


<->Patch Notes: Version 1.64<->


Dark Age of Camelot now has a new player market system, where player crafters can choose to publish all the wares being displayed on their consignment merchants to a database than can be searched by other players. Please note that this system will only be available in housing zones.

If you are a merchant, to publish the contents of the consignment merchant that you own to the search engine database, type "/listmerchant". Typing /listmerchant again removes your merchant from the database. Once a merchant is in the database, all changes to that merchant will be updated on the fly (price changes, adding items to merchant, items being sold from merchant, etc) with no further intervention from the user. Note that /listmerchant will only work when you are near a house you own.

To search the consignment merchant database, you will right click on the Market Explorers that are placed at the entrance to each area, as well as in the central market of each zone. Use the window to enter information about the item you are searching for, and click "search". A list of all items matching your search criteria will be returned to you in pages of 20 items at a time. You can page through the items using the Previous and Next buttons."

Please note that when you get a list of items back from your search, you will be given a lot number where the consignment merchant selling the item can be found - you must then go to that merchant to purchase the item.

Skill lists on the Player Market Query window will only show those skills available to your realm (except on Gaheris, Mordred, and Andred where it will show skills from all three realms).

Searching for items between the consignment npc's with 1.63 will be annoyingly hard until we get 1.64 :(


Dont worry mate, we'll have it in about 4 months

/sarcasm off



Not bad imo

Can be other items then crafted ones be sold to ? :)


anything, from lvl 4 medals with +1con/str on it to Galla drops and respec stones


I've been to a merchant in the housing zone and the names of some of the items are so long that you can't see the prices sometimes. This will just lead to some people ripping off other people cause the people can't see the price :(


Originally posted by acei
I've been to a merchant in the housing zone and the names of some of the items are so long that you can't see the prices sometimes. This will just lead to some people ripping off other people cause the people can't see the price :(

im more concerned about the people who sell power pots in 1g,1g,1g,1g,1g,1p,1g ect


Originally posted by corel
im more concerned about the people who sell power pots in 1g,1g,1g,1g,1g,1p,1g ect
Why more concerned about that? If you can't see how much a item costs then how can you buy it? it makes long named items impossible to buy cause you don't know the price. the power pots selling for 1p thing is easy to see as you can easily see the prices :)


if you get the chance to setup a consignment merchant yourself then try and sell 20 items, 19 for 1g and 1 for 1p, now try and see just how easy the p and g looks like ingame with 1024 * 768 and your bying all the pots because there isnt an option to buy xx of the same items in one go


Originally posted by acei
I've been to a merchant in the housing zone and the names of some of the items are so long that you can't see the prices sometimes. This will just lead to some people ripping off other people cause the people can't see the price :(

They must have known this for a long time, it's the first thing I noticed when setting up my testhouse and merchant on Gorre. Only half the room of the window is used and I think it's a hardcap of 30 characters. Even then, what should be shown is:

Eternal Ubersword of N[350g]
Now it shows:
Eternal Ubersword of Neveren
And if they used the whole possible area:
Eternal Ubersword of Neverending Doom [350g]

Anyway, this housing thing is a scammers heaven. And I urge everyone to look out very carefully :)


pots 1gp 1gp 1gp 1gp 1pp 1gp .... u mean alch's might actually make sum money form teh 30 odd plat investment ? :)


simple, if someone does that, name and shame em and no1 will trade with them again. Problem solved


Originally posted by kirennia
simple, if someone does that, name and shame em and no1 will trade with them again. Problem solved

There are so many real scammers, false accusations, misunderstandings and personal vendettas going on, that it is hard to filter out those names who really do fuck other players.

Could we maybe found a tribunal, judge the cases, and after that put the list of names and their offense on a sticky list? :)

Or you can send em to Guantanamo Base. Years of prison without any form of trial \o


btw the view bugs of consignment merchants will be fixed in 1.64 normally.
but goa is doing the 2 patches at once again so it will take long!!!!


Originally posted by Moody
There are so many real scammers, false accusations, misunderstandings and personal vendettas going on, that it is hard to filter out those names who really do fuck other players.

Could we maybe found a tribunal, judge the cases, and after that put the list of names and their offense on a sticky list? :)

Or you can send em to Guantanamo Base. Years of prison without any form of trial \o

argh, capital punishment for em all!

(am not serious btw)


Sure, some folks are bound to try to abuse it.

But just stick with common sense - dont buy items you cant see the price of from the houses/merchants of people/guilds you cant trust.

Im sure most honest people will be happy to refund a trade made for a price you didnt consider to be acceptable.

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