence
Gem 3: 5 Sword - 99 imperfect Watery War Rune
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99 imperfect Airy Shielding
Utility: 60.3333333333

Name: Maddening Scalars tank
Level: 51 Quality: 99
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 3 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 3 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.0

Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 5 Sword - 99 imperfect Watery War Rune
Gem 2: 7 Heat Resist - 99 imperfect Heated Shielding
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99 imperfect Light Shielding
Gem 4: 5 Thrust Resist - 99 flawed Airy Shielding
Utility: 63

Right Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Two Handed
Name: Spear of king
Level: 51 Quality: 99
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Thrust Resist
Effect 4: 4 Matter Resist
Effect 5: 4 Body Resist
Effect 6: 4 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: 5 Fatigue
Effect 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 9: 5 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 48

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Name: Beaded Resisting Necklace
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 10 Thrust Resist
Effect 2: 10 Body Resist
Effect 3: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 4: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 80

Name: Shade of mist tank
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 3 Parry
Effect 2: 15 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 10 AF Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 35.0

Name: A flask
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Constitution
Effect 4: 15 Quickness
Effect 5: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.0

Name: Belt of Sun
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 5 Fatigue
Effect 2: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 3: 10 Strength
Effect 4: 10 Dexterity
Effect 5: 5 Energy Resist
Effect 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: 5 Crush Resist
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 43.3333333333

Right Ring
Name: Ring of Seven Storms
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 4 Parry
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 6 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 15 Constitution
Effect 5: 13 Dexterity
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60.6666666667

Left Ring
Name: Zahur's Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 60 Hits
Effect 2: 6 Matter Resist
Effect 3: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 5: 6 Body Resist
Effect 6: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 75.0

Right Wrist
Name: ceremonial bracer - str version
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 18 Strength
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.0

Left Wrist
Name: Ebon Hide Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Body Resist
Effect 3: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60

the best i could make.

if any got a better belt the belt of sun it maybe would be better to make.
still need alot of qui and cha and some very few resist.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Brunore, ever considered some people priotice their computer time to be spent ingame, rather than on tormenting themself with making templates?

Lejemorder, he said without Zahur's.

Battat, charisma affects dd damage as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Shrye said:
Brunore, ever considered some people priotice their computer time to be spent ingame, rather than on tormenting themself with making templates?

Lejemorder, he said without Zahur's.

Battat, charisma affects dd damage as well.

tell me a good ring to replace Zahur's :) not many rings got 75 utility :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Lejemorder said:
tell me a good ring to replace Zahur's :) not many rings got 75 utility :)

Ring of silent oblivion 70 ut


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Tnx mate.
But I said a few words about Zahur ring at start this thread :)
May be try to do it with Band of Shadow ring .
And I get rog belt with follow stats:
Slash 10%
All melee skill 3pts
Heat 8%
Const 28 pts
May be it help make better sc :)
Also u can use Crocodailes Tear Rng, I think.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Config Report


Str: 85 Int: 0 Hits: 268
Con: 86 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 28 Cha: 43
Qui: 64 Emp: 0


Body: 24 Energy: 25 Crush: 27
Cold: 27 Matter: 21 Thrust: 25
Heat: 27 Spirit: 16 Slash: 26


3 Axe

3 Hammer

11 Sword

7 Parry


Cap Increases

5 Dex

5 Qui

80 Hits

10 Str

10 Con

Other Bonuses

4 Style Damage Bonus

4 Spell Range Bonus

4 Spell Damage Bonus

7 Melee Damage Bonus

13 Melee Speed Bonus

5 Fatigue

10 AF Bonus

Piece Listing

Name: Guard of valor
Level: 51 Quality: 99
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 18 Strength
Effect 3: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5: 4 Spell Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 4 Spell Range Bonus
Effect 7: 15 Dexterity
Effect 8: 4 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 9: 4 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 32.0

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 7 Crush Resist - 99 imperfect Fiery Shielding
Gem 2: 7 Spirit Resist - 99 imperfect Vapor Shielding
Gem 3: 28 Charisma - 99 perfect Icy Essence
Gem 4: 7 Matter Resist - 99 imperfect Earthen Shielding
Utility: 60.6666666667

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 11 Thrust Resist - 99 faceted Airy Shielding
Gem 2: 7 Energy Resist - 99 imperfect Light Shielding
Gem 3: 19 Quickness - 99 faceted Airy Essence
Gem 4: 13 Constitution - 99 imperfect Earthen Essence
Utility: 57.3333333333

Imbue Points: 36.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 7 Energy Resist - 99 imperfect Light Shielding
Gem 2: 7 Cold Resist - 99 imperfect Icy Shielding
Gem 3: 4 Sword - 99 flawed Watery War Rune
Gem 4: 68 Hits - 99 flawless Blood Essence
Utility: 65.0

Name: Maddening Scalars tank
Level: 51 Quality: 99
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 3 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 3 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.0

Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 4 Sword - 99 flawed Watery War Rune
Gem 2: 19 Strength - 99 faceted Fiery Essence
Gem 3: 9 Heat Resist - 99 polished Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 7 Energy Resist - 99 imperfect Light Shielding
Utility: 64.6666666667

Right Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Two Handed
Name: Spear of king
Level: 51 Quality: 99
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Thrust Resist
Effect 4: 4 Matter Resist
Effect 5: 4 Body Resist
Effect 6: 4 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: 5 Fatigue
Effect 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 9: 5 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 48

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0

Name: Beaded Resisting Necklace
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 10 Thrust Resist
Effect 2: 10 Body Resist
Effect 3: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 4: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 80

Name: Shade of mist tank
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 3 Parry
Effect 2: 15 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 10 AF Bonus
Effect 5: 5 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 35.0

Name: A flask
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Constitution
Effect 4: 15 Quickness
Effect 5: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.0

Name: rog belt
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 2: 3 All Melee Skill Bonus
Effect 3: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 28 Constitution
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 99.6666666667

Right Ring
Name: Ring of Seven Storms
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 4 Parry
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 6 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 15 Constitution
Effect 5: 13 Dexterity
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60.6666666667

Left Ring
Name: Crocodile's Tears Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 4 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 4 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 4 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 4 Matter Resist
Effect 5: 4 Body Resist
Effect 6: 15 Acuity
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.0

Right Wrist
Name: ceremonial bracer - str version
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 18 Strength
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.0

Left Wrist
Name: Ebon Hide Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Body Resist
Effect 3: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60

all resist close to capped except matter and spirit.
hp, con, str and sword capped.
over +40 qui and cha (not capped as wanted :()
and +7 parry (u said min +6 :))
and not overcapping str as b4.

hope u like it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
GJ Leje :)
I think charisma is more important for me - then for helm replace quick for charisma.

I will show u final stas with use Crown of Zahur in SC template:

Str: 80 Int: 0 Hits: 248
Con: 83 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 15 Cha: 79
Qui: 52 Emp: 0

Body: 31 Energy: 26 Crush: 25
Cold: 27 Matter: 14 Thrust: 25
Heat: 25 Spirit: 11 Slash: 31

11 Sword
7 Parry

Cap Increases
5 Dex
5 Cha
80 Hits
5 Str
5 Qui
10 Con

Other Bonuses
10 AF Bonus
7 Melee Damage Bonus
13 Fatigue
13 Melee Speed Bonus
4 Style Damage Bonus

Think this one a bit better then urs, coz + cap charisma and used one more art in template, but tnx anyway mate reallly goof job.

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